
Complete rewrite of visual_memory_manager.script so the NPC's visual awareness is improved and the gameplay is more fun. It affects how NPCs visually detect the player. With this script, stealth and tactical positioning could be considered when engaging NPCs.

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iq2luc Author
iq2luc - - 65 comments

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Last Update: 2021-07-19
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Release 1.2.1 (2021-07-19)
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
* Fix: Fix typos in comments
* Tweak: Change crouch factor from 0.5 to 0.65 (a little easier for NPC to spot the actor)
* Tweak: Change low crouch factor from 0.25 to 0.35 (a little easier for NPC to spot the actor)
* Tweak: Change animation state related coeffs (a little easier for NPC to spot the actor)
** Sleep: change from 0.1 to 0.2
** Drunk: change from 0.25 to 0.4
** Play instrument: change from 0.5 to 0.6
** Prepare food: change from 0.65 to 0.7
** Eat: from 0.75 to 0.8
** Sit: from 0.85 to 0.9

Release 1.2.0 (2021-02-11)
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
* Feature: Gameplay option to modify base quantity for the visibility increment (i.e. game difficulty option) -- see Options->Gameplay->IVA after loading/starting a game
* Feature: Gameplay option to configure script debugging (none, short text, long text) -- see Options->Gameplay->IVA after loading/starting a game
* Fix: Fix typo in debug code which made the total visibility value reset on each function call (it didn't affected gameplay)

Release 1.1.1 (2021-02-07)
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* Minor Fix: Remove unused state debug variable (and convert tab to spaces)

Release 1.1.0 (2021-02-07)
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* Feature: Consider more NPC states: sleeping, drunk, playing instruments, cooking, eating, sitting -- thanks to yayor who inspired me to implement it
* Feature: Consider body state of the NPC when looking at the target (penalize a bit when crouched)

Release 1.0.1 (2021-02-05)
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
* Minor Fix: Only check if NPC target is crouched when the target is a human / stalker (avoid script warnings) -- thanks to bvcx for reporting it
* Minor Fix: When debugging, only humans / stalkers are valid targets (avoid script warnings)

Release 1.0.0 (2021-02-04)
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* Initial release

For more information about each release, and the addon in general, please read the description above.

Versioning adheres to versioning, with MAJOR.MINOR.BUGFIX notation (MAJOR = new features incompatible with previous Anomaly version and/or savegames, MINOR = new features compatible with current version of Anomaly and current savegame, BUGFIX = fixes only - no new features).

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History before 2021-02-07
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Updated description to better explain how it works and what it does.

This script is very different from bvcx' Stealth script, try them both and see which you like better. Sadly bvcx (and his friends) reacted in a totally childish and unexpected way, but there is nothing I can do about it, I tried.

I made this script public because it improved and made my gameplay so much more fun, and I wanted to share with other people. If you like it - enjoy it, if you don't like it - ignore it.
If you have suggestions - I'm always open. If you have questions - likewise. If you want to use it in any possible way - do it.

For the soap-opera*) fans: I didn't forget about you, take your medicine from here:

*) There is absolutely no intention to upset or offend people with this term, I used it here just because when I tried to explain on discord why my script is different and how things works in it, a couple of guys instantly got ad hominem and mocked the script calling my effort to explain it to them "soap-opera". The link posted above points to an zip archive which contains full conversation with two of the guys and an image-by-image comparison between the two scripts (I used images instead of a diff file so anyone can see the difference without the need to have any IT knowledge).

Reply Good karma+11 votes
Strogglet15 - - 1,348 comments

You know, I find it ironic how you think that the only people who doubt you are "soap-opera fans".

You really think EVERYONE is gonna think you're Mary Sue?
Some people prefer a trusted source even if it's from a free one, that's a fact, you have already proven yourself (read; yourself) that you can't be trusted.

Also, the very fact you had to go do all this "proof gathering" and you even said you'd make a video...
Are you really this insecure? If this really was your mod, you wouldn't care about somebody who accuses you of stealing it, NOT BY THAT MUCH.
Doesn't help your proof is nothing more than just baseless copy+pastes. Anybody with the time to deal with this will see that all you did was just make some very minor insignificant changes.

You really match up the profile of a "pathological liar".

