Post news RSS The Last Kingdom: Wrath of the Norsemen Expansion V3.9!

New version of this mod uploaded today! - I suggest that everyone download this version, as it's a huge update adding three new factions, two new rosters for two old factions, - and additional units for most of the other old factions. It also does improve on the gameplay in certain ways and is now almost complete - just lacking a few menu portraits and probably some text. I won't add that as that doesn't matter to me. Enjoy the new 3.9 version of the TLK:WotN Expansion SUBMOD.

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2022-03-12 - Information - All the changes of the last uploaded mod "Unofficial 4.0 Patch" are in the Wrath of the Norsemen-submod - because the submod is more recent than the 4.0 version. I did include it already in 2017 as the 4.0 unofficial patch was released before my submod over at

In other words the Unofficial Patch is more recent on MODDB but is older than the submod that I released. I included everything in it in my submod.

2021-07-19 - JOIN MY TWITCH on this link where I'll be streaming campaigns from now on:

Updated and improved version of this mod as of 2018-12-02 - it's more of a minor update/patch and i call it 4.0.

- The patch is improving the Gwynedd economy at the start.

- It's adding missing cavalry units to the three factions that didn't have it at the start.

- And Normandy now has an early garrison which is a full stack as the old garrison were too small, and they do need to kill off West Frankia/Western Frankish Empire to win - West Frankia needs to kill off Normandy in turn!

This was done because in order for Normandy to get Norman units they'd need all of the West Frankia areas on the map.

- Frankish factions are no longer allied to Normandy - as the alliance between Normandy and West Frankia happened only after Paris fell to Normandy and the deal was struck afterwards.

West Frankia doesn't have all their regions on the map, so they would be destroyed when that happens.

- Normandy will get Norman units when they hold all of West Frankia's territory - unfortunately West Frankia cannot survive this due to their other regions missing on the map.

- Population Growth Bonuses added for settlements as they upgraded too slowly!

Enjoy the update!

Updated and fixed version of this mod v 3.9 uploaded today! - 2018-02-06.

A 3.9 patch!


- Menu symbol for the Vikings scripted faction in the diplomacy screen fixed by WarcraftHero.

- Strat-map sounds/voices for the three new factions of Gautland, Oneill and West Frankish Empire fixed by me.

- Invisible rebel stacks in the Oneill starting settlements removed, changing the mod totally for the Oneill faction - it will no longer just stand at it's starting location doing nothing if played by the AI, and if the player is in control it will no longer have trouble moving in it's own territory.

tlk main

Install in two ways if you have the CD-version:

1. Just extract the downloaded RAR-file using a program like WINRAR (it's free, just search for it on google and download it and install) and after that go inside of the downloaded folder and cut the folder inside of it (with the same name) out from that folder and just place it inside of your \SEGA\Medieval II Total War\mods-folder.

Start the mod by clicking the bat-file with the name "Execute.bat" - NOT the "pagan Normans" or "Baptized Normans"-ones. I don't know if they work with my additions. Use the executive to be safe!

2. The other option, and this is if your game is unstable - install TLK version 3.06 first, and then remove the folder from your mods-folder and place this one in instead. But i think the first option should work fine for most.

Version 3.9 changelog:

- Three new factions - West-Frankish Empire, Gautland and the Ui Néill.

- Two new rosters for old factions - Kingdom of Gwynedd & the Kingdom of Munster.

- New units for most factions - Denmark, Alba, the four Saxon factions.

- Updated old rosters, with changed composition of rosters for East-Frankish Empire, Vestfold and Hordaland.

- New portraits for many of the new units.

- New starting alliances and win-conditions for the Irish factions and Hordaland, for Vestfold and Alba and for the Gautland and Denmark factions.

- A few new songs for the Kingdom of Gwynedd on the strat-map - taken from the Arthurian Total war mod for Rome Total war.

- Balance for all the rosters, new and old - and the new units.

- Regional recruitment between the three Irish factions, the Viking factions with Gautland added as well as Denmark's new units and of course between the four saxons and the two Frankish Empire-factions.

- Plus additional fixes, improvements and additions.

PS: Never change the ownerships in descr_strat, or the cultures of the unused factions in the descr_SM_factions - that will mess up the system of custom settlements in the mod. The settlements are connected to the cultures, and the cultures are connected to the ownerships - so do not change those, otherwise the wrong settlements will show up.


