Post news Report RSS SURPRISE!!! BEC Version 1.1 Is Here!!!

It's out and ready to go in record time lol. Download BEC 1.1 now and enjoy even more of the BEC goodness you've come to know and love. Fully compatible with Cryptic Passage and fully loaded with new content BEC 1.1 is here to provide a fun and happy experience for the whole family. Enjoy.

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7-7-22 - Changes in version 1.1 ********************************************

BEC 1.1 is fully compatible with Cryptic Passage now.

Fixed a bug that allowed the Hell Hands to grab and start choking you when performing a Gory Kill on another enemy.
Fixed a bug that kept the Lesser Priest from being properly removed during the transformation animation when killed by very heavy damage.
Fixed a bug that allowed the Devil's Bore to deal damage on enemies during certain animations when it was not supposed to.
Fixed a bug that caused the Lesser Beasts to get stuck in their swimming animations when leaving the indoor pool of water on E4M1.
Fixed a bug on E3M2 that would trigger the secret Se7en room VO line when in demon mode.
Fixed a bug where gibs and debris would have their "Actor" status changed from THING to DECORATION while in midair leaving them floating in the air.
Fixed a bug on E1M3 that would allow the "Secret Area" messages to be played over and over where the Hellraiser Lamentation Puzzle Box can be found.
Fixed a bug on E2M5 that would allow the "Secret Area" messages to be played over and over where the secret Fire Armor in the fireplace can be found.
Fixed a bug that kept zombies spawned by the Necromancer not to climb out of the ground.
Fixed a bug that would keep the gargoyle wings ripped off during a Gory Kill from laying on the floor properly.
Fixed a bug that kept enemies from dying when entering water when they were supposed to.
Fixed a bug that kept you in a slower movement state when the Gorge Demon Powerup ran completely out.
Fixed a bug that would make you face in a different direction when performing a Gory Kill.

-Console Commands-
Added a new console command named "call jason" that turns you into Jason Voorhees instantly.
Added a new console command named "call freddy" that turns you into Freddy Krueger instantly.
Added a new console command named "call crow" that turns you into The Crow instantly.
Added a new console command named "call ash" that turns you into Ash Williams instantly.
Added a new console command named "call leatherface" that turns you into Leather Face instantly.
Added a new console command named "call candyman" that turns you into The Candyman instantly.
Added a new console command named "call terminator" that turns you into The Terminator instantly.
Added a new console command named "call giblevelup" that increases the length of time it takes for gibs and debris to be removed.
Added a new console command named "call gibleveldown" that decreases the length of time it takes for gibs and debris to be removed.
Added a new console command named "call wrath" that drops 30 souls at your feet to fully fill your Wrath Demon Gauge.
Added a new console command named "call glutton" that drops a Gluttonous Demon powerup at your feet.

Reduced the chance the "Here's Caleb" VO line plays when you engage the Zombie Axe.
When in either the Demon modes or Hero/Slasher modes, Invisibilty Powerups are rendered useless.
Meat cleavers caught by the player and thrown back at Fat Zombies now stick in walls, floors, and ceilings.
When dropped Blunderbusses make a sound when hitting the floor.
When dropped Death Mowers make a sound when hitting the floor.
Wrath Demon Mode Possession range increased significantly.
When in Wrath Demon mode and within a certain range of human enemies that can be transformed into a demon, a pentagram symbol will appear over their heads and they are able to be possessed.

