Sorry about having been away for so long and this news post is so short. There has been development on the mod in the meantime. I'm qouting the latest news articles in here from my website at the end of this news post. Also, I've got a new forum up, new pictures (currently only in the forums),

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Sorry about having been away for so long and this news post is so short. There has been development on the mod in the meantime.

I'm qouting the latest news articles in here from my website at the end of this news post. Also, I've got a new forum up, new pictures (currently only in the forums), new crew is coming in and... DOWNLOADS. Find it all on

Now, for the qouting and explaining of my absence:

"December 14th 2005; Kresjah; Back in business!

After a long period of silence, Honour the Astartes is back in business! I'll give you a low-down of what has been going on lately:

Firstly, I moved to a different part of the country, to get closer to my girlfriend. For the first three months, I didn't have my own machine available, and thus it was very limited to what I could actually do for this mod. After almost three months had gone, I managed to finally get a job. I then moved out, and shortly after, my girlfriend moved in with me. After another month or so, I got internet in my apartment (it was a liberation to be in possession of internet again after four-five months without it). Still had some lack of time since things needed to get straightened out in the apartment. So, with about two days of prior notice, fifteen people (including me) was notified that we would lose our jobs due to budget cut down. So, here I am now, in an apartment far away from my old home, living with my girlfriend, and am currently unemployed.

On the mod side, things have gone a bit up and down. I've been trying to do some modding in the midst of everything going on in my personal life, although by the time I managed to make something useful out of it, new versions had been released and my mod was broken again. These last days however have been a bit more productive, and I've managed to release a few modules as some of you people (mainly from the Relic Forums) already know. They are the Techmarine with a Servitor retinue (lacks models and proper weapons) and the Veteran Squads (lack models, proper weapons and some skill implementation). They can be found in the files section.

Also, there is a new forum in the works. The new forums are already up in the menu links, although it will undergo modifications in the near future, so stay tuned.

I'm hoping there will be more productivity on the mod in the coming times. Thanks for your time and patience!"


"January 1st 2006; Kresjah; Delayed Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year + files!
It's been hectic times lately, trying to find a job, managing the house and income (or lack of it), getting time for ones family, not to mention my dear and much, much more. However, I have been able to work on several projects and spend some time working on Honour the Astartes. Firstly, welcome Tsrah to the mod. He's doing some superb models which I hope to get released as soon as they're done. Also, out now is the Basic Infantry module, which refines well, basic infantry for the Space Marines. Head over to the files section and check it out.

Happy New Year folks!"

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