Version 3.9:

- Danova - For the base-mod of TLK.

- Absinthia - For the creation of new Saxon, Ui Néill and Gwynedd models - plus three of the new Albian models and four/five of the new Munster unit models.

- The War of the West-team - for the creation of the bigger part of the new Munster roster, based on their "Kingdom of the Isles"-roster - and for some basic units in use by the Albians and Saxons.

- Myself (Mr_Nygren) - For all the work on this submod, as i used the assets created by others but did all the work on updating the old TLK 3.06 into this version myself. - Coding, portraits, implementation of new units and factions, gameplay and everything else basically - such as the music-mod.

- WarcraftHero - For the Gautlandi new symbols, and for fixing a gamebreaking issue with diplomacy regarding the Gautland faction after it had been implemented.

- Jurcek1987 - For fixing the Gwynedd General model i think, as it had some issues.

- Paleologos - For providing me with his backup of the Absinthia Romano-Britton roster, after i found an old thread at TWC where he had been sent those units by Absinthia himself.

- Call of Warhammer & it's teamleader - For the Norscan units that i retextured and edited to fit in Denmarks roster!

- Smoesville - For his Ui Néill faction submod containing the symbols, stratmodels, text and cap/gen battlemodels (- I added the new roster, as his submod used the same roster as for Connacht.)

- Gigantus - For providing support.

Version 3.8:

- I myself (Mr_Nygren) did all the implementation of the settlements.

- Rhaymo and DBM - for the creation of the custom settlements in use by all factions.

- Rhaymo allows the use of DBM assets in other mods - alas i have permission to use the custom settlements.

- The EoR-mod and Deutschland etc - for the new slavic textures applied to the custom settlements by Rhaymo - the Viking custom settlements have re-textures from EoR.

- I am also an official developer of EoR (East of Rome) and Deutschland himself approved of this - i've gotten Darius permission to use assets from"The Danube Limes" in WotN - and as the custom settlements are Rhaymo's and were free to use for everyone i'd say permission exists for the re-textures also.

Version 3.07:

I made this submod only by myself- but there are some people who deserves both credit and mentioning:

Danova & team - For the base TLK-MOD!

Absinthia - for the WotN-units such as the Franks, the Northumbrians and the new Vikings - also a thank you to Leif Ericsson for the Vigamenn - Absinthia and Horsa were fine with me using the units, as i am also a developer on WotN currenly - and they told me that Leif would probably be more upset than happy if i didn't include his unit (the Vigamenn) also. I guess i was fine with Absinthia giving thumbs up on that one. TLK and WotN were created by different teams around the same time period - and i know about Horsa and Danova having a sharing agreement which we are playing upon in WotN: Grand Campaign.

Thanks to Heathen Storm also if you have done anything on the units.

But mostly, this was all Absinthias work and he should have credit for the bigger part of the rosters.

Thanks to Darius - for allowing me to use parts of East of Rome: Danube Limes in Wrath of the Norsemen - as this is an "expansion" in the middle of the two WotN-releases - with a clear WotN-connection - i assume this was fine as well - because i got permission for the big one. And this is the same thing but set only in Britain and smaller parts of Europe. Thanks for allowing the use.

Then i wanna thank Wino - for his advice on using Total Commander to help me add his changes on-top of my own submod - thanks man! Would have been very hard without that program.

Thanks to crosscheck86 for his "Swedish Accents"-modification - which i added in with permission from him, and which adds Swedish voices to the Norsemen and Danes! There were no Danish nor Norwegian voices to be found. And it suits the Swedish rebels well.

And finally to Rhaymo, the creator of DBM - for using some of the music of his mod. Not that he ownes the music but it was still in use in his mod.

I wanna thank Derek Fiechter, an artist - for letting me use his song "Celtic Music Instrumental - Avalon" in the mod - on condition of mentioning him.

