update of Fall Of Nations, our first Basic Story to base the mod around and the happenings in the background
First off Fall Of Nations has taken a turn, we are proceeding slowly but we want this, the team are busy collecting ideas working out plans and working on all sorts of ideas to implement into the mod, we have also now moved to our proper forum located at S13.zetaboards.com
so post your input in what you think will be a cool feature and what you would like to see make it into the mod such as a unit idea for one of our three nations and more
And Before You leave here is a Special Story that Fall Of Nations is currently developing based on real world events
Back in 2011 a series of movements arose known as occupy movements show up in major american metropolitan areas, including New York, Atlanta Georgia, Washington DC, and Oakland California. They take with them the lessons of the last generation and practice Civil Disobedience, non-violent protesting in the spirit of the civil rights activist a generation before them. They hold many complaints, the top 1% of the country holds 40% of its wealth, the lack of jobs, the CEOs who are destroying their own corporations putting their employees out of work while they retire with billions of dollars that rightfully should belong to those that worked under them. But most of all they are sad the government does not appear to be paying attention to the economic downturn, the government is too busy pointing fingers and paying no heed to the rising crisis, they are disheartened with a government that will not listen to them, and in a democracy such issues are integral to the inner workings of the system.
The year is 2015 (approx release date): The economy has continued to suffer, tensions in Congress are at a peak, neither side willing to budge, on top of it a president who is helpless without Congress cooperating and passing bills. the people are angry and the occupy movements grow, not only are there major movements in every major city, but all over the suburban and rural areas people are rising, unemployment is at an all time high , the conditions are to the point as to make the Great depression of the 1930s look like a time of prosper. Tensions rise further, the national guard is called in to "protect the peace" in the major city centers with the biggest movements, Protesters are outraged the government instead of listening to their legitimate issues, and making solutions to their problems are instead showing off military strength to quell the protesters. Protesters become more aggressive they throw stones at the soldiers, and curse them for not backing up the people.
While many soldiers in the National Guard have mixed feelings even some agreeing with the protesters, they have their duty, their orders. in the turmoil of riots, one in DC gets to the peak, a soldier has lost his calm and shoots into the crowd, 1 person dies a child, 2 others are mortally wounded. For the protesters this is the breaking point, they have been shot at, occupy movements all across the country are turned into full blown riots, the military is called in, tanks roll through the streets, helicopter gunships hover overhead. military commanders are called to use deadly force to quell the rioters, several commanders disobey orders and release the news, to the public, they are branded as traitors. Renegade commanders quickly attach themselves to rioters, no longer is the event a massive riot, the occupy protesters now call themselves the rebellion, the revolution sweeps the country, fighting all around, a bloodbath the likes of which has never been seen before in american history.
In the aftermath both armies are exhausted, the cities of the United States lie in ruins, people forced out of their homes take shelter in the Lincoln Memorial, warming their hands near a lit oil drum, shots can be heard in the distance the last of the fighting ends in Washington, the victor is not clear and it no longer matters, the government officials left are devoid of any power, they can no longer fight, they can no longer enforce, the government of the once mightiest nation lies in shambles no longer capable of wielding a fighting force.
The destruction of the United States leaves a power vaccume, which world power will now become the Hegemon, the ruler of the world, and which Nations Will Fall.
You lost my interest with that story.
NOTE: comment not aimed at the person above, just so you can see it without scrolling down
Let me make something clear
this is a "triger" event to help unfold the story of the Mod and to give us devs things to talk about and play around with, nothing is finial and everything can change that's the whole point of showing this sort of stuff to you the public can be involved in the starting progress. Considering our mod takes place in the near future, it needs to remain close to real facts and develop into something different the future is uncertain, is it not.
Things take time and we have only just began going into full swing, if you want to help that's what our forum is for, linked as the mods homepage, we as devs can take your ideas talk about them, use them if they fit but you must remember that no matter what the story is we must number one think of how the Gameplay will be like, it needs to be different and both fun
we cannot take into consideration everything you say but evaluate your suggestions and make the appropriate changes
Lead Developer
Founder Madiba127 Studios
Why don't you use something like the crushing national debt and economic downturn, instead of making it so political. Believe it or not, almost half the country stands against the protestors and occupy movements.
