Triptych Revived
Followers of Triptych and Dark Craft Studios, it has been two years since I've announced my footing and placement in the world of game design and weird fiction writing. I've been busy, very busy, keeping the threads intact and curing them with time. As you know, Triptych was lost to a double HDD failure in a RAID accident (due to lightning, despite my best efforts of protection) and I had no had any truly safe cloud backup storage present on a project/engine so old. I took time off this winter and autumn to review and revise the screenplay, and finding it much to my liking, have decided that I cannot leave the bones unburied. I will complete Triptych up through the year and fulfill my years old promise on delivering an aesthetic and uncompromising lovecraftian tale for Cryengine2 -- a swan song, of sorts, of this chapter of my development life.
Development Plan
I have completed Chapter 1 entirely by utilizing captions and subtitles. There are no VA's currently attached to the project as both declined a return, and professed a disinterest in the genre (having moved on to quieter, greener pastures of writing.)
Instead of letting that depress me, I'm moving on and sculpting the entire game first before I find two VA's suitable for the project.As I mentioned, Chapter 1 is done, and rather than post produce it now (Soundscape, optimization, tweaking) forever, I am shelving it and moving on to Chapter 2 immediately. Work on Chapter 2 is underdoing blueprinting now and should be done in the next two months. Then I will tackle 3, tie it all together with flowgraph and narrative, and then post production. It is during this stage I will hire Voice Actors, a Sound Engineer, and Composer to tie the whole project together. I fully expect an October release or earlier unless finding voice actors proves to be maddeningly difficult. Thank you for your patience with me, and be assured hope is not lost.