Post news Report RSS Standalone Patch in progress

Well it’s been just over a week since release and we have already started working on a patch for it. Furthermore, I have already started releasing patches for the FDS, and it seems that we have finally got SERVER crashes to come to an end (only took 3 years, and had to redo several hundred lines of code lol).

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Patch addresses the following issues:
*The Rp2 Client Connection Program now works on XP! (Issue was that its icon size was too big, which apparently is enough to crash it out).
*Laser Rifle has been rebalanced and shouldn’t be ungodly overpowered any more.
*Power armor now costs money to use, once you run out of money the suit shuts down, this was added to balance it with normal characters.
*GSC's ADS has been removed.
*A few bugs in the weapons system have been cleaned up; you shouldn't see your guns disappearing if your inventory size changes between spawns.
*UFO server lockup bug has been fixed and should no longer be an issue.
*UFO can no longer instantly teleport after using its super weapon.
*Score system bug that could cause loss of player scores.
*Howitzer reload time and turret turn speed increased vehicle speed and turn speed decreased.
*Bug with the RC car's bomb has been fixed.
*Females no longer die with a male voice; they also now make a female yell when kicking.
*Warrior IFV has been slowed down.
*Madcat sever crash bug (due to too many air born projectiles) has been fixed.
*Military PT is now named different from the standard PT so players can tell them apart.
*Ammo crate infinite ammo exploit has been fixed.
*Pain Pills now work correctly and reduce 25% of damage you receive.
*Fishing buoys now work correctly and should no longer be able to give out infinite fish.
*Mutant Assault is now slightly more difficult, the mutants are now at full force after 10 minutes instead of 15, and the stalemate breaker’s code has been repaired and should now trigger at the correct times.
*The missing land masses (Twin Islands near the oil rig) have been re-added (seems that they disappeared due to a save issue).
*Sewer system enter directions have been fixed.
*Found and fixed a crash that was caused by a missing preset name one of the helicopters.
*Went through the SMG's and re-adjusted their range (mostly made all 5 SMG's have shorter ranges to make them closer to their real life equivalents).
*Modified all the shotgun's spread, made them more accurate at longer rangers (IE: greater than 15meters).
*Fixed all the pre placed weapons pt's names so that they now list the price as well as the weapon they have.
*Fixed a crash that could happen with swimming if you entered water at the very second the server lagged.
*Fixed a swimming exploit that'd allow you to see normal under water.
*Fixed a swimming exploit that allowed power armor to use weapons while in the water.
*Made it safe for vehicles to be created under water (that’s right a vehicle can be made underwater and will still die without crashing the server to hell :D ).
*Fixed the unstuck key for poweraromor while you were are water.
*Fixed a power armor parachute exploit that'd allow you to slow your decent while in water.
*Made boats harder to destroy if you bump something (2m leeway up and down now instead of instant death if it floated up or below from the required height, once the colliding object is out of the way your boat will be reentered to the correct position).
*Fixed a couple of possible end game crashes, as well as a possible on load crash (IE, crashes that happed at the very start or the end of a game).
*Made the AI ignore vehicles that are being delivered by the player’s phone.
*Fixed the glitch that allowed mutant assault map characters to override your main map character.
*Fixed an issue that has been around since probably pre 2.0 that often caused fds's to randomly not be able to launch the majority of rp2's scripts (or at least fixed the version of the issue that was attacking my fds).
*Further improved swimming death code to make sure everything was getting cleaned up, there was a possibility that some after effects were being left around prior.
*Hovercraft slowed down to increase their handling.
*M82 fire rate decreased but firepower doubled.
*Fixed Pain Pills so they actually apply to the correct player, and not just to the player that is closest to the center of the map.
*Improved the Y key help system for several items so it is now clearer how to use them.
*Made it so you can no longer run over your own team in Mutant Assault (in turn they can no longer run you over).
*Harriers now turn 2x as fast
*AI now handels aircraft better (they don't just sit stupidly above you and not shoot you anymore).
*AI will now do swarm attacks on players that they are mad enough at.
*Pulled most civilian vehicle cameras closer to the vehicle so you get a better feel for the speed you’re traveling.
*Fixed the teleport glitch that happened sometimes the first time you entered the water (you'd suddenly be falling at the center of the map).
*Subs now show up on the radar.
* Empty Subs are now teamed on team Renegade.
*SCUD Launchers now show up as stars on the radar while their rockets are going up (make it fair for players with short view distance).
*SCUD Launcher target system no longer shows up on the radar.
*Added LOD to 20 of the higher poly weapons.
*Added the new Area 69 underground (it has been added for LOD so people running view distances longer than 300 should not have to worry).
*Tweaked the submarine's sonar to make it more useful (and feel less broken).
*Only people inside a submarine can see the bubbles it gives off now (no more bubbles floating around it when its half way out of the water glitch).
*Submarine's view distance is now the same as any vehicle when sonar is not helping out.
*Submarine ping toggle glitch fixed (used to toggle back on every time you entered the water even if you turned it off before you surfaced prior).
*Made hot air balloons send an additional update to all clients when fully inflated or deflated, this will update their animation so you can't see deflated balloons flying around outside of your view distance.
*Fixed a glitch with screen effects before a submerged vehicle runs out of air.
*Added code to prevent you from falling off the map if you just went through a teleport zones before spawning and another player sees you.
*Redid the housing rent code, it now is done by giving the player the house rent time in 5ths of an hour for every day, this is then subtracted by one for every 5 minutes that passes. The change has been made to prepare the system for the soon to come motel rooms that can be rented one (2 days max if you put two payments down) at a time. The old system you were not actually renting 24-hour periods, you were renting calendar dates, which could be a problem if you bought your house at 23:59. New system makes sure you get at least the 24-hour ownership per each bought day.*You now have to press the favorite key twice to favorite a different weapon/vehicle, first press notifies you what your current favorite vehicle/weapon is, second press favorites (you have 5 seconds to decide before you have to start the double press sequence over).*Fixed a bug with the favorite weapons system that was causing the player too only be changed Weapon Price + Weapon current bullet count (number of bullets when the player pressed the favorite key).
*Fixed a major bug in the vote system (was overriding a node with true and false, don't even know how that worked in the first place, hell it might have even been randomly crashing the server).
*Made it so the voting system notifies what you vote for and tells you when you change your vote.
*Regrouped some of the phone numbers, right mouse now contains all the weapon and vehicle phone numbers that you can buy, middle is everything else.
*A glitch that had to do with weather screen colors and player damage screen colors has been fixed, you shouldn’t see your screen fade completely clear anymore when that shouldn't be the case.
*Simplified the swimming code that prevented you from selecting weapons while swimming (well actually I made it more complex but it will use less bandwidth now).
*Fixed a bug with the AFK detection code, should work now.
*Fixed the bug that was causing the Mutant Assault scores load on next Mutant Assault Map.
*Sending money to another player now notifies them all the time.
*Parachutes should be much more difficult to get stuck in walls on deploy.
*Modified the driving AI code so that it used a position clone from the node instead of a direct reference to the nodes position, seems the AI was getting a lot of bad pointer references, possibly has to do with the AI surfing though the list too many times a second.
*Improved the airfield code so that players can't easily camp it with a plane anymore.
*Improved the aircraft ammo regen code so players don't occasionally shot off an extra round that shouldn't exist.
*Fixed the M16A2's burst fire sound to match its continuous fire.
*Made the M16A2's rapid fire be its primary.