Reply Good karma Bad karma+18 votes
Thulhu - - 11 comments

I second that

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
DELORIANx2 - - 185 comments


Ну допустим я поюзаю его на днях. А вообще, давай делай сталкер на игру metal gear 5 tpp,или обалдел

Reply Good karma Bad karma-11 votes
bvcx - - 2,196 comments

How hypocritical can one be to just take all the ideas community has been building up together for a long time, rewrite it in 1 day without precise testing and upload without asking permission or giving any credits (not to me, to the real authors)? I don't see anything new in it, only changes in luminocity which aren't gonna differ at the end. Weather penalties are already in game, so you just duplicated it and made worse. I wonder if you didn't include campfires because I deleted it from my mod?

You should have waited a little bit, because Raven spent a few weeks trying to reimplement light sources for dx9-11, maybe you could have grabbed that too.

I'm done with modding, thanks to you Demosfen.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+26 votes
Diенаrd - - 95 comments


look at this butt hurt bitch creating drama. bahahaha... pathetic.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-36 votes
Strogglet15 - - 1,348 comments

Let's see what happens when somebody steals your PC and even your roof.

Will you be a butt hurt bitch creating drama because somebody stole your house? ;)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+20 votes
Diенаrd - - 95 comments


youre comparing the situation to stealing a house? lmfao! when and why did you have a lobotomy?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-32 votes
Strogglet15 - - 1,348 comments

You're one of those types I see.
I know better than to deal with a bottom-feeder that dodges any argument and decides to make fancy petty insults.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+13 votes
Diенаrd - - 95 comments


look i know your lobotomy prevents you from seeing how stupid your comment is but believe me, that **** you just said is probably the most idiotic thing said in 2021. congrats to you my guy.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-32 votes
Dhatri - - 584 comments

Someone is farming negative karma.xD

Reply Good karma Bad karma+12 votes
Nekrokant - - 117 comments

The name says it all.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
Diенаrd - - 95 comments


tell me, what does it say or are you gonna be a pussy and not reply.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-20 votes
iq2luc Author
iq2luc - - 65 comments

Hi bvcx,

what you wrote is so childish, sad and unexpected. Every sentence you wrote is false.
Please open the script and read its content, is has nothing to do with your code. It is completely different and by the way, you are the only person credited by name, because your initial script triggered me to actually work on it and improve that function. Not a lot of testing indeed, but compared to your empirical approach, mine is purely mathematical and easier to grasp (again, read the script code, it is highly commended, unlike yours, and describes everything I do so other people may use it as they see fit).

Later today when I get home I will: 1. upload a video that shows how the script works compared to the original version (big difference, very positive in my opinion), 2. side-by-side comparison between my version and your version of the script and 3. if you don't mind, I'm asking your permission, a copy of our conversion on discord.

As I told you, I'm not interest in fame or credit, you (and everybody else) are free to do everything with the script (that's why I selected BSD as a license), even be inspired by it (hopefully) and use it anywhere you want.

Wishing you an excellent day.

Reply Good karma+12 votes
bvcx - - 2,196 comments

Apart from using exactly same extra factors I added, and cover everything else with 500 new locals, the only thing you did by yourself is luminocity. Man, even descriptions are similar.

What's more childish is when someone tells he's not interested in publishing mod and just wants to share ideas to tweak it for himself, then actually uploading it.

Yes please give the part of conversation where I said you should ask Raven and Igi for permission, which you ofc didn't...and didn't even put any of them in credits as you've been told (not even talking about other people who helped).

Reply Good karma Bad karma+18 votes
Dhatri - - 584 comments

"As I told you, I'm not interest in fame or credit, you (and everybody else) are free to do everything with the script (that's why I selected BSD as a license), even be inspired by it (hopefully) and use it anywhere you want."

this formulation could be interpreted as if you were the only person working on the code and are generously sharing *YOUR* work with the rest of the community. not complaining, only pointing out.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
bvcx - - 2,196 comments

He also said in discord that he's not interested in publishing mod, which he didn't add in moddb comment for obvious reasons, makes me think...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
iq2luc Author
iq2luc - - 65 comments

I changed my mind, it came out so good that I feel the need to share it.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
iq2luc Author
iq2luc - - 65 comments

Hi Dthatri,

yes it could be interpreted that way and it wouldn't be far from reality in my opinion. Just look at the code, most things are novel or innovative ideas (although they are simple in principle). The only thing similar to the other code is how I take extra lighting (i.e. flashlight and headlamp) into consideration.

