Unity is a multiplatform game development tool, designed from the start to ease creation. A fully integrated professional application, Unity just happens to contain the most powerful engine this side of a million dollars.

QuantumForge says

10/10 - Agree Disagree

Unity made our developing dreams come true. We love it, and the work people do on it to make everyone's lives easier. I remember when we started working with Unity, and I remember it took some time for me to figure out some of the limitations of it, a lot of forum hopping, posting and outreach. So if you're not willing to get in touch with the community then this engine might frustrate you.

Also on bigger projects and game environments, the editor and play feature doesn't represent how the game will play built. These are minor expected issues. Especially considering the alternative. It's helping out indie developers everywhere, and it would be a perfect learning tool for anyone. We would(and have) personally recommend Unity to any developer.