Post news RSS What's Happened to AOTF2?

So what exactly is happening with AOTF2, you may ask....

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Greetings all,

Today is unfortunately a sad announcement that we've honestly been putting off for far too long, for obvious reasons. Nevertheless, given the flurry of questions about this project we've recently received, it's clear that you all deserve a clear statement regarding the current state of AOTF2.


I'll get straight to the point, then - Ages of the Federation 2 is no longer in development. This project has sadly been cancelled.

This decision has certainly not been made due to a lack of interest on our part - we were very excited to work on AOTF2 and to flesh out an era of Star Trek lore that we on the team universally love.

Unfortunately, given the estimated amount of time until the release of Sins of a Solar Empire 2, there is simply not enough time for us to finally complete Ages of the Federation, Star Wars: Strike Groups, and Ages of the Federation 2 before modding tools for Sins 2 become available.

You may rightfully ask why we would 'abandon' this project while continuing to work on the more recently announced Star Wars: Strike Groups, and the answer is simple - SWSG was a behind-the-scenes personal project for a number of years before it was announced, and a fair amount of progress had been made before we decided to make its existence public. Compared to our other projects, Ages of the Federation 2 is at a much earlier stage of deveopment, by a fairly wide margin.

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So, what about the future?

We'll have to wait and see what we're working with in regards to Sins 2. That's frustrating to hear, I know, but it's the truth. We simply don't know yet what what we can do, but when we know more we'll certainly be having a discussion as a team about what to do next. What we do know has us excited, though, so while today's news may be a bit of a blow, the future is still looking bright. It would sure be a shame to waste all these TMP/TLE ship models, wouldn't it? ;)

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Keep an eye on us, especially as SIns 2 draws closer.

Until next time, stay classy. Or don't.
- OrionSlaver

usndiesel - - 35 comments

The Enterprise B and especially the C era has so little info, I was really looking forward to the "in-between" ships. I was looking forward to this mod more than any other.

However, you are creating content for us and being given nothing in return. You are sacrificing your time and it should be spent how you want to spend it. While disappointed, I appreciate all the incredible work you have provided us and I'm sure the best is yet to come.

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OrionSlaver Author
OrionSlaver - - 3,772 comments

We appreciate that you're disapointed and we're especially sorry to let down people like you, who share our love for the TMP/TLE era. Hopefully we'll have a chance to return to this period in Star Trek history in the future.

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umad41 - - 392 comments

I respect the decision, y'all are such massive pillars of the Sins modding community and if you feel the need to prioritize your development time to be ready to get a jump start on Sins 2 modding, then do what you feel is necessary and we look forward to the next step on this journey with you all, take care of yourselves

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KidCanis - - 91 comments

Lol, I'll admit my heart skipped a beat before I remembered that AOTF2 DOESN'T include the forthcoming return of Romulans to the already released AOTF(1).

Like many I was looking forward to seeing what the Stellar Parallax team would do with AOTF2's less-explored era, but with SINS2 slowly making its way down the pipe ("barreling toward us" doesn't seem accurate), this announcement definitely makes sense.

Plus, you all already saw fit to include one of AOTF2's most novel mechanics - scanning galactic object for research boosts - in AOTF1. Win!

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Guest - - 706,397 comments

Can't really get on board with the decision - I respect your right to make it as artists. This was a really unique mod era, I honestly haven't seen anything like it. You'll struggle to find a bigger Star Wars fan than myself, but we have those mods. Star Wars mods are everywhere - TMP/Early TNG is entirely absent, and sadly will remain so.

Looking forward to what you produce next, but can't lie and say this is a good thing.

All the best to the team.

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umad41 - - 392 comments

I'm not a fan of this take to be honest, development takes a lot of time and energy, and if this was just not that far down the path towards playability then it makes sense to drop it in favor of the mods they either don't need to ground up design new units and create assets for them, or the one they already did design and create all the new content for. I'm sure they'll pick this era up at a latter date, we just have to be patient

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Hobbs203 - - 517 comments

Spending 2+ years modding in Sins 1 to create the original plan for AOTF 2 when a fundamentally better game is in the horizon makes absolutely no sense for us

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dalekKharn - - 337 comments

While i am gutted, As a modder myself i completely understand your situation and respect it. I have loved all the work you have put into Sins 1. You's are correct, with Sins 2 being round the corner, the opportunities that will come with that should be very good. As i am led to believe that members of the development team are modders from the Sins 1 community. Not sure if any of you guys are part of it. But that can be only a good thing.

i am looking forward to the Star Wars mod and as you have said, that mod has been in the works behind the scenes for a long time, Would most likely explain the odd SW models on your team members Sketchfab accounts.

As i said. Respect what you are doing and i have had a great respect for you guys for a very long time. I can't wait to see what you guys do with SW and what you will have planned for Sins 2. All the best.

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PechSOG - - 39 comments

Perfectly understandable and thank you for the explanation and logic behind the thinking. Thank you for all the hard work on all the different games and I can't wait to see what your team does with Sins 2!

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shadowphalanx - - 12 comments

Sucks to hear this but totally respect the decision. You guys should be working on whatever you feel makes the most sense and what you enjoy the most. You don't owe anything to any of us. I've got my fingers crossed that these wonderful models come back in Sins 2 though!

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marks1997717 - - 91 comments

quick question how many variant of Miranda class have you guys prepared and is SoSE2 modable?

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OrionSlaver Author
OrionSlaver - - 3,772 comments

SoaSE2 is looking very moddable indeed.

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