One More Hero/Slasher Powerup for BEC 1.1

On E3M5 a Terminator Hero/Slasher Powerup was added in the form of a T800 severed arm and CPU that you can obtain by pressing the "USE" button when near them and aiming at them.
The Terminator Hero/Slasher Powerup will last for 1 minute and will render you invulnerable to all attacks and can be refilled by killing enemies.
The Terminator Hero/Slasher Powerup's Fire Mode 1 fires your plasma rifle.
The Terminator Hero/Slasher Powerup's Fire Mode 2 fires your lever action shotgun.
The Terminator Hero/Slasher Powerup's Fire Mode 1 and 2 together fires your plasma rifle and lever action shotgun at the same time.
The Terminator Hero/Slasher Powerup's Fire Mode 3 opens up a rift to the future sucking in nearby enemies.
The Terminator Hero/Slasher Powerup's Fire Mode 4 puts away your plasma rifle and lever action shotgun and pulls out a minigun to use as long as the "AUTOMAPZOOMOUT" button is held down.
As the Terminator your HUD will display when the Future Rift Generator is ready for use.
Maxim Machine Gun turrets are now fired with both the "ATTACK" and "ALTATTACK" buttons and are dismounted with the "RUN" button and made mobile.
Drop the Mobile Maxim MG by swapping weapons.
Pick up the dropped Mobile Maxim MG by pressing the USE button when near them.
The Napalm Cannon no longer emits smoke from it's barrel as it idles.
Added smoke effects to the Blunderbuss's barrel when shooting it.
The Zombie Axe, Phantasm Orb, and Blunderbuss have been rescripted to be a part of the weapon inventory.
(This allows weapon bobbing while walking, real interaction with sector shading, and the ability to perform interactions with enemies, map objects, etc. wgile using the weapons.)
Drop the Blunderbuss by swapping to another weapon.
Crosshairs are removed when using the Lament Box.
Added a new firing sound for Maxim MG.
Press the "RUN + TURNLEFT" buttons to use the Vile Anathema in your inventory to resurrect the following dead enemies to your side:
(Enemies that were killed by special deaths, burning to death, being gibbed, or are in water cannot be brought back.)
Axe zombies
Fat Zombies
Cultists - Shotgun
Fanatics - Tommygun
Zealots - Tesla
Acholytes - TNT
Hell Hounds
Gill Beasts
Crimson Innocents
Press the "RUN + TURNRIGHT" buttons to use the Bastion Chronometer in your inventory to stop all projectiles fired by enemies in midair over a 15 second period.
During the 15 second period the Bastion Chronometer will force the stopped projectiles to fly back in the direction they came from every second, will cause thrown enemy TNT to explode in their hands, and revert melee damage back at the attacking enemy.
The Diving Suit automatically engaging when in water has been restored, but it will not turn on automatically if you are using a Hero/Slasher Powerup.
Added missile sprites for the Devastator missiles from Duke 3D.
Added the Rocket Launcher from Shadow Warrior to E3M5 in a new secret location. (ALTATTACK Button toggles fire modes)
The Blasphemous Cannister's Purify attack can now kill enemies with head shots, stomach shots, and leg shots.
Added sound effects to signify that the Purify or Purge attack is fully charged and ready for use.
All inventory based weapons (Axe, Orb, Necro Amulet, Stopwatch) now switch back to the previous weapon when they are used or put away.
All special powerups (Demon Modes, Hero/Slashers, Diving Suit) now switch back to the previous weapon when they are used or put away.
Reduced the damage done to bosses by the Tesla Cannon's BFG projectile.
The Rivet Cannon no longer produces smoke effects.
Added new VO lines when using the Maxim Machine Gun.
Added new VO lines when using the Zombie Axe.
Added new VO lines that might play when using Cannons mounted on ships.
Added VO lines for the Life Leech staff when idle, attacking, or when the player is very low on health.
Added animations for the talking Life Leech weapon.
Fireworks Artillery can be exploded with gunfire or other explosives and will fire off multiple fireworks projectiles in different directions.

Fireworks Artillery

Fireworks Artillery can be picked up using the "USE" button and will fire off a barrage of firework projectiles for around 5 seconds before being discarded.
Removed the smoke emmitted from the Devil's Bore's muzzle while idle.
Added a new sound effect for the Grimoire when casting the Death Vortex spell and pulling the heart out of the book.
If you pick up a Gorge Demon Powerup while using the Death Mower you will properly drop the mower.
Added new sprites for the Death Mower's bloody variants.
Added an overhead "Reload" icon to Cannons that need to be reloaded before use.
Carrying the Death Mower no longer makes you walk slow.
All Hero/Slasher explosives throw strength gauge now transfers correctly when saving and loading.
Picking up a Gorge Demon Powerup while using a Hero/Slasher Powerup will end the currently used powerup no matter what.

Leather Face Workstation

On E6M3 a Leather Face Slasher Powerup was added in the form of a yellow chainsaw and hanging mask that you can use by pressing the "USE" button when near it and aiming at it.
The Leather Face Slasher Powerup will last for 1 minute and will render you invulnerable to all attacks and can be refilled by killing enemies.
The Leather Face Slasher Powerup's Fire Mode 1 throws a very powerful cleaver that deals heavy damage.
The Leather Face Slasher Powerup's Fire Mode 2 swings the chainsaw bar consistently if the "ALTATTACK" button is being held down dealing heavy damage.
The Leather Face Slasher Powerup's Fire Mode 3 charges up and throws a fragmentation grenade at variable distances.
The Leather Face Slasher Powerup's Fire Mode 4 places the chainsaw front and center and allows you to mow through the enemies.
The Tesla Cannon's Link Attack now requires 15 points of ammo instead of 25.

