Hey there ! As Classic mode is near enough 100% complete, we're starting to think about other systems and how other gamemodes should work. Our main focus is on the previously announced gamemode 'PVP' ( Player VS Player ).
The team have agreed that we do not want to make it the 'normal' PVP mode where there would be a selection of levels and you would run around and kill one another ; we want to make ours unique.
So far we've came up with two concepts :
This concept is self explanatory, really. If you were to create a server, there would be a selection of themes to choose from. For example, let's say you decided to choose a city theme and press 'start'.
On map load, there would be 4 open 'slots' for preset pieces to be placed into. There may be a total of 20 presets and 4 of them would be chosen at random and placed into these 4 slots, creating a relatively small map, probably suitable for around 8 player PVP. Let's say the 4 presets chosen were the following :
- A Church
- A block of houses
- An abandoned park
- A Hotel
These would be placed into the map creating a square-shaped level. However, to take things a step further we thought of the idea that depending on which pieces got chosen, random objects may appear there to change the experience each time. For example, there may be a ladder to help you get onto the roof of a building, or there may be a pond in the park which wasn't there before, causing you to take the long way round. Ontop of that, random weapons would be spawned in these areas.
The point of this idea was to make PVP ultimately balanced. No matter how professional you are at the game, you'll never know where your favourite gun will be spawned, you'll never know where your hiding spot is. We also wanted to make sure there was a unique experience every time.
( We're not 100% sure this gamemode will work okay with the source engine due to it's capabilities )
This concept is similar to the one of 'The Hunger Games'. Players will spawn in a large map, they will spawn with no weapons and will spawn all together. Players will also notice they will have a hunger bar, we will talk about this more later.
On spawn, a counter will count down to 0, when that time comes, it's a race to find weapons and food. Players will instantly scatter around the map becoming lost in the huge worlds that are infested by zombies. If you can't find a weapon, you may even have to play silently, hiding from both players and the zombies.
Your hunger bar is constantly dropping, as soon as this gets drastically low, you need to find some food, otherwise you're going to start loosing health. Food will be randomly spawned throughout the large maps that will be created by us developers and the modding community.
Weapons will also spawn randomly, no one will ever know where their favourite gun spawns, as soon as that timer hits 0, it's just hoping for the best find. Ammo will also be scarce, make the most of what you've got, the ammo you've got in your gun may just be the last bullets on the map.
As you may expect, these matches can be extremely quick, or extremely long, for this reason, the choice of a timer will be given to the server admin. People may want to play defensive and hide for as long as possible until the other players either starve to death, shot to death or eaten alive by the zombie hordes.
Maps will not be random, however, there will be some random events to ensure re-playability. Random events include, randomised weapon spawns, randomised food spawns and if possible, randomised objects to unveil a new floor in a building or to help you get somewhere you couldn't get before.
So there you have it, those are our two concepts so far. Please, if you have any suggestions for both concepts, feel free to comment aswell as helping us decide which gamemode you guys would prefer.
Thanks !
Remember, we're always searching for new, talented members to join our group. If you're interested in helping us progress the mod, please contact a member of the team via steam or ModDB. At the moment, we're currently prioritising :
- Modellers
- Texture artists
- Riggers
- Mappers
Thanks again !
it's kinda hard to decide...
both are equally good...
Survivor :P
Just release already.
Concerning level generation are you talking about using something like func_instances and compiling right then and there? I suggest experimenting with it before you set your hearts on it, it doesn't work well in multiplayer from what I've experimented with a modified ASW branch.
Hey man ! Yeah, we're testing it soon, we're not sure if the source engine likes what we're trying to do with it XD Thanks alot for the advice man, appreciate it alot !
I choose you pikachu!
Survival :D
Survival :p
I would vote for Randomly Generated Environments, it's more interesting than Survival imo :)
Survival. RGE doesn't seem like it will work very well.
SURVIVAL of course ! damn it's gonna be great !
I vote for randomly generated game type
Random generating maps sounds like a difficult coding task in the source engine. I like both ideas, but you should probably go with the simpler idea. Survival is my vote.
Contagion has randomly generationed environments, also Source.
It's also a sucky *** feature. Survival.
i'm going with survivor mode this time
If possible randomly generated environments would be far better yes !
I really like the sound of survivor mode! Go for it!