Post news RSS Update 14

It's time I brighten things up a little bit. First of all, I want to tell you that the reason why I am not giving a release date is becouse I don't want to be stuck in my own words. If I give you a release date, but things might not go as planned you may end up with a postpone or half mod. And that would give only more arguement.

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Dear Fans,

It's time I brighten things up a little bit. First of all, I want to tell you that the reason why I am not giving a release date is becouse I don't want to be stuck in my own words. If I give you a release date, but things might not go as planned you may end up with a postpone or half mod. And that would give only more arguement.

A small progress update,
- Now, All indigedous people have been altered so that they are with the corrosponding faction in that time.
- The AT-PT is going to stay.
- I am going to try to let frigates and corvettes move like fighters so they move up and down but slowly. (this will give you some nice layers in battles.)
- Twilight has been rebalanced.
- New Munificent and providence model comming up.

Now we have found ourselfs a modeler: Say hello to Mr.Sparrow
But we still need more help, I am only a learner if it is about skinning and Mr.Sparrow's programs don't allow him to make skins. And don't start about animating couse I don't know anything of that!

So everybody that can help, please do so. I'm trying to get a forum as we speak, but since Nett40 is the manager of this modpage I can't do anything at all!


Tfett - - 330 comments

Mikofski, I love how much progress you are suddenly achieving! Maybe you can finally make something like RaW, but this one will ACTUALLY COME OUT! Anyways, keep up the good work, mate! :)

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Mr.Sparrow - - 34 comments

Hey Guys! I'll do my best to make you some pretty stuff :P And about skinning that doesn't mean i can't use another program. Hopefully i won't let you down.

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(LONEWOLF) - - 753 comments

Mr sparrow thank you for taking time to do modeling with your help we will be able to create THE BETTER MOD...

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Mr.Sparrow - - 34 comments

It seems that i'm able to skin my models afterall so this will make my job abit easyer but i have to practise cause i haven't been able to do it before

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gary139 - - 197 comments

So wookies will now help the rep?

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Ozzy667 - - 2,303 comments


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shakara - - 215 comments

and when can the test groups start the testing of the new units and updates???

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(LONEWOLF) - - 753 comments

Yea when are we going to test hmm

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