Added a lot of VO lines to make Caleb a lot more vocal when killing enemies.
Increased volume for Caleb's "Here's Johnny." VO line.
You can no longer move the camera around while performing a Gory Kill or any other type of interaction that calls for it.
Wiping blood off your screen now clears the screen completely so you can interact with enemies and map objects immediately.
Added a new VO line for Caleb that sometimes plays when blood drips from his hat.
Increased the chance that Caleb's VO line will play when lighting TNT barrels with your lighter.
Added weapon specific VO lines for picking up new weapons.
When using a turret type weapon you will now face the direction that the weapon is facing when you start using it.

Added a voxel for the Phantasm Orb pickup.
Jumpboots no longer negate damage from enemy attacks due to their damage types being changed from PUMMEL to HITSCAN.
Updated the VO line for the Devastator weapon pickup.
All non Super Armor pickups can now add armor points up to 200 for their armor type instead of stopping at 100 points.

Necromancers now have a chance to drop an amulet when killed called the Vile Anathema which you can pickup and use once.
Necromancers now have a chance to drop a stopwatch when killed called the Bastion Chronometer which you can pickup and use once.
You can now skin Hellhounds for 25 points of Fire Armor by crouching near their dead bodies and pressing the "USE" button.
Fat Zombie meat cleavers now stick in walls, floors, and ceilings.
Fat Zombie meat cleavers no longer do spirit damage and instead do hitscan damage.
Fat Zombie meat cleavers no longer create blue glow effects on the floor when impacting surfaces.
Attack Dogs now catch on fire properly from burn damage.
Gore Tremors no longer get pushed around by explosions.
Fanatics now have their own Gory Kill death animation.
Zealots now have their own Gory Kill death animation.
Acolytes now have their own Gory Kill death animation.
Necromancers give you even more points for your Hero/Slasher power bar when killed.
Liches give you even more points for your Hero/Slasher power bar when killed.
Lesser Priests give you even more points for your Hero/Slasher power bar when killed.
Lesser Beasts give you even more points for your Hero/Slasher power bar when killed.
Inferno Guards give you even more points for your Hero/Slasher power bar when killed.
All cultist bodies kicked away after a Gory Kill now reflect the damage done to the cultist during the Gory Kill animation.
Added some intestine gibs to enemies with belly shot death animations.
Added some intestine gibs to enemies that did not spawn any when gibbed.
Added a head gib for the Gore Tremor when they're blown up.
Manually destroying Cerberus's dead body before it self detonates will cause it to detonate.
Added some extra lines of code to the enemy swap scripts to ensure any enemies that have triggers attached to them in the map are not swapped.
Added a new VO line for Priests and Lesser Priests that has a chance of playing when they tranform.
Burning Attack Dog corpses now emit dynamic smoke effects like other burning corpses.
Added a new Skeletal Zombie enemy that replaces Axe Zombies randomly.
Skeletal Zombies will punch at close range and throw chunks of meat at longer distances.
Skeletal Zombies will try to grab and bite you when they are primed for a Gory Kill to get a full health restore.
Press the "USE" button rapidly to push a Skeletal Zombie that is biting you off you.
Increased damage output for living Axe Zombie Torso attacks.
Increased damage output for living Axe Zombie Head attacks.
Increased damage output for Hell Hand punch attacks.
Necromancers or Liches present in a map will spawn an Odious Headstone near you every 3 to 6 minutes until they are killed.
Odious Headstones spawn zombies from the earth every 10 seconds until they are destroyed by explosives or by going near them and pressing the "USE" button to kick them.
All Odious Headstones get destroyed when there are no more Necromancers or Liches left in the map.
Green Pods can now be damaged by Spirit damage.
Green Tenticles can now be damaged by Spirit damage.
Red Tenticles can now be damaged by Spirit damage.
Non key holding Axe Zombies are now randomly swapped out with either Skeletal Zombies or Crimson Innocents no matter the difficulty settings.
Non key holding Buried Axe Zombies are now randomly swapped out with either Buried Skeletal Zombies or Buried Crimson Innocents no matter the difficulty settings.
Necromancers can no longer resurrect dead bodies that are in water.
Necro Allies resurrected by the Vile Anathema can not survive in water.
Reanimated allies will spawn on your position if you get too far away from them.
Slime Zombies now emit red blood blobs in all directions when gibbed.
Hell Hands can no longer choke you if you are using a turret type weapon or the Death Mower.
Hell Hands can no longer grab and choke you during interaction animations.
A Necromancer now has a 40% chance of transforming into a Lich after being killed.
A Lich has twice as much health as a Necromancer.
A Lich fires out a swarm of skull projectiles that deal spirit damage.
A Lich can revive nearby dead enemy corpses just like a Necromancer.
A Lich can spawn multiple zombies at once instead of just 1 at a time.
If you get too far away from a Lich he will teleport close to your position.
A Red Skull Symbol now appears over the heads of enemies when they are primed for a Gory Kill.
When in a certain range of enemies that don't require having low health to Gory Kill them, the Gory Kill icon will appear over their head.
Added a fiery explosion to enemies when they burst into flames.
You can now roast Rat enemy types and eat them to increase your health up to 200.
Added electrical deaths for most of the enemies.
Large blood puffs are emitted when an enemy or their corpse is gibbed.
Added a Gory Kill for Attack Dogs that can be engaged without them having low health.
When Attack Dogs are killed by spirit damage they transform into Monster Dogs.
Monster Dogs are twice as fast, do twice as much damage, and have twice as much health and damage resistance compared to normal Attack Dogs.
Tchernobog now destroys Life Leech turrets if they try to attack him.
Kamikaze Rat Bombs now emit sparks along with the smoke effects when they're chasing you.
Zombie Heads removed and thrown during Gory Kills now cause small amounts of damage when impacting enemies.