*Added a new Mutant Assault map that takes place in the basement of A69 before moving to the surface and heading toward the mainland.
*Added 12 "new" character models (most are old Renegade models, but 4 are re-skins).
*Redone A69 Basement for the main map!
*More options to configure bots in Rp2SeverSettings.ini for the main map.
*PT’s have been added to the sewer system.
*Added the PPSh 41 to the game's weapons.
*Added the FN Tactical Shotgun, is slightly faster fire rate than the Remington M870 Pump-Action Shotgun but in turn slightly less powerful.
*Added the plasma shotgun.
*Added the Plasma generator, which allows you to "refill" energy weapon's ammo.
*Added the A-10 Thunderbolt Calling 911 makes the AI mad at you (already implemented on the server)
*Added the RC Helicopter, will probably call in artillery strikes or something IDK yet.
*Kicking a person's vehicle with Duke Nukem Style now kicks them out of the vehicle.
*Kicking another player with Duke Nukem Style knocks them down, they then have to stand back up before they can do anything else.
*Radio not turning off when you change characters glitch is fixed.
*Added the phone number 555-8075, which allows players to change the AI bot count on San Casina if the server owner allows it to be changed.
*Made the server configuration file much more extensive, server owners can now configure how the AI work to a much more in-depth degree as well as modify how the random weather works to some degree.
*Added a phone number (555-0314) that a player can call to start a vote that if successful will end the current round.
*You cannot fire or reload sniper rifles while moving.
*Added the phone number 555-4940, which when called lists the phone numbers of all players in game, in addition it allows you to place a phone number into your phone's buffer so you can do whatever you like with it.
*Perk choice menu added for the phone under 555-9347.
*Redid the vehicle water damage code to make it 10 times less processor intensive, This change was especially important beings I was otherwise going to have to add even more code to it, which would have made that already very demanding code even more so. (Server FPS used to visibility drop when you dropped even one vehicle in it, so even if not for the perk system this change was a good one to make).
*Added the C-130 Cargo Plane.
*Remade the Gunboat into a more useful Mk2 gunboat.
*Added the F-15 Eagle
*Added models for the house garage and repair PT's, was pretty tired of looking at their generic image.
*Added to the plane code, landing gear now extends when low to the ground.
*Added a new Bolt Action sniper rifle.
*Added the TEC-9.*Made it so server owners could edit how Mutant Assault works to some extent (like make it so it's just you vs. 100 mutants that are super slow and weak, or things like that).*Added in Canadacdn's Spartan shield as he thinks melee weapons need an edge. So now, if you have a Spartan shield and a melee weapon you can use the shield to help defend yourself (shield is only in use when you have a melee weapon out).
I have probably forgotten several other bugs that I have fixed the last few days, there were plenty discovered in the first 4 days that the server was up. In addition this list will continue to grow, however I expect to have the first patch out with in a month.

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