Post tutorial Report RSS How to play Euskal Pilota Game

This tutorial contents all the basics to play Euskal Pilota Game.

Posted by on - Basic QA/Testing


current version: alfa5.1

- General Rules
- Serve
- Defense
- Attack
- Pause Menu


PelotaGame is a Pelota Vasca (Basque Pelota) sport simulator.
Basque Pelota english wikipedia
PelotaGame is a 1 vs 1 copetition game, where both competitors intend to reach to 22 point earlier than him oppositor.
In order to play PelotaGame you will need an oppositor. This can be avoided running the game twice.


Win XP-Vista-7
150Mb net RAM
Pixel shader 2.0
CPU: I don't know, but in my Q9550 runs with a 56% of one proccesor, ¿1.7GHz?


Initially, unzip the executable into any folder and install the game
At the start, it appears a language selection menu. Select your languaje and continue.
With a choosen language, it will ask you for an user account. You can create a new account that allows the program remember your identity (you will need to activate it by email), or you can also use uname:guest and pass:guest, but this way you will have to enter the name and password almost every time you want to connect...
With a identified user, you will be passed to the main menu with its options and all that boring stuff...
Click on 'Multiplayer' right now!
The first option in the multiplayer list is 'Open a new challenge' that puts the program waiting for an opponent. Select it and click 'OK' to start a new challenge.
It will open a challenge set up menu. Leave it as it is and presh 'OK'. By the momemt, the only thing you can change is the challenge points ammount.
At this moment you can wait for an opponent (it can be a bit long xP) or run the game twice in order to be your own opponent. It will start at main menu, where you should also press on multiplayer button.
If a user has opened a challenge it appears his name with the challenge configuration in the multiplayer option list. Select it and click on 'OK' in order to accept the challenge.
You also can click on user ranking.
When an opponent accepts a challenge, the program gives a confirmation menu for both users.
All these steps can be canceled and go back to the consequent change in the opponent.
When both players click on 'Ready' it starts the challenge.


- General Rules
The game is to 22 points and you start with fewer than 22 are configured in the challenge set up menu. The score is reflected in the scoring of the court.
The ball has to bounce off the front (front gable) within the frame between the white brands and the side wall, above the plate (horizontal line at 1m. up the ground).
The ball can not bounce on the ground before bouncing off the front.
The ball can bounce off the side wall before and after bouncing off the front.
After bouncing from the front, the ball must bounce on the pitch between the sidewall and the longitudinal white line marked on the ground (area with reflections, see picture above) and within the limits set in the serve and attack modes.

- Serve
The player serves when the game starts or when winning a point.
Players are placed according to the shift.
The player who serves stands while his opponent passes to defend.
In serve, the mouse controls the orientation of the camera, it is the focus of the smash.
The ball starts with the left mouse button over the first 10 seconds, but served automatically passed that time.
The force of the smash at the serve is always the most.
You must continue pointing until the model hits the ball and passes to defense.
The ball at serve has to bounce on the field between the 'falta'(fault) and 'pasa'(pass) marks that are drawed with white lines on the ground and marked with a horizontal banner on the side vertical marks. (see the picture above)
If the ball does not reach the first line (fault), point for the opponent.
If the ball passes the last line (pass), the ball is served again. If it passes the last line twice, point for the opponent.
In the 'cuatro y medio' discipline (four and a half), the current mode, the fault is in the 3rd vertical line and pass in 5th.

- Defense
The player passes to defense when is the opponents' turn, just after hitting the ball or at the start.
The player moves with the keys set in the setup menu where defaults are WSAD keys.
All you have to do on defense is place your player on the court best you know to receive opponents hit.

- Attack
The player enters to attack mode when its opponent hits the ball.
The player reacts automatically and is placed to make the best shot possible.
The camera is placed near the site of the blow and you will see a signal during one second and a half.
All you have to do in attack is point the mouse to aim and set the shock force with the left mouse button (or configured key).
If no button is pressed, the player hits with a medium force. This is the best option for beginners.
With a short click, it makes a soft smash.
Holding the button pressed will increase the force to maximum force.
In 'cuatro y medio' the ball may not bounce behind the yellow line on the ground, being the result point for the opponent.

- Pause Menu
The pause menu appears on both players when either press the [Esc] key.
Each player can request a maximum of 2 breaks.
The third break is equivalent to abandoning the challenge.
If the ball is in play, results in point for the opponent.
The pauses are reflected on the scoreboard above the score of each player.


If you dare to take the game a look, I deeply appreciate if you back a couple of phrases with your impressions. Forget all about the graphics and sound and try to look out for in the gameplay (if you understand the distances and dimensions, the movement of the cameras, etc). First impressions are very important. Since entering alfatester functions (I have to blow up you a bit;) if you find a bug, please describe it best you can.


Sometimes a menu does not disappear. I have no idea why this happens. I put a thousand filters to avoid duplication but still happens. In any case, restart the game to avoid the problem, not very serious indeed.

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