Post news Report RSS The Great War VI - Campaign Map Overhaul

Here is a breakdown of all of the new updates for the campaign map itself. These changes include starting buildings, emergent factions, starting armies and navies, region religions changes, region income and more.

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Emergent Factions

Many new emergent nations have been added to the campaign map.This also includes fixes to the current rebels for each region fixing several issues the existed in 5.1.4. The borders are obviously not completely accurate but changing them would have taken a very long time if it is even possible, regardless the map does allow for an amazing number of emergents to be place rather accurately.

Here is a composite image of a completely dismantled Europe.

These emergent factions and locations where based on the reference map below

Along with the emergent factions some region specific rebels have been added.

We are also adding all new campaign map army models, above are some examples of very basic ones. As this is part of the new uniforms and unit cards that aren't finished yet I wont be posting in detail about that quite yet.

Religion Overhaul

In the previous version of the campaign map there were still some regions practicing animism in Russia. There was also an entire religion missing... Judaism. We decided to overhaul the region religions just to make them more historically accurate but also to add a little religious and cultural tension making it a little bit more likely emergent nations would emerge.

Here are some examples of the more diverse region religions in a select few regions in the new campaign map.

The breakdowns of each group of religions were based on the following reference maps.

Starting Buildings

Both the starting building in region capitals and the towns themselves have been complete overhauled on the new campaign map. The goal was create a group of regions at the core of some of the major nations that would include every building type necessary to do research and build every unit type. This way you could afford to lose a region or two without crippling your ability to wage war, this also helps the AI tremendously. Certain regions were given railroads at the start as well in order to form a railroad backbone across the major nations. Overall movement points have been reduced and the bonus from railroads has been increased to make them more strategically important to build and maintain.

Here is an example of the bonus you get from railroads now.

Here are images of each major factions core and railroad backbone.

Starting Armies

Starting armies have been completely changed in the new campaign map. Now each major nation starts with a small but relatively powerful army including an elite unit, light infantry, artillery and a heavy focus on cavalry. This is to reflect the state of most nations armies at the start of the war; small, well trained, with an over dependence on light artillery and cavalry. There is also a dynamic element to the starting armies, depending on who you play with certain nations will receive extra units. This also goes for minor nations. If you play as a minor nation you will start with extra troops compared to the starting armies size if you didn't play as them. This is to give you a slightly better chance of surviving a sudden onslaught from a major nation early in the campaign.

Region Wealth

Region wealth have been overhauled as well. The goal was to tone down Frances incredible income and boost Germany to make it far more historically accurate. Great Britain's region wealth was also increased to allow them to support a larger navy. All minor nations had their income increased as well allowing for one region factions to put up a better fight.

Loading Screens

And finally we have three new loading screens in the new update. They were created by Cedric37 from the Total War Center forums. Here is his gallery if you want to check out his other work.

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 62)
darkyuri - - 1,367 comments


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Packy21 - - 1,706 comments

Seeing how fife and drum songs can be implemented, do you think it would be possible to add music band units?
They'd be unarmed and low health, but have a toggle ability to play music which would increase moral in a certain area of effect, however turning this on would mean decreasing their movement speed and, when hidden, reveal them to the enemy.
In the end of course, they would not be all too usefull, but they would certainly add immersion to some players!

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nikolasjrasmussen - - 3 comments

Would be really cool, kinda like this scene

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turbobounce - - 16 comments

So, guess the mod is back up in full gear?

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commissar197 - - 152 comments

Love this all, badass work from all of ya'll!

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Guest - - 700,049 comments

So i take the united states emergent faction has been removed ?

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BDIZZLE356 Author
BDIZZLE356 - - 1,061 comments

This is correct. Having them as an emergent caused several issues with the campaign. We care currently thinking of adding them through a tech that you would research as France. This tech would unlock the ability to recruit American troops in France just like how Great Britain recruits ANZAC troops after researching a tech.

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Turtler7 - - 8 comments

Very interesting approach, and I think it works a lot.

However, I'd suggest adding these to the tech trees of (at least) Britain and Italy as well. Maybe even Russia.

Historically, US troops were committed in division sized forces to the Western Front and Italy during the War, and retained fiercely independent of both French and British command short of Joffie. So I think it makes more sense if they "straddle the line" by being recruitable by all the major Western Allies.

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BDIZZLE356 Author
BDIZZLE356 - - 1,061 comments

The techs and deployment are based on the American Expeditionary Force which was based in France. Adding them to the rosters of other powers would cause some strange side effects especially given that Italy has a tendency to switch sides in the mod, so we could have an issue where Italy is part of the central powers but also can recruit American troops.

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chumik6000 - - 116 comments

will u add new ships?(dreadnoughts) or it is impossible?

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tman0617 - - 250 comments

So happy to see this mod progress. This was one of my favorite mods of all time so to see it come back alive is fantastic news.

