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S.A.H.L (Forums : Writing & Stories : S.A.H.L) Locked
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Oct 1 2014 Anchor


You are an individual, on island, which belongs to a tribe -- The only people on it.

But a forbidden area exists. The people sworn not to embark.

A day venturing off of-beaten path you discover a union of monsters excavating. One on a high path where the character exists, is walking towards and the character grabs object in monsters hand pushing and throwing them down into the pit. This is an insult to 'established tradition. Now you must save the village. A monster civilization will invade. Slightly ahead of your own, with animals you have never seen before. Weapons of use our spears with balance and launch function. With turn and throw on being on second pad. Balance is up down. Or additionally left-right on the direction pad.

Also the use of and learn to use spinning shards. Or tethered knives. Monsters may be of quantity greater than one in prime intelligent entities. Then humans work along side, but differently composed. And some, will be complacent in battles discovering their own kind being warred. Acting as an ambient factor while wading through the landscape. They would say things such as 'are you like me' 'Maybe I should follow'. With a dual look. A trek to the mainland follows, and the native tribe already has the capability. Here arrows and fire will be another weapon and they will be splayed to the middle and sprung. For aesthetic. Or flame leaching properties. Arrow will whistle which will be akin to the star wars laser whistle. Applied in similiar fashion. In a town being seiged and everyone scurring friend and foe. One may extend hold for more flight, for a far enemy which does'nt rush the player anyway. Later at a flaming village against single boss types, a directional thrust may cause more arrow velocity, together with a filter motion blur, and border blur. Enemies poke their heads out wooden plank doors. With a weapon in hand. Retreating to next, a run by window shot. You can hear enemy steps clammer.

You can enter. Which causes next an enemy to run across the street, and carefully watching window. Variable enemy travel paths exists. Upon movement. Bombs can be another weapon and are spun. A slurred motion filter will accomodate a bomb dependant on velocity. A requirment is window placement. It is learned upon discovery of the foreign mainland, that the commoners are servilous to a current regime. Animals setup in invasion and dominate jungle of the main island. Sprung worms stick and unlatch from the trees, which should be cut in half. If, however, not. Then one half will live and attack. Sprung horizontally. Other bugs will be shot on ground and will continue to skitter. Later a vinous wall will attatck vine by vine and player shoots them to wall. Latches in ground are laid with an exact foliage covering sight off proximity. And player will see others as they are leaping over leading player to leap only exactly it's distance. An ambush may fufill a requirement to run. Run spaces player from the arrows. Player will see an approaching enemy and fire on them while running from other enemies. Which would be far supperior in speed. Thick shouldered like buffalo, but short if one is moving there is a chance of survival. Player has speed lag startup. Or energy. If killing this monster while complacent it's weight will crush the player. They carry in gait excess speed but only to a degree, and given a character change of direction, this becomes a negative and thus equaling a slide. But, once a slow down has occured, a normalized speed will begin, and most likley will not reach an excess speed again.For kill one shard to the head will suffice. The character will have one arm out and fixed to the avatars body turning together to alot the direction. A shoulder release may add spin. Slow more.

A trolley of troops will be escorting themselves along a mountain side and character atop the path. The goal to jump down. As the troop have a gold armoured helmet tops. A punch will be tied to the control scheme. A punch can knock a character out. Abating that character from mostly being apart of the onslaught of proceeding first serve shootout. At this point a golden arrow shooter will have been appointed to the player. A shot to the shoulder will throw stance back. (the shoulder slowly and at end a foot adjusted afterward) Eyes close and head attempts to douse, slowing momentum. Shot to heart will do more moderate damage but it will not continue through due to a chest plate. Drop a mechanic of the golden arrow shooter aswell, and is called for in the performing of sniper shots. Such as for the common following coach sparsed at a distance. Poach setups exist, of a wood plank, a branch, a tether, and a stake. The rope can be shot. It angles steeply.
The aquisition of the coach is a prerequisite to fly by of enemy posts. Cloven enemies fire flame arrows. This is a flame that will creep fast. Thusly a sequence of stopping and contact of enemy arrows followed. Ropes inhibiting travel are for shooting. Next entrance to a mainhold. A rope hangs down from a crate / coup balcony. The player hoists. The coach is met with a barage. The compound will be alerted in half. Tender will be umarmoured and a shot to the chest will render them dead. The company will be directed to an interception of a possible hostile up the road. You get a run at stationary crew. Such as those at panels, in lab uniforms, and the trainees. Trainees not armoured will be quicker on their feet. Panelists can alert armed members inside the building vocally only. The labs will be quicker of draw. Encounters will not alert attention because the normal proximity has been sparsed.

There will also be rocket launchers. And gun powder littered ground. Rockets grenades are shootable. There's a rocket room. Permanent guards are stationed there. A player will be alotted a rapid-fire arrow shooter at this point. Enemy fire will skew player's aim face subsequent shooting into the rocket will explode the room. With a free correction of arm. At end player fights panorama of enemies, in craft bay and then leaving the bay in a rocket converted airplane. The next city is Jenoa. Multiple hostiles are on a post, building, and high and distance rock faces. Dispatching is done with grenade launcher. Directional stick will add range to grenade. Enemies well inside the range. A shootdown may put a player in jungle. A discovery a village defiant to the laws of the new empire. A great number of civilians are imprisoned. A helpful citizen directs player to jail-break people. Also a requirable path to a storage of weapons. Which includes waterfall. Vehicles are included here.

