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As of now the final episode of the popular singleplayer-mod-trilogy for the game Crysis Wars is available for download. Wreckage offers an action orientated presentation, teambased combat, complete voice acting and graphics on the same level as the original Crysis game.

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Hello to all of you. Today, we are extremly proud to offer, with Wreckage, the most intoxicating action experience that comes in the form of a modification to all Crysis fans. On a side note, it is our self imposed demand, to offer the highest possible comfort. Therefore Wreckage uses CryEngine technologies like accurate lip synch, facial animation and optional, dynamic English subtitles. Because this cinematic experience pushes Crysis to its limits, a new chapter system ensures a minimum amount of game errors. In the unlikely event of a bug, this way every chapter can be restarted. We wish you all much fun with our mod.

All the best,
the Wreckage Team




As of now the final episode of the popular singleplayer-mod-trilogy for the game Crysis Wars is available for download. Wreckage offers an action orientated presentation, teambased combat, complete voice acting and graphics on the same level as the original Crysis game.

[Wreckage is the final chapter of the story, that began with the map "The Harbour" and was continued in the modification "Rainy Days". It tells the story of three soldiers who try to survive a devastating war between two worlds. The play time will be somewhat longer than one hour.]

Wreckage - Cinematic Wreckage - 1.0
Cave Wreckage - Leveldesign


While we are enjoying our cocktails and 3D palm leafs fan fresh air to us, there's just one thing we need: your feedback. Your opinion in every is like a rewarding massage for our bothered developer-souls. We love to read your feedback.

MattyG - - 135 comments

Might have to reinstall Crysis Wars, this looks great!

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thunderising - - 981 comments

should port this to CE3 SDK and make it standalone. The number of people downloading and playing it will be HUMONGOUS!

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Hell_Diguner - - 3,646 comments

Can't it be played with the Wars demo?

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Hamers - - 33 comments

Yeah, of course. It's called the Crysis Wars trial.

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mckool - - 186 comments

Will you add this to Desura?

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Hamers - - 33 comments

Of course. We are already preparing the launch on Desura ;)

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Maninblue999 - - 103 comments

Are there any new weapons playable apart from the standard crysis ones?

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Expack - - 312 comments

As far as I know from having played the mod, only one. Naturally, I'm not telling what it is!

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Chrjs Author
Chrjs - - 298 comments

There are two new weapons in special situations.

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Expack - - 312 comments

Woah...I just came off of completing the mod. That was truly an intense experience - especially given the impressive gameplay twist introduced early on! It was way more challenging than I thought it would be, but it was rather rewarding. Also, the cinematics were so insane, I'd almost swear Crytek did them - THAT'S how good they are!

However, if I have to say one thing which isn't too spoiler-ish, I'd have to complain about the clearly-restricted pathways in the indoor ship dock (for lack of a better phrase) towards the end, as it made things feel too restricted - especially since there were restrictions were there clearly were no railings!

Other than that, it was an incredible experience I wish would've lasted much longer. Congratulations to everyone who worked on this mod - it was well worth the wait!

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Chrjs Author
Chrjs - - 298 comments

Expack, thank you for your review! I'll try to get as most experience from Wreckage on how to build interesting and gameplay wise supporting indoor areas as I can.

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SIGILL - - 1,156 comments

You did it :D Looking forward to playing this somewhere.. soon :P I remember playing your first map (I think it was called The Harbour?) and I'd love to play this final episode!

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Mosaic灬youyou - - 1 comments

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