The Mayan Mystery is a retro-inspired metroidvania with an emphasis on exploration. You play as Mitch, and with the help of your best friend (Otis) and mentor (Dr.A), must stop Horatio Hawk from escaping the Mayan temple with a magical artifact! This is the first in a series of games that will take the Adventures Apes from one location to the next, one era to the next, all in an effort to keep the world's most precious treasures out of Horatio's hands! The full version one the Adventure Apes Webpage has 5 bosses and more than 100 rooms plus an illustrated instruction booklet! :)

xwolfofsorrow says

6/10 - Agree Disagree

Adventure Apes and the Mayan Mystery is an alright game. My main beef with the game are as follows:

1) Some enemies are way too frustrating to kill, e.g. bats
2) I don't feel a motivation to play it.
3) No gamepad support
4) Too convoluted, many of the rooms feel the same.

I do feel that ScaryPotato does have a lot of promise as a developer, and I do look forward to more games by them.