Some preview videos:

The Last Kingdom: WotN Expansion submod: NEW Kingdom of Gwynedd VS West Frankish Empire:

THE LAST KINGDOM: WotN EXPANSION SUBMOD: Kingdom of Northumbria VS the Kingdom of Wessex:

THE LAST KINGDOM: WotN EXPANSION SUBMOD: Kingdom of Mercia VS the Kingdom of East-Anglia (NEW):

THE LAST KINGDOM: WotN EXPANSION SUBMOD: Kingdom of Denmark (Updated) VS Jarldom of Gautland:

THE LAST KINGDOM: WotN EXPANSION SUBMOD: Kingdom of Munster (NEW) VS Hordaland (Updated):

THE LAST KINGDOM: WotN EXPANSION SUBMOD: Kingdom of Connacht (old) VS the Ui Néill (NEW):

THE LAST KINGDOM: WotN EXPANSION SUBMOD: Kingdom of Alba (Updated) VS Jarldom of Vestfold:

THE LAST KINGDOM: WotN EXPANSION SUBMOD: East Francia (Updated) & Normans VS Magyars:

Chench - - 17 comments

I can't find the download link.

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,948 comments

Read the article - i cannot upload from the school. It States harmful code has been detected. Stupid security of the County network.

I need to get home, will be home in three hours probably.

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,948 comments

Download is available now.

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FrederikFTP - - 5 comments

It seems like (as a viking faction) you just build one building (muster hall) and then you can recruit all units? Are there no 'tiers'?

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,948 comments

That's the case for every faction.

- But when you upgrade the settlements like towns to large towns, large towns to cities, cities to large cities and large cities to huge cities - then you often get a few new units to recruit while losing some bad quality ones.

- Some factions have the same no matter what.

Look at the custom battle screen to see what units to expext in later tiers.

- The Last Kingdom never had barracks of different levels, so there were no choice other than to have most units recruitable immediately.

- The old system of TLK wasn't a barack-system - it was a system based on religion where you needed a certain amount of the factions religion in a settlements before getting to recruit better units,

- I hated that system.. So i removed it - as it took forever to get to recruit good units.

I would have wanted barack-levels but they were not implemented by the older team, as they choose the religious system. A bad choice if you ask me. But i didn't want to add new buildings and instead let everything be available from the start - with some better units not available until you evolve your settlements.

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FrederikFTP - - 5 comments

Aaah okay, I see..
And I completely agree with you.. Barrack-levels adds more excitement.

Well I went on to your other mod Wrath of The Norsemen, and I must say great job! I really love it. Only downside has been the diplomacy, but that's what you can expect from M2TW.. (And of course no Britain)

I believe i read that you've had some trouble expanding or merging the two maps. Have you thought about something like in Empire Total War, with 'muliple' maps instead of a bigger one? Just a thought, perhaps thats even more complicated :)

Thanks for reply and for the mod! Happy Christmas

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,948 comments


Ah, Wrath of the Norsemen isn't really "my mod" - i did the latest work on it and fixed the issues that were in the 2013 alpha.

You could say i turned it from alpha to beta - by fixing the various issues and bugs, adding the music mod plus the custom settlements.

The thought of modifying "The Last Kingdom" was so that there would be two mod versions with different maps.

- So that work would be done.

About the bigger Grand Campaign the problem is stability. It CTD:s too often.

Yeah, merry christmass to you too.

Edit: Ah, as in Empire Total war - multiple maps in the same campaign.. - That is not possible in medieval II.

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FrederikFTP - - 5 comments

Then great job upgrading them, and I will give The Last Kingdom another shot now.

I dont know much about modding myself, but my last advice would be to get in touch with the team who developed the Third Age (D&C) mod.. Maybe you know them or know the mod. I've been enjoying it quite a lot, the map is HUGE and I've never had much trouble with it.

Good luck with the mod - I'm looking forward to it :)

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Mr_Nygren Author
Mr_Nygren - - 3,948 comments

I am no mapper myself, the map of the WotN Grand campaign was entirely developed by user Horsa at TWC - i did the unit implementation and music mod there.

Yeah, i have had contact with D&C and it's leader Arathir. - I actually made a huge music-mod for it too, but they did not want it as an official part of the mod - check Medieval II/Addons.

- In my opinion the experience improves alot, as almost every faction has unique music.

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LaBombaLoca - - 7 comments

I have played a few custom battles and i really liked the factions and units, then i tried to play a campaing and i didn't understand ****, i undeestand that you have to build your economy before you make a huge *** army but every turn i get even less money than before.
Is there any guide or tutorial on the internet? I couldn't find any

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