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jordanunra1538431465 - - 2 comments

This all looks awesome!

Was just wondering if the new emergents would each be playable individually in custom battles.

In any case, great work and keep it up

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dinnerblaster1 - - 680 comments

It's alive?!

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RevanShan - - 885 comments

Has the mod stopped from massing a spam of armies that made the game crash??

Bunkers algo could make the game crash during battles

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General_Skarr - - 44 comments

Can you do something about Germany? I swear games as them both historical and non historical are impossible. France comes at me with four sometimes five stacks, Russia with three, Britain with between 2-4, and the country southeast of me with two. I can BARELY afford 3 :(

And my allies are like the cable guys from south park when it comes to helping me. They just... sit there. I'm stuck fighting two fronts on my own with no support and an army that doesn't stack up.

I've played other nations and this is much less of a problem then. Pls fix.

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BDIZZLE356 Author
BDIZZLE356 - - 1,061 comments

This has been balanced in the new update. Germanys region income has been increased and France has been reduced. In playtests Germany is now very powerful.

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Haze221 - - 132 comments

Can we get starting regions with advanced buildings already build? It would make sense to have developed economy, instead of being forced to build farm upgrades with strting funds, costing 10k each...

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BDIZZLE356 Author
BDIZZLE356 - - 1,061 comments

This is how it is currently, in the new campaign map they have been changed to lower level buildings. The problem with starting with the most advanced buildings is it eliminates a large part of the campaign map gameplay since you wouldnt ever have to worriy about managing any building projects. It also caused alot of techs to be unlocked early.

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mr_catmunch - - 20 comments

nice but why is Scotland its own country?

and Finland is part of Russia at this point. Is it alt history kinda thing?

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don_durandal - - 1,075 comments

That's a map showing all possible emergents in the mod. It's not the starting map.

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Guest - - 700,049 comments

And Bulgaria is part of Turkish. This is very stupid.

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georgizarev7 - - 3 comments

End Bulgaria is part of Turkish. This is so stupid.

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Turtler7 - - 8 comments

Oh God Oh God oh God. This is fantastic. I had feared this thing was dead, which was a shame since it was my favorite mod. And now it's coming back!!!

I love it. But question: any idea on when it will be around?

But a few pointers.

1: If I had to pick one Baltic emergent, I'd pick Estonia, not Latvia. Simply because it was *by far* the strongest of the Three during WWI and the interbellum, bar none. It alone retained its territory more or less intact throughout WWI and the Bolshevik attacks, it sent troops East and South to pursue its policies, and generally was a notable local player.

In contrast Latvia was torn in half by the Reds and subject to first a civil war between Whites and Reds and then occupation by Freikorps, and Lithuania was almost completely overrun by the Reds, then partially by the Poles, and had a long time clawing itself back.

Perhaps one could make different variants of it like the "United Baltic Duchy" (Germany's possible puppet state in the East for this territory) if it is an Absolute Monarchy, or the Iskolat Republic if Communist (Latvian rather than Estonian, but the youngest and longest lived of the Red statelets in the Baltics and the most independent from Petrograd in terms of resources).

2. In terms of religion, I feel like it should be used for political ideology instead, much like it is used (very well) for the Peninsular War expansion.

I'm just not sure about how this would work. But I think it would better model the important concerns of the day and what actually caused political dissidence. IDK how it would work though. Simply "Absolutist" (ala the Imperial dictatorships in Russia, Germany, the KuK, the Ottomans), "Communists" (to represent Lenin, the Spartakists, etc,...maybe Kemal if really pushed? while replacing Communism) and "Democrats/Constitutionalists" strikes me as too easy.

Though I figure modeling things like "German Absolutism", "German Republicanism," "British Constitutionalism v. Irish Republicanism", and the like might get to be too complicated real fast. But I think it would better model political and ethnic tensions than religion would.

Particularly since religious cleavages often fueled political ones (for instance, Irish Catholics flocked to first Home Rule and then republicanism, the Jews' long experience suffering under Tsarism led them to support Social Democrats, the Poles were uppity as Poles are, and so on) without actually being exclusive to them (you saw a fair number of Catholic Unionists, Dimirijevic and Hoetzendorff may have agreed on an autocratic monarchy but they clearly did not agree on which monarchy should control the Slavic lands of the Balkans, etc).

Ultimately it's easy for me to criticize on the sidelines when I'm not one of those trying to code for this. But I do feel an ideological orientation rather than a religious one would work better for this mod.

But in any case, I know it's gonna be good!

Eagerly awaiting 5.2!

