Post news RSS Triptych Development Model

After much deliberation, the below model has been adopted.

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Greetings, December 25th is drawing closer and closer, and those with eyes that see will celebrate Yuletide in the mysterious winter caverns of eastern Germany. Wait, what was I saying?

Family Reunion

Triptych has had a full fledged Worry of Newport reunion! KillerTruffle, of Edgar Gray fame, will be voice acting Jeremiah Stone--the protagonist--of Triptych. Brilliant composer James Dean has lent his hand in 4 unique ambient tracks that personally gave me chills. SeaGlass, of Aoife Gray fame, will most likely return as The Old Tree, a unique and foreboding character who is literally a tree, and Jason Daysh will once again return to lend me his tremendous help in trackviews and cutscenes.

So a round of applause for the best kind of reunion! It took me months, but I finally have all us chickens in the same basket and we're all happy as can be.

Development Announcement

As well, Triptych is going to be adopting a universal development model in order to appease fans and keep me from going insane. Each chapter will be released a month apart from each other due to the severe amount of time required by virtually one person (Waves) that is doing the development end of the designing.

This allows for a more polished product, and thus a better experience for you. Triptych: Decessus will release on December 25th, 2011 and will be about 45 minutes in length and will end with a proper conclusion, not a cliff hanger. No cop outs or cheap gimmicks at the end will ever be used again for my mods, Triptych is no exception. A rounded, intelligent ending is planned.

The story is told in reverse chronology, so Decessus is the death or end of our protagonist, the second chapter is the middle of his life, and the first is the grim and foreboding explanation on how he got into the occult. They will release December, January, and February 25th respectively.

Technical News

I have finally done reworking the Flowgraph and Optimization code for Triptych. I am still humble when I say that it will most likely result as one of the best looking Crysis mods ever made, as the amount of polish that has gone into the lighting, terrain and texturing for all 3 chapters is a thousand times better than Worry of Newport. I have uploaded the latest build screenshots of Chapter 1, and the results speak for themselves.

It's also worth noting that none of the technical headaches of Worry of Newport will appear here. When a next Chapter is released, it will be merged with the initial download, and installing will be as easy as an overwrite. Your saves for the prior chapter will not break.

And that is that for this news update, I hope you're as eager as I am for Chapter 1's release date and I look forward to talking to you guys in the near future after the release of our first teaser trailer.


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