Aswell sniping from rock faces. Sniper enemies weild a rapid firing bow and will not shoot directly at player but trajectory and thus a player cannot be hidden. Momentum and swing will affect the player arrows. A driving and fight will an addition.The weapon recieved here of mentioned physic will be a higher velocity arrow shooter. A shiny silver glare will grace the tail of the arrows. This weapon fires off of planal movment from fixed location below l.o.s. Which is a restarting point. For each fire concession. Aim is blind so speed which is a coordination incorporated is most logical to utilize. Bow will be a traditional horizontal style single shot. Bow will appear after the fire location is set. A subsequent trip to the rocket manuafacturer compound is suggested by a townsman, which claims built infrastructure on. In effort to send rockets to enemy fortress. Though, on entry of doorway the player is knocked down. The player is next imprisoned. The next door jailee says he has key. He's been scoping same key for weeks and has made a copy which work he's been waiting for someone like the player he's a senior which can't protect himself. So then player easily walks out, taking weapon propped against the wall. You were supposed to let me out. That's for your protection.Oh. Hey, hey get that prisoner in the grate. The jail outliness a connected training facility. Which may include the factories for making of crates. In the jail,, a zip is utilized for traversing a courtyard. Enemies constantly peer from edges on the roof. Vehicles are being worked on. Supplies are packed. And others take up restful training regime. Dirt is a main part of the prison and sheltered looks will come from others who rum about training camp. It lies near a dock. A trek is taken through the prison, through the training area and then through the outlying jail. A boat is taken to enter other areas. It is also built off a city. Next to. The battle is taken to city which display cloak and dagger type sprawling navigation which captures the test of enemy skill as they cooperatively turn corners and attempt to perform backup on frontline attacks, aswell as direction reversal. Civilians will be used as superior to armour sheilds. After all the trainees have failed on infiltration and nuetralization of the fugitive there is a trip to enlisted barracks. This is integrated along side of segregated and miscellaneous military labs. Which mostly all look identical but effictive treatments are celled, and attentively watched thus are primally located in labs.Subjects in the labs and will run fast. After labs are laid barren all holdings are go. Which means strong hoppers will be set loose. They attatch to phalic structure. And flip up in to the air by arm propellation then proceed shooting of a single small miniture arrow shooter which can move extremely fast and click firable. Enemies from preliminary jungle will be freed, particularly runners. An automatic will replace preliminary weapon. Enemies will commence from doors trekking horizontally on walkway riser. The player meets a captive scientis. Who can regulate the security controls. Shots fired down corridors interfacing the control deck, at enemies who turn into it. The sc. pilots a vertical jet down through retractable skylights. The player provides cover as it leaves base. The vehicle is brought to outer jungle. And sc instructs that player go to base which houses finished military hardware. Mainly mechs. A mech on ship is borrowed without any confrontation. Radio claims that defiance has been located at a village. Coordinates are given. Player approaches locale and is confronted via radio aswell shot down. Mech treks through city and find home people. The mech rips the roof to explore buildings. Some enemies inventory civilian hostages. Aim on mech is invisible tube of two reticles. Small rc's pan the sky. In passes, at the spotting of a hostile they reverse and enter head on to detonation. Other mechs will litter the players sights. Capable of flight. Enemy pilots in most part will be medically conditioned. Not flinching with a non critical, upper body hit. As last planes struck down, a classic air-of-silence:\victory cheer will commence. Other jungle enemies, include a swift small dinosaur which has a powerful jaw, but small head, mostly jaw. And swinging neobites. After swing from branch, they plant feet on branch leaping from. (horizontally) In unison they use vine of alternative origin and end cannon balling the player. Their attacks are rolling / air borne so their head must be picked out.
Craipids, resemble twisted ligaments of white and red. Straight edge knives are part of the integrated flesh at each end. They are curled sticking to a tree then leap off and frisbee to target. They can adjust flight aswell and for play's sake smoothly. If contact craipid sticks to player. A finger width ligament must be hit. Weapon will be spring loaded bamboo loaded with shards of metal. For effect no spread applied. Weapons auto load but display pull lines. (Shot) & (Loaded) (Loading) None of avatar loading. Only the shot spring. The name may be s.a.h.l for genres that are spanned. l unfolds at title becoming a weapon. Humans first invade the village to tailnleg player who intervenes as the people begin to be violently assaulted. A slender machete is used aswell as spears. A bangled (small circular surface blocks spears) Afterward the jungle is cleared and town will be notified to leave.

Latchers candescently hang from trees at angles as if to adorn them, or rest flat on the ground. With thorns. They are segmented stickly-bodies which spring on axises. Their sheen as if sunk in oil / wood polish. Sprung horizontally for length.

Thorn mollusk. In cavities in the ground a hard outer shell with thorns, mimicking the trumpet shape of flower calyx. Rise aiming their snouts horizontally and shooting a seed pod ready to explode. Which are bur like shapeless packets. With outer thorns. If pod misses. Player damage is not averted, however they explode expelling tiny thorned seeds a players way. So arrows will meed to be designated for each and every one. To kill thorn mollusk a shot inside the stamen is necessary.

For the spear aim is by a single button press and aim.

Recoil may effect effects hand by direction of travel. If no movement is existing no recoil will exist.

Lock on cylinders will shoot miner powered rockets. Of apollo capsule shape. Which has a negligible speed. Though megated with a curve. They're shot from roofs, g round, wall props, and then wall prop-outs. A latter may include many cylinders line hallway.

Aside from the long range version of the rocket launcher and grenade launcher there's an proximity R&G launcher. Trigger sets a timing of three and four when reached digits. And then released. The explosion is set to span only the side of capsule. R will be of shock type. And G will be of shot. The cone may spread so that a shot at bay or missed shot will draw an ammount of deterant damage. Aswell skew the enemy's line of fire. Conal, v, or line may be chosen. The capsule can include push in any L.O.S scheme. In this way an R&G will be set as primary weapons throughout a level / portion.

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