Post tutorial RSS Tsardoms Forced Diplomacy

Tsardoms Total War is implementing a new forced diplomacy script in future releases which will allow the player to force the AI to accept any diplomatic proposal.

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Tsardoms has implemented forced diplomacy for the future releases!

What does this mean? Basically, the player can now use a way to side step the AI's stupidity when it comes to diplomacy. If you make an offer to the AI and you want to force it to accept it just press the "show me how" button in the upper right corner. Close the advisor that pops up and make an offer which will be accepted.

Of course relations will still remain poor, so even if you force the AI to make peace for example there is no guarantee that they won't attack you again in a few turns. And there is also a lot of scope for players abusing this mechanic. But it is up to every player if they want to use it or not.

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Maimbot6000 - - 1,749 comments

It's a shame nothing really can be done to fix/improve diplomacy in MTW2.

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Wallachian Author
Wallachian - - 1,007 comments

yes unfortunately it is an old game and the AI is pretty stupid. We are trying to get a better AI for the campaign but in actual diplomacy is unlikely

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Ramsés1611 - - 15 comments

And can't some algorithm be issued that modifies the requirements that the AI ​​must enforce in order for it to accept an offer?

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Wallachian Author
Wallachian - - 1,007 comments

that sounds super complicated, we aren't computer scientists to understand algorithms and things like that :) we just modify some game files haha

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fizy45 - - 144 comments

I dont know why but its not working : (

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Nicolai_Gyldenlöwe - - 29 comments

Is this inculed in Fall of Constatinople? If so I can't get it to work. Great mod still

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