Post news RSS The Mystical Forest

Hello! We are going to start showing more of the actual game to everyone here. Today, we would like to share a sneak peak of the forest area. It is one of the main areas of gathering ingredients - Have a look!

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Greeting, witches!

Today we would like to show you all a bit of what we've been up to. Seeing as to the fact that the game is under development, we would like to remind you that nothing that you see is final.

The area where you beging your brewing, gathering and hopefully grand career - The Forest.
This is where your hut is, this is as home as home gets. An area that rewards your exploration and will to gather, where you can relax and use your well-earned me-time. Gather materials in peace, occasionally see some rabid animals or magical creatures peacefully doing their own thing, and just take a breath of that magical, wonderous air:

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An overview of the path between the swamps and the cottage, naturally through the early parts of the forest.

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Sprites flying, mushrooms glowing, witches brewing - oh how it takes me back to prom night

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I promise that there are no bears about, not even behind that tree

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Can't you feel that mysterious pull into the depths of the forest? What mysterious things grow inside these woods? When did I have to pick up my dry cleaning?

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A view of your very own hut, garden and the mountain tops to the north, and the best part is that the game starts with the loan already payed off

Now you've gotten a bit of a peak at the first area, stick with us and we will keep you posted on even more in the future. We are working hard on a lot of the core at the moment, but rest assured that there will be an increased amount of content going up on our medias.

Until then:
Brew safely, witches!

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