
Hey all, please enjoy the latest, and possibly final update of Age of Arthur. I will be getting back to work on another completely different mod for you all shortly.... Please note this version isn't save game compatible with earlier versions. ENJOY!

Age of Arthur 4.0
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zReclaimer - - 431 comments

It's sad to see that you possibly won't be working on this mod anymore but also exciting to see what you'll come out with next!

Thank you for all your work on this mod m'lady!

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Lady_Ashwood Author
Lady_Ashwood - - 383 comments

Thank you, my hope is you'll like my next mod even more

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pereriver - - 60 comments

Dude the mod need at least a patch. I find a bug when im besiegen in a scene in Caer Guendoleu check it please.

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Viking-AllFather - - 326 comments

Whats your next mod ? Im totaly amazed with Age of Arthur...i hope you add these features in your new mod aswell....

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arzee91 - - 10 comments

Is the town/village visiting still taking a few seconds to load each time? I cant see it in the logs, but the mod became unplayable for me because of that after hundreds of delays.

I mean, defaulting to "Visit the streets" when going to a town makes no sense, it would should be instantaneous to go in taverns, markets.

After about 40 days in game, I kinda gave up on the mod. You've done an amazing job with the mod's world and complexity, and it would be pretty much perfect if it wouldnt waste 5 seconds each time i visit anything. In the first 200 days, its easy 5000 seconds wasted by just waiting.

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SorXchi - - 13 comments

I agree

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Guest - - 706,995 comments

The one flaw I can see in the mod, hope it gets looked at.

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EvvI - - 47 comments

I'll find you and I'll hug you.

Thanks for the update (:

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Lady_Ashwood Author
Lady_Ashwood - - 383 comments

xxo :)

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recommendedsettings - - 39 comments

Thank you sooooo much for this awesome mod Lady_Ashwood!! I hope your next project has the same features as this especially the play as first born child feature.

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Lady_Ashwood Author
Lady_Ashwood - - 383 comments

thank you! And yes many of the features will carry over, along with much more. My next mod will have players start by leading a neolithic tribe and carry on right up to early industrial, so playing on as your child will be an instrumental feature. :)

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Jackak123 - - 8 comments

sweet can't wait thank you for the mod

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recommendedsettings - - 39 comments

What's the name of your new project? so I can follow it :)

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[Dark_Knight] - - 1,050 comments

Nvm it's fixed.

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KaptainCnucklz - - 94 comments

A shame it's not save compatible, given I've sunk a dozen or so hours easy into this mod. Honestly, with all these great new features I don't even mind. Thanks for the update, and good luck with your next project. Can't wait to see it. :)

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OlderGreyBeard - - 77 comments

Once again, thanks for this wonderful mod! One of these days I'll find you in the tavern and buy you several drinks. I'm jealous of that peasant!

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SorXchi - - 13 comments

Greetings Lady_Ashwood! will there be patches and fixes?
and what will you do with the loading of cities?

P.S: Thanks for the great modification

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revc77 - - 19 comments

The women in this mod sure do have ugly faces, any chance of changing this with one of the female face mods available on the internet?

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Slateblue - - 11 comments

Thank you very, *very* much for this! I love AoA to pieces, it's the only mod I play these days; I've even abandoned my personally tailored Floris. Whilst I'm a little sad that this might be the last AoA update (will there be patches, though? At least for big issues, should there be any?), your next mod sounds intriguing. Will absolutely keep an eye out for that one. :)

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shaol - - 120 comments

Can people with decent computer play medium to big battles without huge lag now? Anyone tried?

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gabriel000 - - 12 comments

i'm having a little problem with big battles, but it seems to be something else, cause the lag come only when the enemy is alive. If i'm in a battle like 180 x 20, causes lag, but when the 20 enemies die, the lag suddenly stops. I have no idea what can it be.

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Daswin - - 50 comments

same its disgusting lag randomly

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jesusjr - - 26 comments

I have pretty new comp for gaming and its gets very laggy with large battles. Its do able but not fun to play. Even with graphics set to minimal I can't do larger battles without lag. But on minimal of 150 I can keep graphics high and have no lag at all.

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Cheeseman1000 - - 12 comments

For some reason, after you take a boat (via the Old Sea Captain), once he lands at the town he's going to, my party gets stuck in a indefinite camping loop. Days pass and eventually my party's morale drops and my soldiers desert, it's kind of aggravating, but i'm pretty sure it's a glitch?

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Guest - - 706,995 comments

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jeremylin - - 1 comments

I've had this problem too, and I play on no quitting without saving. This was a bug apparently in VC. Luckily I was able to use the backup save file in the mount&blade; warband savegames folder, to ovverite the sg00.sav (the save slot I was playing in).

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Carniez - - 15 comments

OMG a week late seeing this. Thank you Lady_Ashwood!

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Ash0001 - - 48 comments

After loading a save file and entering a town, the game crashes and this appears: RGL Error: Invalid Opcode 1073741824.
Also I notice in towns I am unable to buy ships at port, or customise built ships, whenever I do click on it it just reopens his opening dialogue. Also is it just me or is some of the water very odd shaped in places.

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Guest - - 706,995 comments

I have the exact same problem, ive been searching for a solution for hours.

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Kansterman - - 56 comments

Were are all the new cheats located just curious to see what kind they are.

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Ash0001 - - 48 comments

Which troops are pagan? I keep having morale problems because of religion

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Coheren - - 16 comments

How do you send a spy or assassin?

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Guest - - 706,995 comments

Such a fantastic mod but I get performance issues in battles

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Guest - - 706,995 comments

Why my files is corrupted

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Guest - - 706,995 comments

i'm having a little problem with big battles.

when the enemy forces die fps drops terribly low

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jesusjr - - 26 comments

Are you going to do anymore updates/patches? Love the mod one of my favorites but still has a few bugs. Certain castles tried to invade but its on edge of cliff with my army at bottom so can't attack. Another bug is when ever make a village or town while in fraction if you leave kingdom and don't give up fief while waiting for king to assign it, it will forever belong to no one comp will completely ignore even after being taken by new kingdom. finally later stages in came I randomly can't recruit from villages. I could before and very well liked but can't anymore.

Sorry if sounds like just complaining but hoping making some patches because easily one of best mods for warband.

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Guest - - 706,995 comments

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Guest - - 706,995 comments

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pereriver - - 60 comments

Need a patch. I find a bug in a besiege scene in Caer Guendoleu check it please.

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Jkidd321 - - 2 comments

My child has reached the child stage but doesn’t tell me when it’s gonna come of age and when I can name it how long do I have 2 wait

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Guest - - 706,995 comments

My computer is really crappy so having a minimum battle size at 150 is torture. Could this get a hotpatch so I can at least have around 70 minimum battle size. Or can I easily change the code myself? Otherwise I really love the mod. :) Thanks for the help in advance!


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Guest - - 706,995 comments



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NCmannen - - 3 comments

My computer is really crappy so having a minimum battle size of 150 is torture. Could this get a hotfix/patch so I can at least have around 70 minimum battle size? Or can I easily change the code myself? Otherwise I really love the mod. :) Thanks for the help in advance!

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Guest - - 706,995 comments

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Hectrovic - - 33 comments

Does anyone know where to find Roman villages?

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JhudielTheOne55 - - 134 comments

well look at that, played the mod, full of bugs and crashes!
any fixes to this?

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odbal - - 5 comments

Great mod! Better than Brytenwalda.
Unfortuntely unplayable at 299 troops. Sieges froze, battle with large lords troops same...pity :(

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odbal - - 5 comments

But works flawless with 150 trooops :)

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