If you're not a programer, just some hints: in the first part of the function I describe the original variables and what they do, no actual / special work done, just make the code clearer. in the second part I start doing computation my way: 1. first I try to workaround the luminosity issues (take notice about rgbvec2lum(), the way various luminosity sources are blending together, how I extract information from actual hemisphere, ambient and sun color etc.), 2. secondly, I use "distance" parameter as perception to simulate peripheral vision effects, 3. while the other mod tried to take into consideration body state he didn't do it properly in my opinion (he didn't even have "lay down" state until I proposed it), also I make distinction between NPC and actor (so when the NPC targets another NPC it works as expected, it doesn't assume every NPC is the actor), 4. actual distance is normalized to npc view range and it varies in accordance with the laws of nature, 5. weather conditions are not hard-coded (and tweaked empirically per-hour as the other mods does based on on weather presets), they actually read rain and fog parameters and dynamically take them into account (new/updated weather presets won't break my code, it still works as expected), 6. while still similar in concept with the other code, there is minor innovation related to external light computation - I make a clear difference between NPC and actor.

Also, all the code is wrote in a clearer (subjective opinion) way and explain everything it does.

At the top of the code, you have some comments, they keep the original header and I add my comments too:

-- Complete re-write of get_visible_value() function, the intention is to (hopefully) make the gameplay more fun
-- Thanks to Anomaly devs and its modding community
-- Thanks to xcvb -- inspired by his stealth mod, but not based on it
-- Anybody can use the file as he/she sees fit
-- Have fun!

Reply Good karma+5 votes
bvcx - - 2,196 comments

Yes yes we get it, all your ideas are innovative and haven't been used before, especially other body states, weight etc. It's just a coincidence that you didn't use anything that I didn't.
All cool man, happens.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
BlueDevil - - 41 comments

And your m_stalker.ltx has comments that aren't yours. Does that mean that you are stealing?

/edit - Just pointing out that it's useless to moan about "stealing" when it's basically just parameter changes

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
Dhatri - - 584 comments

the changes to the memory_manager are hardly only number changes.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Grokitach - - 904 comments

I don't get how you can imagine this add-on changes anything while you didn't properly tested it, as you have written above.

Writing code that you *think* does something, doesn't actually mean that it does what you want...

You state what this add-on takes into consideration without indicating what you really changed etc. What is the expected behavior in your script vs base Anomaly script, etc.

Lame description, lame image, lame coding, and potentially a rip-off of other people's work.

But anyway, this add-on has the worst rating in this whole Anomaly moddb so I guess it speaks for itself.

You can create a variant of an add-on, but just link other people script, ask for permission, add people to credits...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
czf348 - - 80 comments


the lame image comment is so stupid. who cares about an preview image,the addon its what matters

Reply Good karma Bad karma-5 votes
iq2luc Author
iq2luc - - 65 comments

Updated description, also check first comment.

When I get some more time, I will update the logo too, it seems its simplicity is offending some people; I apologize, that was what I could do at that moment in time.

Reply Good karma+5 votes
Nekrokant - - 117 comments

Can someone actually say something about that Addon?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
iq2luc Author
iq2luc - - 65 comments

Hi Nekrokant,

yes, I'm the guardian of this addon :-) despite so much hatred around. What do you wish to know?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
JustMordecai - - 48 comments

I don't think you understand how credits work. The original mod has a lot of people in the credits, because a lot of people worked on it. You've simply just credited the main guy behind that mod, even when his credits list has a bunch of people in it. You HAVE to include the original credits because your mod is a modified version of the original mod. In other words, your mod would not exist without everyone on that list, and therefore they are directly related to your mod, in a way. I've read through the "soap opera" conversations and I'll be honest, everyone involved are not the greatest communicators. It may be due to poor english skills, or social skills, or perhaps people were upset when they typed, but the reason doesn't really matter. What matters is that everyone needs to understand what the rules are, including you. And by "rules" I mean what is socially regarded as the common courtesies that are involved when making mods. Just make it easy on yourself and put the names in the credits.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
bvcx - - 2,196 comments

