Post news RSS Wiimote Mod Gets a ModDB

Hey, finaly set one up! I posted some images of the Wiimote model and some of the VGUI inside the mod. The Wiimote model is actualy one half of the tutorial panel. The tutorial panel pops up in game when theres a new special case controll situation. some examples of this are when you want to use a ladder,

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Hey, finaly set one up! I posted some images of the Wiimote model and some of the VGUI inside the mod. The Wiimote model is actualy one half of the tutorial panel. The tutorial panel pops up in game when theres a new special case controll situation. some examples of this are when you want to use a ladder, swim, handle items, and more. There is a large voice over system in place that also puts sentences together on how play as well, It puts sentences together to ensure it is correct to the current setup (as everything is very customizable).

Wiimote ModelScreen Capture of Wiimote Config Panels

The tutorial panel also doubles as a way of showing how the wii mote is being operated, which is alot easier on me at least because it can be rather stressful trying to capture video on my old camcorder while playing :)

As for public release of the mod, thats what i am focusing on most right now. The initial publc release will not be a final version, but the second will. I am working hard trying to get it out there for everyone and because the driver works good right now i will not be modifying it much more for first release. What this means is its pretty much restricted to the wiimote and nunchuk initialy. the final release will have support for multiple wiimotes, the classic game pad, and wiimote speaker sound (hopefully).

So far I've been very surprised with how many people have the equipment and are willing to test! I am really hoping other mods find this intresting as well. I will be releasing the driver code to the community once the final version is released so mods will be able to incorporate the wiimote into their own projects for both exclusivly and optionaly with all the features the wiimote has to offer. I am hoping this is good news to people :)

Hunt77 - - 240 comments

this is some really cool stuff, I hope it catches on. Only problem I see is that both FarCry and CallofDuty for Wii was sh*t, but that was more the game(bad port)'s fault I guess and not the controller, maybe...

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mrtywalsh - - 142 comments

hunt..its called ****** console game...console games always suck....

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Capital88 - - 324 comments


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Unicykiller - - 103 comments

No way. I'm definitely using my Wiimote for this.

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mrtywalsh - - 142 comments

don't you need to set up some sort of sensor for your computer to pick this up....? am i wiitarded or something?

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jacksonj04 - - 631 comments

mrtywalsh - you need a sensor bar (either original or homemade with a couple of IR LEDs) and a bluetooth dongle.

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AgeNt_ - - 244 comments

this mod makes me want to go get a wii. awesome.

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BigBird - - 1,161 comments

When I saw the mod profile waiting to be auth'd yesterday I thought "wow cool..." and stuff, checked it out and it passed, so I let it in and now can't wait :D

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NightSage - - 644 comments

Oh wow, yeah I think I want to get a wii now lol.

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Varsity - - 1,044 comments

Check out some of the videos on their website. It's brilliant!

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sosmither - - 1 comments

That's pretty cool!

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