This is coming from an American citizen who understands the issues and problems of the Country.
i think that not only is it a great story, it might actually happen, the government is censoring twitter, freedom of speech is no longer free
i am the one who wrote the story an i am an american citizen, the fact is the only reason so much of america stands against the protesters is because the Media is being censored, and they are deliberately feeding the american population lies. also it is the economic downturn that fuels the protesters, when people feel disenfranchised and are poor and out of work, they tend to look for the truth, and they find out the ugly truth.
i tell you now the occupy movements are made from the exact same elements as made up the Egyptian protest, and they Egyptian government was overthrown.
Personally i want to help spread the truth, and this is a small way of doing s, and we can't be censored.
My personal politics aside this is only a premise to the game, it is not the foundation of what the game will be covering, the US will not be a faction and this above just explains why, and gives a dark tone as to the mighty have fallen, the US falls, who is to say the next Hegemon, world leader, will survive.
thank you blonco for your support
Mcardwell, although I respect you as the author, who drew on real life events to write this, as well as some politics, which may and may not be your own, I encourage you to also respect the opinions of others, such as James 177, no matter how true you feel the story, he also wants something from this project, and apparently it is an escape from the problems of reality. Good games balance both.
He is not attacking your writing skill, he is saying it's not his cup of tea, I'd encourage you to find out specifically why he was turned off by the story instead of getting defensive.
Truth is usually spoon fed, not dumped, I’m sure he has some insights into the issues that you may have overlooked, that caused his negative reception. I’d be very interested in hearing his take on the Movements, and the issues he thinks they encompass.
I don’t think you want to lose a mod supporter over incomplete information.
I play video games just to get away from reality, but my question is "Why does it have to be so political?" It just ruins the whole game.
the story is a base line for the game, it just allows for a single player story to be developed and a way for the Team and myself to think of units, resources etc
any and every game is influenced by real life such as Medal Of Honor and Battlefield 3 but their story does not mean bad game-play, this allows for more competitive multiplayer and skirmish
Very well done, very good painting of the picture.
Maybe you could enhance the story with some impressions of or given by the Media, and how different stations cover the same events.
Or better yet, structure the entire story as a news update recap, or an excerpt from a history book.
You may want to consider adding some tangible characters on both sides, to give the story more breadth and depth.
But while telling a more specific version, you also must consider the point of view of the 1r;s, are they just generic corrupt and evil individuals? or are some of them victims of their birthrights, and the of the society set up by their forefathers?
Do you want to tell this story from a macro view, or really get in depth with the characters on both sides.
Or If this is the past, what are logical lessons that the people of the world may have learned?
After that, how would that knowledge both unify and divide people from all walks of life in the future?
If this is to be as true as possible as "Alternate history" then what are the specific events that lead up to this? Who are the players? who are the Victims? And who are the victors? (if any)
As of now, the movements don't have a solid organized demand or any sort of management system, how has this developed?
Is this just America? or has this been effected and helped by foreign agents?
I don't expect you guys to answer all of these to me, but I encourage you guys to answer these questions internally, and work to formulate a complete and well planned answer to these questions and ones like it, (With the entire team) to better direct and solidify this near future potential world landscape, and solidly set and establish the lore of this mod.
Once that is set, you guys may find it easy to develop themes, designs and campaigns that fit the ideologies you wish to represent and set the world stage for the mod's future.
let me make something clear
this is a "triger" event to help unfold the story of the Mod and to give us devs things to talk about and play around with, nothing is finial and everything can change that's the whole point of showing this sort of stuff to you the public can be involved in the starting progress. Considering our mod takes place in the near future, it needs to remain close to real facts and develop into something different the future is uncertain, is it not.
Things take time and we have only just began going into full swing, if you want to help that's what our forum is for, linked as the mods homepage, we as devs can take your ideas talk about them, use them if they fit but you must remember that no matter what the story is we must number one think of how the Gameplay will be like, it needs to be different and both fun
we cannot take into consideration everything you say but evaluate your suggestions and make the appropriate changes
Lead Developer
Founder Madiba127 Studios
As it should be.
It's impossible to give everyone what they want, but if you guys do it right, you can come close and also get what you the Devs want.
I'd be interested in how, if at all any of the story effects faction themes.
Madiba127, do u prefer we discuss such articles here, on ur forums, or both?
What kind of things do u prefer on each medium?
Although I respect the act you have your own forums, some may find it easier to just use the moddb forums you already have.