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BDIZZLE356 Author
BDIZZLE356 - - 1,061 comments

Nice write up :)

The decision to add Latvia instead of Estonia wasnt based on their strength or ability to fight off invaders but was simply based on the way the region borders and capitals are setup on the campaign map (which cant be changed). The capital of Latvia is the main city in the region that would have gone to Estonia so if we had added both it would have been kind of strange having the wrong capital for both. SO to simplify things we just made both regions Latvia. As these are emergernts its not guaranteed that you will even come into contact with the factions in the course of a normal campaign but we wanted to add them for an extra element of depth. However if someone wants to make a minimod to add Estonia that would be great.

As far as the religions being replaced with political affiliations, its a really cool idea but as you state it would get really complicated really fast and would require a lot more work and thus more time before release. Again this would be a cool minimod but we dont want to push the release back any further than absolutely necessary.

Also we've changed the name of the update to TGW VI because its gotten so damn huge now it warrants a whole new version number.

I cant wait for you guys to play it, its fantastic!

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ivanspasov15 - - 44 comments

when will it be ready for download >??

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DonRural - - 79 comments

Perhaps I shall wait until this is release

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Guest - - 700,049 comments

Is there any custom maps that I should get on top of this mod, such as a Vurdun map (favourite battle of the war) or a n areas map or anything? Or does it come with custom maps already?

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BDIZZLE356 Author
BDIZZLE356 - - 1,061 comments

There are currently many custom maps including Verdun in the game.

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Guest - - 700,049 comments

Will the update include correct pictures for the generals? I'm sick of seeing some of the generals photos with the wrong names. I know that it's near impossible to get the ship models fixed, but is it possible to at least fix the Russian Naval flag to the correct one instead of using the normal vanilla Russian flag? Great work so far and I can't wait to play!

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BDIZZLE356 Author
BDIZZLE356 - - 1,061 comments

We are adding historical generals right now actually, alot of them haha. Im not sure if we can have a different naval flag from the main faction flag but I can look into it.

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Guest - - 700,049 comments

Other mods do have different naval flags than their main faction flag, and as I've noticed the Germans have a different flag for their navy that isnt vanilla. If you guys can atleast do the flags I'll be happy with the navy stuff. Again great work, and I can't wait to see the historical generals!

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Guest - - 700,049 comments

Any chance we can see what the new unit rosters for the major factions will look like?

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Guest - - 700,049 comments

Can you set and aproximate realse date? i'm on a huge hype about this new update!, thanks for your work, it's a plesure play a mod based on ww1

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BDIZZLE356 Author
BDIZZLE356 - - 1,061 comments

At least 2-3 months, hopefully :)

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LandserGold - - 29 comments

if you have a good engine and team you will make your own ww1 ultra strat game??? maybe yes??? then i will be a part of this project ! ;)))))

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Guest - - 700,049 comments

Do you have any new information about release date?
Is there any new progress about Serbian campaign?

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markolord - - 41 comments

Do you have any new information about release date?
Is there any new progress about Serbian campaign?
And will you add Bulgaria as faction?

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tyler28256 - - 15 comments

When can we expect to be seeing previews again?

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Guest - - 700,049 comments

cool map. it would be more accurate if what is now lithuania d be part of poland and the southern region of latvia d be lithuania instead.

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Guest - - 700,049 comments

Hey,theres some trouble i'd like to report:
this doesnt happen that often,but it does happen sometimes,this is only a minor issue but it removes immersion.
when i went to recruit a general,it had no name,just nothing,i thought it would just randomize a name once i recruited him,but when i put him in the campaign map it was just "," im not joking just a coma.
i could try to go to my save game and see if i can get a screenshot if you want

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LandserGold - - 29 comments

its a small no imprtent bug in 5.1.4 so chill everybody have it and not every general have no name

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TheBryMan - - 13 comments

Wait so what happend to the Independent Germanic states?

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Guest - - 700,049 comments

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NikonOlympos - - 50 comments

Maybe this is a dumb question but given Greece's historical roots as the phsyical and cultural heart of the Eastern Roman Empire as well as the prevalence of the Megali Idea in Greek society and politics (especially with nationalism) would you consider greece reforming or even "renaming" itself as the Basileia Rhōmaiōn? Or would that be too ahistorical/historical fiction for the scope of the mod?

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Guest - - 700,049 comments

Is it normal that if i move English troops to a place on the campaign that they'll speak Spanish?

The extreme zoom into the campaign map, is it fixed?

I'm excited to play the release, keep up the good work!

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Guest - - 700,049 comments

There will be changes about the Soviet Union( RFSR)?
We will be able to take out Biennio Rosso in Italy? :D

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Guest - - 700,049 comments


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Guest - - 700,049 comments

How to get these new factions? I have Great War 5.1.4 but i cant play with them.

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LandserGold - - 29 comments

sehr gut alda falder ;) absulut nicenstein ;))) bro i play this mod every week the last 2 or 3 years and now! it becomes the truly honorable update what this game deserves!!! MEGA

In Honor

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Guest - - 700,049 comments

Will minor factions like Greece and a number of others be allowed to create tanks.

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