jMonkeyEngine is a game development suite made especially for game developers who want to create 3D games with modern technology standards. The software is programmed entirely in Java, intended for wide accessibility and quick deployment.

codewalker says

9/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

This engine is not perfect, but. It is ideal for many seasoned to experienced programmers that want to go into the world of videogame making.

If you use the SDK, you have a great set of tools at your disposal, a variation of Netbeans with the engine fully integrated. a small variation of Blender to make the 3D models and import them quickly into JME, and your games run on PC/Mac/Linux thanks to the power of Java.

The engine gives o standard on how you want to code your game. So you can use the method you find fits best to your game and implement it into JME using Java and it will work for you. The tutorials and JavaDocs are great with a very helpful community.

Two bad points that pits this engine at 9 and not 10:

- You nee to have some experience in object oriented programming languages, especially Java. If you don't know Java don't start using JME. you need to learn Java first, it is a must.

- the SDK has a scene composer that allows you to create scenes for you to use in your game and save you some good lines of code. However, there are many missing features like ragdoll creation. This is mostly due to the engine not having enough manpower to add more features as they have priorities in making this as stable as possible.