Post news Report RSS Xash3D Oktoberfest 2018!

Hi, guys! The time has came and long-awaited update of Xash3D Engine is released! The newest build 4312 fixes many problems, including very old ones and those which appeared following global changes applied to the engine during last two years of developing. Also it brings better support for some mods, which had different problems with Xash3D initially (on any build). As usually, there are some improved or newly added features too.

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Hi, guys! The time has came and long-awaited updates of Xash3D Engine were released! Newest builds fix many problems, including very old ones and those which appeared following global changes applied to the engine during last two years of development. Also they brings better support for some mods, which had different problems with Xash3D initially (on any build). For examlple - Cry of Fear (mod version 1.0 - 1.55), Cthulhu: An Unspeakable Modification for Half-Life, Team Fortress Classic, Half-Life: Decay, Reissues, Chinatown Preview. As usually, there are some improved or newly added features too. You can download the final build of this year and see the full list of latest changes here:

Xash3D Engine v0.99, build 4344 with source code & extras

Xash3D Engine v0.99, build 4344 with source code & extras

If you install the engine in your first time, please, make sure to install all engine's files properly, including extras for "valve" folder. Otherwise some things will not work as intended or will not work at all. Detailed manual is here. For questions about mods' support refer to 2 new articles: #1 & #2. Remember that some nowaday mods (or their new versions) which depend on updated Steam Half-Life libraries may be not supported (or have to be patched with old or compatible versions of their game dlls to work with Xash3D). Also most of multiplayer mods were not tested thoroughly, but if you have your own experience & found some problems, please report. In most cases, any mods which worked correctly with old WON version of Half-Life, should work correctly with Xash3D too.

As for previous builds, the same rule works for this build too: DO NOT USE it with any of previously released versions of Xash3D games/mods, such as XashXT, Paranoia 2: Savior, Quake Remake, Area 51. Until they are not updated, they will not work with the new engine.

Fortunately, the XashXT update is already released also! So you can use it now with the latest engine's build. Since the version 0.65 a lot of things are added and fixed. Some of new features: support up to 64 weapons, better visual debugging system, faster grass code, faster code of dynamic lighting and world's rendering (including using a power of GPU for lightstyles and hardware interpolation of lightstyles), better fog, partial support of terrains from Paranoia 2, advanced mirrors' rendering (including mirrors reflecting in each other), special events for spawning Aurora particles from studiomodels (5040-5044), totally new studiomodels renderer with a support of LODs, bone weighting, jingle bones, inverse kinematics, multiple blending of sequences, per-vertex lighting for prop-models, added sunshafts (like in Crysis or Paranoia), Opposing Force-like ropes, better tracktrain control, new entity trigger_dsp_zone for better DSP effects, new entities func_transporter и conveyor_setspeed for better control of conveyors... Just grab it and explore the new possibilities!

XashXT v0.81, revision 1 (Xash3D mod & toolkit)

XashXT v0.81, revision 1 (Xash3D mod & toolkit)

Along with new engine's build we're also proud to present a new Unkle Mike's project - Quake Wrapper (QWrap). It's a mod for Xash3D Engine which can launch original Quake game and its mods. It makes no changes to Quake's gameplay, but provides more handy game interface and controls. We decided to release it in the Games section, though it's not an independent game exactly. But this should provide a more comfortable way to release potential updates/information or discuss the project, because it quite differs from common Xash3D-related things and Half-Life theme.

Quake Wrapper v0.7, revision1 with source code

Quake Wrapper v0.7, revision1 with source code

If you'd like to support Unkle Mike and buy him some beer inspire him for further development of Xash3D, you can donate him some money via:

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