More of a simplified back to vanilla's than modified. But anyway the main reason we (think I can say we) are upset is because all we asked him for is to credit main authors, at least one of them, to which he replied: "I don't know these people, it's my mod and I wrote everything from scratch" despite of 85% of it being copypaste and he still claims it isn't (anyone who can read code at least on the basic level will notice it, even I was able to, hell he didn't even bother changing print script for his debug). By that logic, we can pick whatever mod and call it ours because we don't know people who made it. If you mean that he credited me as the line in script "inspired by my mod, but not based on it", after everything I described above, that sounds more like an insult than credits honestly. I'm still not sure if guy is a psycho or just trolling.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
iq2luc Author
iq2luc - - 65 comments

Hi Razorizz,

it is not a modified version, it is not based on other people code per se. If you mean it is made possible by GSC people, by the fantastic Anomaly and OpenXRay developers, then yes, as I already said -- al the credits goes to them and some other fantastic people that make great mods. I still play Stalker after 14 years thanks to them. Basically Stalker and Kingdom Come Deliverance are the only games I fell in love with, and I play computer games since 1986.

I got the ideea of trying to improve visual awareness by seeing the stealth mod, I tried to reach to the guy who did it but the more I talked to him the more I realized that he doesn't understand what is the actual logic behind that function. I didn't tell him so directly because I tried to be polite. Please ask a real programmer and a person with basic math skills (or please do it yourself if you are into programming) to take a look at his code and at my code. If you want and you are curious I can explain in detail each block line by line and what it does and what is the logic behind it (It might surprise some people but there is a logic, and nothing is there trough experimentation, but it makes sense from the math and physics point of view). I can also discuss his code line by line if you want and explain why and what I think is bad.

It also doesn't need lot of testing and "tweaking" because it is very logically laid out. After looking at the original scripts (the ones in the packed database that comes with Anomaly) and in the OpenXRay source code 1-2 hours for a few days, it took me less than an hour to put it together. Initially I envisioned to work on bcvx's code and collaborate with him but when I started to actually investigate what is there, and when I got his childish reactions I decided to start from scratch to avoid any conflict. It seems it didn't work too well anyway. Such is life.

Reply Good karma+7 votes
Feel_Fried - - 500 comments

yeah, that's why this "fully from scratch code" appeared exactly after you entered the anomaly discord and started communicating with xcvb, yeah after a month of Raven, Igi, LVunter and Lucy researches, you made all it for 2 days by yourself, from scratch.
you are the code GENIUS we get that, and our brains is too narrow and we have 0 LUA experience at all =)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
iq2luc Author
iq2luc - - 65 comments

The one with the ifs is bcvx's code. :-) You look at the files the wrong way. Indeed, a lot of useless branching there, poor CPU. Also it is totally empirical. Check my script for a much better way to do it by estimating luminosity using hemi, ambient and sun color.

Edit: ah :-) you deleted your post in which you said my script has a lot of ifs and is bad etc. - that is not my script, they are the other way around, take a better look next time.

Original message to which I replied:
Feel_Fried >
The code GENIUS, that created 100500 IF statements instead of ltx file that will contains variebles, if u didn't knowed search in hash table ( which is ltx files when they loaded to game memory ) is 1000 time faster then checking damn IFs for all time intervalls, but yeah, what could souch young and unxexpirenced boy like me know about LUA CODING FOR STULKER?

Reply Good karma+8 votes
bvcx - - 2,196 comments

Yes anyone please do me a favor, remove all comments and useless locals and tell me how much it differs. You first wanted to divide every single variable by distance (it's in conversation you linked) and make NPCs blind from 25m and I thought you are retarded, but I was polite and told you not to. You could have said your better way of implementing luminocity, which would've had same results anyway and I'd gladly add you in credits, but I guess you "just want to make it better" and not looking for fame, credits or don't plan to publishing....oh sorry I probably lied about publishing again (not).

