Post news RSS Transposed: Update 1

Starting off development logs with some screenshots and too much text.

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Update 1

Thought I'd start off with a quick article with a bit more detail about this mod and the mission statement so far. First off, thanks to everyone who's commented and followed so far! Getting feedback is always rad and appreciated, especially as this project develops. I'm hoping to have an update every month or so, maybe quicker or slower depending on how much gets done. Right now the major focus is on level design, but there's also a few plans for the development of some more custom elements.


Transposed is an exploration focused, puzzle based first person mod set in an alternate version of Half-Life's Black Mesa, wherein you take the role of an alternate Aperture espionage agent. The games structure is semi-open world. Most of the levels revolve around 2 central hub maps with different areas to explore. Some areas are open from the start, others will need to be unlocked as you progress. The main objective is to sabotage each department of the facility, gain access to the data core and steal your rivals research. Of course as a corporate spy, this must be done covertly, so the gameplay has much less of a focus on combat, or at least conventional gunplay. It's a pretty silly mod, semi-parody with a focus on unrealistic facility's that lampoon the kinda stuff you'd see in Black Mesa Prime. These are still early details, so some of this may change after execution.


I've worked on several Source projects in the past, but never really committed to a full project. I would always find myself getting hung up on small details. But the benefit of working with Goldsrc is the limitations, meaning details can remain relatively simple while still visually interesting and fitting with Half-Life's design. Even now I have been able to build such a large chunk of this project that I would've never been able to finish in Source by myself, so a project like this is actually comparatively achievable.


Anyway I'm gonna keep these updates pretty casual after this one, thanks for following and I hope ya'll enjoy seeing this mod progress. Here's some more screenies.


SweetRamona - - 5,198 comments

Wow this looks amazing! :3

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Sirdownloadsalot Author
Sirdownloadsalot - - 21 comments

Thank you!

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Zorro_de_la_noche - - 565 comments

Why do Aperture Laboratories and Black Mesa share the same universe?

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Sirdownloadsalot Author
Sirdownloadsalot - - 21 comments

Aperture and Black Mesa have always shared the same universe my dude

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Zorro_de_la_noche - - 565 comments

Oh no. The Portal saga and the Half-Life 2 video game used practically the same graphics engine and nothing else; it was the fanatics who invented that based solely on the fact that they had the same engine.

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wolfprince1 - - 281 comments

I think I said this before, but I wasn't logged in. But these screenshots are amazing. I'm keeping a close eye on this mod!

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Capt.Host - - 852 comments

It's looking great, best of luck to you ;)

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23-down - - 3,645 comments

Yap Sweetbulma is correct.. That looks indeed amazing.. Lovely work. I hope you manage to get through with it. Gold source has it's own quirks that may drain up on your morale.

So good luck on this one.. :)

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Sirdownloadsalot Author
Sirdownloadsalot - - 21 comments

Thank you! I've already been discovering Goldsrc's limitations but to be honest it's been pretty motivating having these limitations to work inside. It makes it more rewarding to achieve stuff and get mechanisms working :D

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tipirodrigo - - 35 comments

i was looking for something like this

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