Even in its early days, Althas has been a land shaken by conflicts. In the early days, these conflicts pitted the Anointed Kingdoms of Men against the dark and demonic forces that threatened them. However, with the passage of time the world has changed. With the Anointed order eroding away and new powers rising, another war looms on the horizon, a war brought on by Man's own actions. Thenodar, a burgeoning new kingdom in the North, and Anorthile, one of the last of the three remaining Anointed Kingdoms, now prepare for a war that will shake all of Althas. Old demons and new enemies gather in the shadows of both lands as each sets their sights on the ruined wilderness known as the Feralands.

Report RSS First Look: The Temple and Academy

The Academy is the center of philosophy and practical learning as well as other forms of study of the natural world.

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First Look: The Temple and Academy

Academy Banner

With the establishment of the Anointed Kingdoms, order and law were brought to Althas. However, this did not address the deeper issues of wisdom and moral behavior and principles. For that, Driomi prepared his second Diasair, the great teacher Drioloseb.

Driven by the inspiration of Driomi, Drioloseb began going and teaching throughout all the Kingdoms. He systematized teaching and created standardized methods of teaching. He established cornerstone doctrines on morals and theology and laid the groundwork for philosophy in Althas. The culmination of this labor was the establishment of the Chemoveshi, a system of schools with a presence in every Anointed Kingdom of Althas.

Beran Guard

These schools were divided into two distinct units: one focused on theological doctrine and moral teachings, the second focused on philosophical and practical study. These branches would come to be known as the Temple and the Academy respectively. These two together would eventually form the common name for the whole of the system: The Temple and Academy.

The Temple not only deals with worship but all teaching and study of theology, spiritual matters, and morality. As such, the duties of the Temple are far reaching. At the height of the Chemoveshi, the various Temple chapters in the Anointed Kingdoms had lecture halls, gardens, or other venues established in most cities where practical moral teachings and even theological and philosophical lectures were presented. The Temple also saw to the gathering, storing, and copying of scriptures as they were written as well as aiding the Diasairos as they appeared.


The Academy is the center of philosophy and practical learning as well as other forms of study of the natural world. The essential divisions are the study of philosophy and the study of trades. For many centuries, nearly every artisan in Althas was associated with an Academy chapter and taught his trade to his apprentices with the authority of the Chemoveshi. Advisors of the King as well as Apothecaries also received schooling in the Academy chapters. While public lectures were not as common with the Academy chapters as with the Temple, they were still given in major cities, particularly the capitals.

The Temple and Academy at the Time of Sundered Order

The Chemoveshi, now commonly called the Temple and Academy, has long passed its zenith. After the War of Calamities, only three chapters remain. But of those, only the chapter in Anorthile, whose headquarters is in Thavairos, remains faithful to the old ways. In Nosmalos, the royalty and the aristocracy have corrupted the Academy chapter and abolished the Temple chapter of that Kingdom. In Vishethas, the Temple and Academy have become complacent and have lost much of their autonomy; both branches are now under near complete royal control.

But the War to come will challenge many ideals and cast many dark machinations into the light. The fires of war may serve to purify the corrupted branches and reforge the now fractured order. And so some still hold out hope for a return to glory for the once great Temple and Academy.

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Nuvendil Creator
Nuvendil - - 924 comments

This is the second-to-last of the First Look series, the purpose of which has been to give a sort of general overview of the most important lore of the setting: general history, important groups and factions, and other general information.

I hope you have been enjoying these glimpses into the world of Althas.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Zeus1257 - - 175 comments

Interesting...definitely looking forward to seeing what else you guys do!

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OwenYulefield - - 199 comments

That's an awfully nice flag...


Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Beskamir - - 7,117 comments

I agree. I don't usually use flags for my desktop background (more like never) but all of the pictures here are worthy of getting used including the flag.

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names_are_useless Creator
names_are_useless - - 311 comments

@Owen: Yeah yeah, you did a good job on the flag :P

@ElfFriend: Thanks for the compliment. A lot of thought has been put into nearly every concept we've posted here on IndieDb, including the flags (there's real-world heraldic symbolism to the shapes and colors ;)).

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Mirsh - - 1,776 comments

Lets see... green stands for health and hope, white for purity, peace and wisdom.
The feathers symbolize a calm mind and could also be seen as quills and therefor symbols for writing or written knowledge, blue stands for truth, so in this case truth in (written) knowledge.
The sun (also in white) stands for the light of wisdom and knowledge shining into the world and also for the thelogical aspect and the supernaturalness in religion.
I would also assume the Temple promotes a monotheistic religion.

Did I get it right? :D

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Nuvendil Creator
Nuvendil - - 924 comments

You definitely got the basics of it ;) . There are some in-universe specifics. The quills actually stand for Knowledge and Wisdom. The star in the center signifies Driomi, the God of the Althas universe, who is the source of all knowledge and wisdom. And yes, the Temple and Academy support monotheism. You will encounter pockets of other religions though.

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bwils362 - - 91 comments

I can't wait to see this in the game. Also the Concept Art is amazing!

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lnsanity - - 169 comments

Thanks! The artists will be glad to hear that you like their work so much :)

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