Anyway enjoy your permban in discord and trying to find everything on your own now.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
DELA_V - - 37 comments

Does this work with Moras NPC without Amnesia?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
iq2luc Author
iq2luc - - 65 comments


I don't know Moras NPC without Amnesia, but there is only one file in the zip archive: visual_memory_manager.script -- all other mods that don't modify or replace this file are OK.
Unpack and take a look at it.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
iq2luc Author
iq2luc - - 65 comments

OK, I checked
Not that only works with it, I also think it helps.
I do something similar but much simpler with my xr_combat_ignore.script too. So yes, Amnesia with my script works very well.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
FunkBuddha1 - - 58 comments

Since the release of 1.5, im still waiting on old mods to get patched and looking for newer ones for my modlist. So whats the fuss about this one? Why such bad rating? From my perspective, there is other one same as this. Anyone can fill me in into which one to use cause all these comments are confusing.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
iq2luc Author
iq2luc - - 65 comments

Hi funkdoobie,

while both mods have the good intention of improving gameplay and making it more fun (working on the the visual awareness behavior of NPCs), they are not the same at all. This add-on is scientific based (simple math and physics) and the other one is fiddling based (I'm not native english, hopefully this is the right word for when you do things by trial and error).

Also the other one tries to take into account the weight from you inventory and what kind of armor you are wearing, I considered it unnecessary because weight already affects how you are able to sprint, and the armor affects your weight and other attributes.

This mod focuses on visual awareness only, for more details read the description please.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
DennyW - - 46 comments

Stealth (mod) is extensivly playtested by both the modder himself and users, so you can be sure that the mod is working more or less as intended. With this mod the modder claims that the method is scientificly implemented (lol) based on math and physics and therefore dosent need testing. This in by itself is a major red flag, anyone with a even basic scientific education (university or otherwise) would know that any method and data (dosent matter if its just code, or data collected in the field) has to be thoroughly scrutinized and examined/tested before being presented to peers and later public.

I know this is just a mod, but since the modder likes to validate his mod by claiming it was scientifically implemented even though no testing has been done and then discredidit the stealth mod for being trial and error based (dafuq!?), it should give you an idea of the clusterfuck this mod might be when actually playing the game.

Not sure if the modder has stolen code or what not, but considering that this is a addon for a stalker game the end product should be what matters. However, it seems unlikely that this mod will work as intended when the modder cant be bothered to test his own ****.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+11 votes
iq2luc Author
iq2luc - - 65 comments

Hi Swarcgenegger,

if we can have a civilized and polite conversation, without ad hominem, I can explain and make you understand why the other script is trial and error and mine is not.

Let's start with these lines from the other script:

local eq_dist = (distance - (object_distance / 1.15)) / distance
local lum_dist = (distance - (object_distance / 1.35)) / distance
local Velocity = 1 + velocity_factor * velocity
local distances = (distance - object_distance) / distance
local wnj = weight * jacketmult * distances + 1
local Luminocity = 33.33333 * luminocity * lum_dist
local step_incr = Luminocity * Velocity * eq_dist * wnj * crouch * time_quant * 2

Could you, or the script author explain what they do? What is the relation between the math model and the physical model?
What "eq_dist", "lum_dist" and "distances" models? Why is that formula written that way?

I ask for your intelligent opinion, no mockery.

Edit: I didn't only tested it, I play exclusively with it, I cannot play without it anymore. There is no need to "test" it like the other script (to see if some quantities fit and work OK together), by testing I mean I didn't made a code typo or a logic error... and so far it seems I didn't -- I may be proven wrong of course, I'm very open to criticism, not rudeness and baseless claims and statements that immediately evaluate to false.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
bvcx - - 2,196 comments

Easiest way to reduce each variable by distance, but not all of it, otherwise NPCs will be you wanted to do initially kek. I'm not a mathemician, I only tweaked everything according to what I see in game, but you of course tested yours much more in 1 day. Numbers are literally same as vanilla, what was the point idk.

Nice test with console that spamming red ERRORs from NPC body states every frame. Keep trying to prove everyone you are right and everyone else is wrong, mod is already burried.

