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Will you follow the path of the Edain? Discover what evil hides beneath Mount Gundabad.

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Mission: The Path of the Edain

Greetings, Companions of Edain!

Have you ever asked yourself the question, what would have happened if the whole War of the Ring would have been only a trap. Nothing but a distraction to lure the attention of the free people of Middle-Earth towards Sauron in the south-west instead of something much older and worse rising in the north. What if Morgoth's most loyal servant was plotting to drain Middle-Earth in the blood of everyone opposing him, with the ultimate goal, of reviving Morgoth at last.

And while the Fellowship of the Ring moves south, all over Middle-Earth evil creatures rise from the depth, to bring terror upon the world. And so a most unlikely group assembles once more in the halls of Elrond to hold council.

There they are, a representative of Gondor, hoping for news of Boromir, a Rohirrim Captain, who hunted a horde of goblins thus far, that he passed through these lands, an elven maid bringing message from the Lady of Light, a wood-elf telling about the evil spreading in Mirkwood, Thogar son of Thorin III accompanied by some dwarven veterans, even a snow troll from Forodwaith, who is seeking answers important to his tribe. But the center of attention is a pale tainted elf, who was fostered in Rivendell.
For many nights this elf had the same dream. He was lead, sometimes it was a hooded figure, sometimes a wild animal, but always it was the same person. In his dreams the elf followed him, through woods, over mountains and into the dark corridors of an old underground fortress. And the a voice kept telling him, to follow this path, the Path of the Edain, if he wanted to know the truth.
And so, the council decides that it is inevitable to follow this path. Lead by Glorfindel and Elrond's sons himself, the group departs upon the old dwarven fortress of Mount Gundabad, but what will await them there, no one might say.

Chose your own custom hero and follow the Path of the Edain yourself, to discover the endless number of dungeons, halls and corridors of Gundabad in this fictional scenario.

The Map

The map is made for 6 custom heroes, either being played by human players or the full working AI.
The players begin at the first upper floor of Gundabad, from where they start exploring the dungeons. At many crossroads, the player has to decide which way to take and can even change the floor using the stairs between them. To use a stair, more than half of the players have to step on it, such that the players will be teleported to the other side of it.

The map consists of 5 normal playable floors reaching from the second lower floor to the third upper floor, plus a bonus floor and the final floor at the roots of the Grey Mountains, making the map is a huge three-dimensional maze. To help the player the mini-map is redrawn for every floor to allow an optimal orientation.

first upper floor second upper floor third upper floor

The whole map consists of 60 halls and rooms and even more corridors connecting them. The playable size of the map is 2,5 times as large as the current largest map in Edain and is about 7 times as large as Fords of Isen. Therefore, exploring every part of it needs more than 2 hours.
On the map the player will find 25 different kinds of enemies, reaching from endless hordes of weak orcs, to dragons and other monsters.

Races and Classes

True to real dungeon games, besides the races the player can choose in the hero editor, in the map itself, the player is allowed to choose a classes, too.

  • Commander: The Commander is a charismatic leader, who is trusted by his troops. Summoned troops stay twice as long on the battlefield. Nearby allied troops gain +10% armor and damage
  • Sage: The Sage supports all those around him. Nearby heroes gain twice as much experience and their cooldowns are reduced by 10%.
  • Defender: The Defender is a defensive fighter, who is prepared to all situations. If the defender is not in combat for 10 seconds, then he is able to block the next attack and every other damage in the 5 seconds afterward.
  • Marksmen: The Marksmen knows the weaknesses of his enemies, and is able to cause critical wounds. Hit enemies are slowed 90% down for 0,5 seconds. Does effect hordes, too. Only ranged[/li]
  • Plunderer: For the plunderer a fight is nothing, profit is everything. The plunderer gains resources for killing enemies
  • Crusher: The Crusher is always the first in the army of the enemy and crushes everyone to the ground, who dares to stop him. The crusher is 5% faster and slows much less down, when trampling/crushing enemies.
  • Veteran: The Veteran is an experienced fighter, who has the advantage of much battle experience. Depending on the class, he gets different boni: Men of the West: Armor, Defenders of the Woods: Attack Speed, Dwarves: Health, Trolls: Area of Effect
  • Slayer: The Slayer enjoys every moment of the fight. With every attack he regenerates some of his health.
  • Master Thief: The Master Thief is able to open any lock. Closed doors can be opened
  • Champion: The Champion fights determined for his goals With every hit, he reduces the cooldown of the next abilities by 33% for 5 seconds

These classes can be selected in the spellbook. The player will start with 10 spellpoints, such that he can instantly buy the first class. A very special class is the Master Thief, who can open any locked door, if this door is openable at all from the outside. This class is very useful, allowing the player to enable bonus rooms and even floors, like the birthplace of Durin or the treasury, but it is not necessary for the victory.

