Tag "Middle Earth RP"
Project Rebrand

Project Rebrand


The project's new name, some beautiful new landscapes and info about the measures I've taken to protect us against a C&D!

Plans - Next Demo and the following months

Plans - Next Demo and the following months


What plans I have for the next Demo and what to expect in the following months.

The Vales of Anduin

The Vales of Anduin


The Vales of Anduin is the collective name for the large valley of the Anduin, specifically the part east of the Misty Mountains. It is where the Gladden...




Harlindon is a green and fair elvish land on the north-western shores of Middle-earth. It is located west of the Blue Mountains and south of the Gulf...




Forlindon was the northern part of Lindon which is separated from Harlindon, the southern part by the Gulf of Lune along the coasts of western Middle-earth...

Emyn Muil - The Impassable Labyrinth

Emyn Muil - The Impassable Labyrinth


Emyn Muil...an impassable labyrinth of razor sharp rocks! ( And after that, it gets even better!)

Enedwaith - The Central Wilderness

Enedwaith - The Central Wilderness


Enedwaith, The Central Wilderness during The Third Age...

Erebor - The Lonely Mountain

Erebor - The Lonely Mountain


Erebor, The Lonely Mountain... home of Durin's Folk.

Fornost - Norbury of the Kings + North Eriador

Fornost - Norbury of the Kings + North Eriador


Fornost, the Norbury of the Kings alongside the northern part of Eriador. Makes a smooth transition into the icy lands of Forochel...

Nindalf - Last Marsh of the Ents + Discord Channel

Nindalf - Last Marsh of the Ents + Discord Channel


Latest stuff I've done on the project...Nindalf, The Mouth of Entwash and a discord channel!

Amon Hen - The Seat of Seeing

Amon Hen - The Seat of Seeing


One of my favourite zones from Middle Earth. Expect to find quite some ruins here!

Rohan - Basic Layout and Vegetation

Rohan - Basic Layout and Vegetation


Basic Rohan biome that I've been able to work on the few free days I had this week. More on what's going on in the next post!




This week while traveling I stumbled upon some beautiful fields nearby my town that I thought would really fit like Dunland. So as soon as I got home...

Southern Ithilien - Minas Morgul,Osgiliath and Zone Layout

Southern Ithilien - Minas Morgul,Osgiliath and Zone Layout


Southern Ithilien alongside two main locations : Osgiliath and Minas Morgul/Ithil.

Northern Ithilien - Vegetation and Layout

Northern Ithilien - Vegetation and Layout


Some screenshots of what I've been recently working on: The main layout and vegetation of Ithilien. The zone will also include many random ruins and perhaps...

What is TRRP? Everything you need to know.

What is TRRP? Everything you need to know.


Here you can find basic info about my project. Hope you'll have fun reading!

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