Vehicle is build from elements and two types (bars and plates) of connector between them.
Game have two stage: editor and simulation, in editor you can create vehicles and in simulation drive it.To change between stage use 'simulation' and 'editor' buttons in up left corner.
After start is create a first element driver seat, click to it and this element will be select. Now is visible crosshair on it and three red marker, to move element on one of three axes click on marker and drag it. To rotate element change editor state from moving to rotating by key R. Now is visible six blue spheres, dragging any rotates element on choose axis. To deselect element click anywhere else.
To add new basic element press E, new element is creating in place of current selected so is good to move it, new element is connected to previous with bar connector. To remove element select it and press Q. Also, add and remove action can be done by menu on left side.
To rotate camera press and hold RMB then move mouse, 'Reset camera' button set camera to middle of model, wheel mouse control zoom. To move camera around world hold RMB and use WSAD and RF keys.
To multi selecting elements select one, then hold Shift and click on other, can be select two or three elements. When two or three elements are selected and key [1] is pressed new connection is create, with two element creating a bar type connection and with three creating a plate type connection. Is same situation but with [2] key pressed, editor removing bar or plate connection, when are selected 2 or 3 elements.
Building and driving:
When simulation is running by F key is possible to get out from vehicles and walk on foot in FPS mode. To return to vehicle press F key, avatar must be close to hair, or return to editor.
To change view to FPS mode from driver seat use [1] key, to link or separate camera rotation to vehicle use [G] key.
Engines and rockets now need fuel to run, combustion and rocket use fuel from tank nodes and electric engine use power from batteries. In simulation mode is two strips, blue shows electric charge level and green fuel level. Its simple rule, more tanks more fuel supplies. Fuel tanks have different mass when they are full or empty. To refuel / recharge use cheaty key [3].
Wheels and propellers need torque to run, torque is produces by combustion or electric engine, total sum of torque from all engines is split between wheels with selected 'is motor' option and propellers.
Map can be random generated, on top of screen is number and button 'Generate terrain' when is pressed map change shape. Number is seed to map generator, one number create unique map shape, seed can be change by selected number and write own. To create random seed and map press [5] key.
Key [Delete] remove all elements and add one new, like after starting a game.
When game starts is not connected to any save files, so if you want to save project you must to name it in "enter save name" box and click "create and save", until that 'quick save' button is active and on top of screen label 'project' show save file name.
When element is selected on right side of screen is visible element inspector, by it is possible to customise element properties.
Some of element can be steering, usually they have binding able key visible in inspector.
By three slides on top you can change element colour.
- Basic(hull)[E] - do nothing, but they have mass and they are basis to create vehicle structure.
- Wheel[W] - basis element of ground vehicles, steering by WSAD keys and Shift for braking, if 'can turn' or 'can turn backwards' is checked wheel turn when AD keys is pressed, wheel is powered when 'is motor' is checked, when tank mode is selected and all wheels on left side is 'left side' selected vehicle drive like it have caterpillar
- Propeller[I]- can give force in air and water, steering forward and backward by keys
- Tank[U]- it have two function, storage of fuels and add displacement force to water construction, steering keys change it displacement
- Combustion engine[F] - produces torque from fuel, maximum power can be changed but stronger engine consume more fuel
- Joint[J] - is made from 2 parts, each can be separately selected, can rotate part of vehicle connected to one of side, if 'can be steering' is selected can be rotating by keys otherwise it move is free, can have limit of maximum degrees of rotation in both sides, if joint is free option 'have spring' can work , 'drive by position' option block joint in position if any key is pressed
- Piston[K] - work similar to joint but it work in one line, can change distance between two sides, distance limit can be changed, if 'can be steering' is not selected it work like spring
- Balloon[O] - give upward force to fly, steering keys change fly power and hight level
- Rocket engine[T] - need fuel but not engine to work,
- Electric engine[B]- produces torque from electric power, maximum power can be changed but stronger engine consume more energy
- Batteries[N] - storage electric power
- Parachute[O] - when is open give huge drag force to construction slowing it down to set speed
- Gyroscope[H] - give rotation force to whole construction and can stabilize it, protecting from to speed rotation
- Wing[Y] - change vehicle speed to upward force or if 'is steering' is selected can be rotating to add aerodynamic force to choose direction
- Reflector[M] - give light, can be switch on/off by bindable [L] key
- Seat(cockpit) [L] - space for more passages, but now driver is lonely
- Canon(gun)[G] - if Ctrl is pressed it fires a canon ball, will be changed in future
So in a future i'll be able to play with another person in arena like games? :D
Yes, I will add multiplayer in next versions, but it will be more sandbox style than combat.
I would be great that you can fight your oponents and destroy the other persons vehicles, with for example a budget for building your vehicle, ie a vehicle for fighting against another one, and so on.
Also, i have to ask, pre-made maps? for making racing tracks and that stuff (instead of combat)
Maybe best solution will be some of multiplayer game modes for choose.
For example: combat, team combat, race and sandbox.
I will add 2 new map in next update ( race track, space ) and in future maybe map editor.
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Thanks:) To add plate (wall) to vehicle you must hold left Shift key and select 3 elements by clicking on them, when three elements are selected press [1] key. To remove plate do same thing but with [2] key.
is it possible to make a plane?
You can add wings, propellers and rockets so it is possible. For now wings are little bugy, so air ship based on balloons is better for air travelling .
thanks for the tip and the reply
Can we set torque on the gyro? That would be great :)
Maybe not torque but option to change rotation force in gyroscope is good idea.
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