The Mission

The custom heroes being separated from the rest of the group at the beginning of the game, have to find there own way slaughtering every foe on their path, to find out more information, about what is going on. This will lead them to the final level and short before that to happy meeting with the other half of the group. Those who survived until the final chamber, will be faced with an ultimate decision and might even have to fight their formerly friends. Depending on the choice of each player the map can have two different endings.

Will you follow your destiny?

Post comment Comments
MrTodd - - 394 comments

Awesome! It looks amazing! You spoil us so much this last days,christmas comes early this year. :p

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hoho96 - - 3,797 comments

Anyone still not convinced that Edain will be #1??
Follow the path of Edain mod :D

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VonHeinrich - - 2 comments

This was unexpected. Looks like alot of fun, and hope you make first place. looks realy cool :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
The_Wailing_Waters - - 341 comments

I sure wasn't expecting this...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Iamrandom - - 62 comments

1. I know there WAS an Evil Men(Harad and Rhûn) faction. Is it going to be added again?
2. I wasn't expecting THIS BOOTYFUL ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) campaign.
3. I can't wait for Le Wizard Queen of Agnmur to show up. (That Agnmur wasn't a typing mistake.)
4. *Angmar horn* We will regain the Iron Crown back!

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SauronLordofTheEarth - - 881 comments


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Aragorn_Frodo - - 287 comments

I absolutely love this! :)
Intel please fix your bug so I can run BFME2!!!

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hoho96 - - 3,797 comments

I don't know about you, but since September Intel and Dell released an update for the Win10 driver which solved all issues with most old game (for me at least, Edain worked again) :)

I highly recommend you to check your manufacturer's website manually for drivers (check the dates and version numbers, and closely compare them to your numbers on your current drivers).
Don't use auto detect, especially with Intel. It has a tendency to mess things up.

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Aragorn_Frodo - - 287 comments

Ah thank you for this! I will try it!

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Drualden - - 23 comments

Christmas came early this year ehehe!

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pabloxa6 - - 7 comments


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?RiddleMeThis? - - 299 comments

Is this playable now or is it in the next update?

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FG15 Author
FG15 - - 3,561 comments

It will be in the next update.

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?RiddleMeThis? - - 299 comments

Thanks for the reply good sir

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JoseTheGreen - - 32 comments

This mission map is exellent, it remembers me Dungeons and Dragons and online role-playing games like LotRO.
This mod gets better with time, since 3,4 i am in love with it and your decisions haven't let me down, improving every aspect of the mod.
Keep your spirits high and don't stop believing on your great work!!!

PD: Have you considered putting the goats war wagon with the double repeating crossbow and the arrow shredder ballista?
This also inducted me to propose you a thing: could every dwarven kingdom have different war machines?
And the dwarven horn could be replaced by any dwarven shout from the movie

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FG15 Author
FG15 - - 3,561 comments

We will take the battlewagons into consideration as soon as we have time for them. But of course we can't promise anything.

The dwarven horn already got a movie sound.

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JoseTheGreen - - 32 comments

But im talking about a dwarven cry, Tanar Durin Nur!!! or Azagh Bekar!!!
Thanks for the reply

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Szurdok(HUN) - - 50 comments

i cant wait!

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Adebisi_ - - 26 comments

This is a lot of stuff to be packed into one update(angmar, new skins, mission). Will it all fit in one or will it gradually roll out? also: why don't the Lorien towers at the fort shoot silver thorn after the upgrade?

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FG15 Author
FG15 - - 3,561 comments

Yes, it will be all in one update. Because we are some people in the team, we can work on different things at the same time.
And normally, we present something when it's finished. So, it can be in work for a long time. The mission map was devellopped nearly a year, the dwarves in september.

I believe that is a bug.

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Potysvk - - 173 comments

FG15 , really good work :). Do you have any new maps in your sleeves? Last 3 new maps are really well done :)

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FG15 Author
FG15 - - 3,561 comments

Yes, there are more things, I'm working on.
There is a reason, why not all spellbook spells are activated on this map.

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RuudDevil - - 28 comments

Very very ambitious but I'm really looking forward to playing it.

Thanks for giving us the choice of pvp and pve though, very considerate! :D :D :D

The 2 hour playtime aside, the different classes, powers, locked rooms, etc. should provide a lot of replayability!