Added Fireworks Artillery decorations that shoot fireworks into the sky on E1M4 and E1M8.
Extra switches added to E1M2, E1M5, and E1M6, to ensure doors in trap rooms would open after a hoard was killed when swapped enemies were present, are no longer needed and have been removed.
The wooden Skull Key door on E3M8 can now be opened repediately.
Added a new sky to E1M7.
Added a new sky to E4M8.
Added a new sky and decorations to E6M8.
Added new VO lines to E1M1.
Added new VO lines to E1M2.
Added new VO lines to E1M3.
Added new VO lines to E1M4.
Added new VO lines to E1M5.
Added new VO lines to E2M2.
Added new VO lines to E2M4.
Added new VO lines to E3M2.
Added new VO lines to E3M3.
Added new VO lines to E3M4.
Added new VO lines to E4M2.
Added new VO lines to E4M3.
Added new VO lines to E4M4.
Added new VO lines to E6M1.
Added another Death Mower to E1M2.
Added a Death Mower to E2M3.
Added a Blunderbuss to E2M2.
Added a money throwing animation for the player when interacting with the hanging dead Duke Nukem on E1M4.
The secret room where the Devastator is located on E1M4 now opens when Duke Nukem's dead hanging corpse is destroyed.
Fixed some flamethrower pickup placement positions on E6M3.
Piles of skulls used in maps as decorations will sometimes spawn rats until they are destroyed.
Toxic Waste Drums in maps now leave behind a pool of toxic sludge that causes burn damage when anybody is standing in it.

Cryo Drums

Some metal drums have been replaced by Cryo Drums that emit freezing gases when blown up freezing nearby enemies and you for 10 seconds.
You can eat Rat Burgers found on the grill in E1M4 or other maps to increase your health up to 200 points.
You can drink alcoholic beverages found in maps to fill your health up to 200 points.
Drinking too much alcohol will cause you to be drunk for a short period of time.
Added flies to random corpses used in maps as decorations.
Added overhead "USE" icons to map objects that you have to manually engage with the "USE" button.
Fire used as decorations in maps that are not spawned by HiddenExploder actors now cause fire damage when near them if they are of a certain size.

Updated lots of smoke effects with new and improved sprites for explosions, bullet impacts, weapons, fire, etc.
Added a new sprite for artillery shells.
All dead bodies left behind from custom death animations can now be shot and blown up properly by bullets.
Rescripted how decapitated zombie heads spawn Living Zombie Heads to allow them to bounce more before spawning the enemy head.
Added a new sound effect for resurrecting dead bodies.
Cleaned up the scripts by removing redundant defined variables.

Throwing Zombie Heads

Severed dead zombie heads can be picked up and thrown by getting near them and pressing the "USE" button, causing small amounts of damage when impacting enemies.
Updated lots of sprites' surface type parameters to ensure they are producing the right kind of particle effects when shot.