Damn sociopath.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
iq2luc Author
iq2luc - - 65 comments

Hi bvcx,

the "distance" parameter is not what you think it is, read what I wrote in the description (also you can experiment with it by showing it on the HUD while moving from side to side of the NPC). You introduce it as an inverse cubic dependency in the actual formula (you do realize you don't "reduce each variable by distance", do you? or you don't...). It doesn't make any physical sense. It basically translates to this: reduce the visibility step increment at the cubic power of how much the target is to the left or right of the the NPC's FOV center-line. Anyway, that's why you need to tweak other config files until you think the final result looks OK, so it somehow works with your odd calculations. I'm sorry that is the reality.

For example, the way you're computing "Velocity" makes sense (that is from the vanilla code by the way). You compute a coefficient that increases the final visibility step increment linearly with the velocity of the target, i.e. the more velocity - the faster increases the visibility step (the faster the NPC sees the target).

The basic idea is simple, you should have a certain numeric value (which is the base for the visibility step increment computation) to which you should apply various coefficients based on physics laws and logic, not by trial and error.

The same wrong approach is valid to your "Luminocity" computation, but here also come more issues due to the fact that it doesn't actually gets enough meaningful information from the engine (that's why I did the trick with the hemi, ambient and sun color). Basically , when it is night the sun doesn't provide any luminosity anymore so you may obtain it from hemi and ambient etc.

On a somehow side note, try to get rid of those "ifs" as Feel_Fried pointed out, those many branching conditions are stalling the CPU, and it also doesn't help with the realistic feeling (actually it may be the opposite), as you can have quite some hemi and ambient at night.

Anyway, I'm really sorry you are behaving the way you do, and for your friends too.

Wishing you the best.

P.S.: Thanks for the reporting, I will investigate what you say about the errors you saw running my script. I'm glad you run it, you can see how it works and maybe improve yours.

Edit: P.P.S.: Fixed, thanks again.

Reply Good karma+8 votes
RubyVI - - 35 comments

Thanks, I've tested this for a bit and it seems to work well

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
iq2luc Author
iq2luc - - 65 comments

Thanks, it works very well indeed, that's why I shared it, I think is a sensible improvement and the game-play is much more fun and entertaining.

Reply Good karma+4 votes
APAKane - - 35 comments

! [LUA] CAI_Stalker : cannot access class member body_state!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
iq2luc Author
iq2luc - - 65 comments

Hi APAKane,

do you get this with the latest version 1.0.1 or the initial one 1.0.0?


Edit: It was in the old version, no more warnings from 1.0.1 onward.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 694,013 comments

This is great, although I ran into a strange occurrence where it was pitch black at night, I'm sneaking up on a group of bandits around a campfire. I stop moving to wait for them to fall asleep, then suddenly they stand up and start shooting at me even though it's pitch black and I'm nowhere near the campfire light source. Then an emission event starts shortly after, so that got me thinking.

I reloaded the save, but hid farther away in a bush. About the same moment they would have spotted me before, they stand up to walk inside. Then the emission sound effects / radio loss / etc event starts.

So is it possible the emission event, even though the sky hasn't and ambient light hasn't lit up yet, is actually affecting NPC's ability to spot you just because the event itself starts up?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
iq2luc Author
iq2luc - - 65 comments


I must confess to my shame (as a long time player) I didn't know there is distinct sleep state for the NPCs (from the AI logic perspective).

Not so long time ago I decided to look over the source code of the engine (OpenXRay) and Anomaly scripts but I don't remember to see there anything related to "sleep state" AI logic, only animation related stuff. Of course I might be wrong, I will check again.

Nevertheless, I would like to look at what is happening (specially related to emission, and how they start shooting too quickly at night when you're at long distance). Is it OK for me to ask for your save-game? I would like to investigate, and it will dramatically shorten the time needed for me to reproduce your particular issue.


Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 694,013 comments

It might just be an animation rather than an actual state with different awareness, but yea after awhile of sitting near a campfire, they'll lay down on their side and start sleeping too. At least some of them.

The save was an auto save, let me make sure it didn't overwrite and then I can grab it if it's still there.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
iq2luc Author
iq2luc - - 65 comments

Take your time and thanks again for your report. You actually gave me an ideea for a new feature for my script. :-)

Edit: Feature implemented (consider more NPC states: sleeping, drunk, playing instruments, cooking, eating, sitting) - thanks again.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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