Stay classy, Edain.

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MrPitcairnWhore - - 250 comments

This is same like The Third Age Game. Characters can use more detail though :P

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Tyzula - - 91 comments


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Bombur - - 33 comments

I profit from this less faction targeted to share an idea that came to me about Arnor: I know you have previously stated that you won't make Arnor a full faction because, from what I understood, it's basically a Gondor clone, and it doesn't exist anymore at the time of TLOTR or The Hobbit (altough I don't see the problem with that because it's also the case of Angmar, which is yet in the mod). But the problem with that is you can't play Arnor on many cool maps; and a lot of maps that are actually in Arnor ore very close (and very much closer to Arnor than Gondor) don't even activate the Arnor faction. It also prevents you from playing Gondor on maps that actually activate Arnor.

So, what I propose is to make Arnor a subfaction of Gondor, in the same way as those that exist for Dwarves. Ideally, the current Gondor faction should be renamed into Dúnedain Kingdoms (or Men of the West, or simply Dúnedain, or whatever you want) and you should have the choice between Gondor and Arnor at the start of the game.

At first, this Arnor subfaction could be implemented just as it currently is, but with furutre update, you could bring a bit more specialisation to the two subfactions, just like you did for Dwarves.

I also thought it could be based on the 4th Age rebuilt Arnor, sharing King Elessar with Gondor, which would bring the subfaction to be temporally closer to the other ones, but that would have the inconvenient of taking it away from Angmar. Unless you also base Angmar on an hypothetical rebuilding by the Witch-King. Yours to choose, just random thinkings :) .

Of course, you can refuse, it's still your mod, and the decision is yours, but I really feel it would be a great addition to the mod :) !

PS: I also thought that (in very far future, when more important things will be done), create Orocarni as a fourth Dwarf subfaction and make Rivendell and Lindon two subfactions for a High Elves/Ñoldor faction would be cool.

PPS: Is there still a way to recruit the Ithryn Luin with Edain 4.X? I love those two!

PPPS: Oh, and, last idea, would it be possible to recruit Shelob permanently, or at least, to recruit Shelob permanently only on the Cirith Ungol map, by feeding her with Orcs as you could in BFME1?
I don't find her really useful as a power, and I miss my cute giant spider.

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Gnomi - - 4,488 comments

It's technically not possible to use the dwarven system for Arnor/Gondor.

About a forth dwarf faction:
Well... probably no. There is only a maximum amount of heroes we can add for a faction - and as dwarves just count as one faction, we already can only add very few heroes for each dwarven faction (as the amount of total heroes is the sum of the heroes of all three dwarven realms)
Therefore a new dwarven faction would mean even less heroes per faction.

The blue wizards will be available, but aren't available in the current version.

Many people say that the power which summons shelob is really op. :P
Additionally we think that it fits much better, as she never really obeyed Sauron. So we think that it wouldn't fit for her being a normal hero.
So no, she isn't available as a normal hero and isn't planned.^^

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Bombur - - 33 comments

Oh OK, no problem. But can I know why it isn't possible for Gondor/Arnor?

And what about the Cirith Ungol map thing :) ?

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Gnomi - - 4,488 comments

There are several problems, but the main problem is the spellbook. We can't change the spellbook with such a system, therefore Arnor would also have the army of the dead.^^

On Cirith Ungol I'm personally quite happy with the Shelob creep, which always flees and comes back.^^
Feeding her orcs would also be an interesting idea, I will think about it. :)

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Bombur - - 33 comments

I this case, would it be possible to have more maps which activate Arnor? Because, as I pointed, several maps that are in Arnor don't activate the faction :( .

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Gnomi - - 4,488 comments

There'll probably be more Arnor maps in the future. :)

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cacaouete33370 - - 45 comments

his look so good

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Theoden_King - - 233 comments

this is great when it will be playable

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bifon333 - - 1 comments

Can you tell me the relase date of 4.3 update?

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sindarelf - - 31 comments

Hello! great work on the patch! Can you please tell me, how to start the Edain Path..? because when i start it, i'm spawning by myself and i have no attack, so the orcs kill me immediately! Do i need to activate other players also? Thanks!

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Tyzula - - 91 comments

I too have problems with the map. I start with some bald guy, when I select him there is a button "Create a hero" and when I click it, it spawns absolutely the same bald guy. And that's it.
Is there some manual or guide of starting the map correctly?

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Joshi460 - - 281 comments

Is there any way for you to play as your other created heroes? I start the mission but the others are AI? Do I have to set up a starting position for each team?

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