Post comment Comments
SweetRamona - - 5,159 comments

Awesome work! Downloading ASAP! 😺

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warif - - 94 comments

Why does the mod slow down on the second level?

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Hornet03 - - 1 comments

Hey, I really love the weapons but I cannot STAND the blood vomit and toxic vomit effects... can these be toggled somewhere?

additionally, how can I get infinite ammo in this mod? using the lara croft cheat is contraindicated by the instructions (and doesn't play well in game)

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VGames Author
VGames - - 3,983 comments

You’ll have to edit the scripts to get rid of those features. There’s not much that can be toggled in the mod.

Sorry no way for infinite ammo.

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Guest - - 700,049 comments

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Guest - - 700,049 comments

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OldBoriX - - 2 comments

its me i have delete please trench gun fire shoot sorry this translate is bad

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Guest - - 700,049 comments

when i put this in the blood folder and try the install.bat it tells me i didnt put it in the blood folder ._.

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VGames Author
VGames - - 3,983 comments

This if for Blood Fresh Supply only. It sounds like your trying to use another port. Or you’re not putting the mod folder in the main Fresh Supply folder. This is not an addon.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
joe8798 - - 1 comments

i am putting it in the fresh supplie folder it dont work

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cosmodreamer - - 9 comments

In most aspects this is absolutely best mod, making the game super enjoyable and immersive. Having played for a while now I can distinguish specific points.

1. Overall game balance is now way better. Classic Blood was too much unforgiving even at Well Done difficulty. Extra Crispy eliminates absurdly instadeath moments, makes them less fatal and almost perfectly playable.

2. Game complexity greatly increased, it requires some time to get used to new features, but it makes game much more interesting.

3. Visual aspects are absolutely amazing. Standing ovation!

4. Infinite ammo for Blasphemous Canisters is not a good solution (my opinion) because it disrupts resource management especially with explosive alt-fire. Unlimited ammo is making the game more arcade-like.

5. Alt-fire modes #3 and #4 are very contradictory. Better to have a special Reload action like in Brutal Doom on R button, Kick action on Q, and something special on F. Muscle memory is very important for shooters like Blood.

6. Aiming (down sights) for Tommy Gun is cool but it compels player to do additional actions: switch from pair of Tommy Guns to single Tommy Gun, then press alt-fire #3, that's not so convinient. Better to have universal aiming button (and may be used for other weapons as well). And dual weild button to switch from single to pair. Similar to Brutal Doom where I believe the most effecient controls were implemented.

7. Axe requires pressing left arrow button - it's terrible - because it requires to move right hand from mouse to keyboard, or right hand from WASD to arrow buttons. Better to have cold weapons of button 1 or button Q.

8. Currently alt-fire modes are counter-intuitive. I believe alt-fire modes #3 and #4 are just cognitive overload, basically game design should imply only primary and secondary mode, and secondary should be more powerful version of primary one.

9. So sad that dear developers ditched the pitchfork. Im my violent fantasies it could be very nicely modded for finishing off enemies, ranging attacks, etc.

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Guest - - 700,049 comments

Маестро пожалуйста верни оригинальную двустволку. Она быстрей, красивей, винтажней, больше подходит для данной игры и для той эпохи которая показана в игре. Шедевр однозначно качать, играть , ностальгировать, восхищаться.

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VGames Author
VGames - - 3,983 comments

No sorry

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Guest - - 700,049 comments

А как насчет upscale текстур в том числе оружия в руках

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VGames Author
VGames - - 3,983 comments

Adding upscaled art for FS is extremely time consuming. It’s not done as easily as the other ports. So I don’t think I’ll ever do that sorry.

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Guest - - 700,049 comments

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Luke__ - - 17 comments

OMG I can´t emphasize it enough! BEC Version 1.1 is so god damn awesome! I don´t even want to play it thru because I never want it to end!
I still got one suggestion respectively a plea for a potential future update:
It would be amazing if you could add a console command to spawn the blunderbuss, fireworks artillery, lament box and death mower for maximum pleasure! hehe

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
VGames Author
VGames - - 3,983 comments

I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks for the kind words. Enjoy the rest of the experience.

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Guest - - 700,049 comments

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ScrewminBirt - - 1 comments

I got this working on steam deck, having a great time! It does crash quite a bit, any suggestions on that? Anyway thanks for the great mod!

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mao3161 - - 25 comments

awesome mod

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Guest - - 700,049 comments

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