Post news RSS Updates: Warriors of the Cause Part 4

This is an update about the new GIN infantry with some backstory.

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The final assault is now upon the last NATO force on their base. After recovering from lost, the GIN has mounted a full assault against the NATO stronghold. Suffering heavy loses from bombardment, the chain of command is in chaos. Armours are starting to lose ground, and fall prey to the anti-tank units of the GIN. Sentries are being ambushed from distant by the stealthy snipers of the cause. Bombers are being called upon, leaving barely any survivors, forever tainting what was the 4th of July as a beginning of the end of Western dominance over the globe.

A map displaying territory factions control over the Middle East (9/7/2018)

The last of the NATO is now in full retreat back to the remains of Western Europe in hopes of regrouping with the standing European NATO forces.

GIN "Mutaeasib (or Fanatics)" squad is most versatile anti-tank unit in the GINGF. They are equiped to combat both vehicles and infantry as needed. They are excellent against modern heavy armour.

Armaments: PP-90M1 sub-machine gun and RPG-29 105mm anti-tank rocket launcher.
Body armours: None.
Capture time: 37 seconds.

GIN "Maetuh (or Maniacs)" squad is most effective anti-tank unit in the GINGF. They are equiped to combat tanks of any magnitude. Their static nature makes them extremely venerable to many threats on the battlefield if unprotected.

Armaments: 9K115-2 Metis-M 130mm anti-tank rocket launcher with deployable tripod..
Body armours: None.

GIN "Alkamin (or Ambushers)" squad is the sniper unit of the GINGF. They are specialised in reconnaissance, camouflage, detection and long-range engagement. They often use their trusty claymore to cover grounds and flanking positions to ambush the enemy.

Armaments: Zastava M76 sniper rifle, RDG-5 grenades and MON-50 claymore mines.
Body armours: None.
Extra Equipments: Binocular.
Capture time: 37 seconds.

GIN "Dabit (or Officers)" is the field commander of the GINGF. They provide moral support as well as the ability to call in key indirect fire support. Being lightly armed, they will need extra protection in the field to survive enemy's assault.

Armaments: PM pistol.
Body armours: None.
Extra Equipments:Binocular.
Capture time: 45 seconds.

mahdi.t - - 3 comments

really u use IRAN map as a GLA territory ???
their not terrorists.

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Dead|Wing - - 3,063 comments

Iran may have got overrun by the GLA... They invaded Europe after all.

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majid700 - - 1 comments

Link please how download

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Guest - - 705,728 comments

Patch is fantastic and completely realistic and enhanced (just like the name of it).

If you could just fix the issue of having units stuck in trees when they move.

Also, I would looooove it if more units were added, such as Cobra and Little Birds helicopters in Helicopter General..

Wouldn't mind if they aren't added too, as this is the best patch I have ever played and I do not want to play a different game ever again.

Kuddos, and well done!

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