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an important announcement and a list of things that needs to get done. the article will go more in deapth.

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allright, lest start with the bad news first. due to a recent finnacial situiation that has befallen on me and my family, i MAY not be online for an extended period of time. this reason is because im struggling to scroung up the money to pay for internet.

now, first on the list:

banner and header image, nick cant make up his mind and neither can i, so if we could get somone to combine all the banners into one .gif and the same with the header images, as shadowdude100 suggested, that would be great.

People say that were a "haters group" now this might sound a little harsh and vulgur but, f*** them. pardon my language but im tired of the hate mail in my in-box and the trolls on my profile page. we need to organize into a legitmate, respectful group, and look less like the "haters" we are presumed to be. we are not haters, we are just concerned about the creators of our favorite franchises creating works that conflict with their previous works. we want to figure out why? why are you releasing media that conflicts with your old stuff?

lastly organization.

we need to organize into sub groups to cover all of the different franchises and eras within.

for example:
star wars star trek (if there are any conflictions) ... and so on
old republic (if any conflictions) eras in star trek (if any)
rise of the empire
rebellion era
legacy era

i want to bring this group back to life. restore it to its former glory. i want ALL of the members to be involved, this is a team effort. do you want to be known as a "hater" because you are unhappy with a recent tv series or movie from your favorite franchise? then lets do something about it!

also, i will soon be realeasing some information that i rescently found that very well could end the age old Clone Wars debate once and for all!

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alexbond45 - - 524 comments

I can give all the info i know!

We should have a ranking system, i would prefer the Navy, because their ranks are the best i know (Fleet Admiral-Ensign)

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TheN00btuber - - 525 comments

hmmmm ok. If your stuck don't spend it on the internet.

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(LONEWOLF) - - 753 comments

i think i have the .gif figured out i will try and make it work but i will need admin privileges to do it

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Commissar_Delta Author
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments

i will grant you your admin privs

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Nova_Stihl - - 501 comments

i can be anywhere in the expanded universe era. mainly i dont watch the movies that much, i just like the books more. put me in the NJO portion of things (please).

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Commissar_Delta Author
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments

members get to choose which division theyre in

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GenoFan3 - - 61 comments

Your not haters, more of ranters. Every new episode that comes out or is being planned, no matter what, the following happens:

1. New episode is revealed or planned and you share with group.
2. You find every possible way to make it non-cannon on every single level, especially the 2 or 3 part episodes.
3. You tell group you'll watch either now or later.

4.1: The episode wasn't as bad or destructive as you thought and you wait for next episode to come out to further rant about it.
4.2: The episode or part was bad and you say it's the end of Star Wars, Filoni is the devil, and Ozzy is doing damage control.

I'm not denying that there are canon issues, but the way you present is...less than professional and it annoys me. The series is not bad at all and I bet had this come out around the time the 5 min series did, you love it. I feel this group is more of a nostalgic group than anything. My opinion...

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Commissar_Delta Author
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments

were restructuring the group to make it more professional at the moment

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Ozzy667 - - 2,303 comments

I wouldn have to say genofan as usual has beat me too my exact point of view on it. A more positive attitude about ANY new release from any franchise and a simple side note of the contraduictions would go much further than immediately assuming doom and gloom. I have admitted to things I agree were contradictions or questioned Lucas Arts discissions to resurrect dead characters that seemed unnessecary BUT even if I disagree I do try to understand if it can all Co exist with out creating conflict with other Very good stories from people who love the Clone Wars era. TCW will not be the last story about The war and future sources will also struggle to coexist with TCW and previous sources and will also face negative fans who will want to point out any contradiction the writer purposely or accidently puts in it.
I applaud and support any more positive changes to the group

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SolidJames - - 1,326 comments

Remember, its ALL fiction XD.

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SolidJames - - 1,326 comments

Anything starting with the first NJO book is not canon to me. So I guess in that way I am a little hypocritical XD.

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Commissar_Delta Author
Commissar_Delta - - 5,830 comments

may i remind everyone that anything considered trolling will be immeadiatly deleted. thank you

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Ozzy667 - - 2,303 comments

EXCUSE ME! I gave a well thought out explanantion of how perceptions can be improved without a single insult, accusation or negative comment as a Customer service manager of TEN years and you delete it for TROLLING! Are you F**KING KIDDING ME! I very rarely get ****** but that really ****** me off. As a member of this group I put up an opinion and you censor it! Maybe I will just leave this group if you don't want to hear anyones opinion!

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SolidJames - - 1,326 comments

I concur, how can what we said be considered trolling? If you think what we said is trolling, then I say YOU are the troll! XD

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