Post tutorial Report RSS Building your own M.A.R.S. version on Ubuntu

How to quickly build M.A.R.S. on Ubuntu distribution?

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So how to quickly build M.A.R.S on Ubuntu?

Using Terminal, first you need to obtain a CMake package:

sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake

Then obtain the SFML2 (Simple And Fast Media Library) dependencies:

sudo apt-get install libfreetype6-dev libglew1.5-dev libjpeg62-dev libpng12-dev libsndfile1-dev libxrandr-dev libopenal-dev

Third, the SFML2 package itself:
(Warning, it may download without showing the exact file time/size remaining. It should be around 10MB)

Now you can extract the contents of the archive somewhere, for example to your desktop and open the Terminal in that folder or write:

cd ~/Desktop/sfml2

Still having Terminal open, you need to create a make file using CMake to compile & install SFML2:

cmake .

make && sudo make install

Now, the M.A.R.S. itself. You need to download source files of the latest stable version (0.7.1):

As above, you can extract it anywhere, for example, on your desktop. Then open up a new Terminal window in the build folder, or go to the folder with a command:
cd ~/Desktop/mars-game/build/

And now we'll create a M.A.R.S. makefile and compile the M.A.R.S. itself:

cmake ..

make && cd ..

(Note the two dots there at the end.)

Finally, you can launch M.A.R.S. by typing:


or simply run the newly created mars executable.

Based on the official tutorial (a forum post) how to compile M.A.R.S., you can check it for a longer version with a couple of additions (how to create a project for CodeBlocks, etc.):

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