Post news RSS Some progress being made + Announcement

It has been 5 months now and I have some stuff to show off for this article so let's get into it.

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I have been working on some new maps and levels for this time now and in this article I will show you 2 new levels that are being worked on, a new character model and finish it off with an announcement.


I have started working on 2 new trial levels. One is set in an old European village and one is set in a sci-fi world mixed with a medieval theme

Here is the European level:

map3 1




And here is the sci fi level map:

map1 1

map2 1


Here is a model for a new character that will be accompanying you on your journey. Their name is Davo and will be introduced pretty early on in the mod



Don't know how to categorize this, but here is a little showcase of a baked physics destruction for one of the levels I am working on currently

The announcement:

After thinking about it for some time and looking at the overall reception of the mod itself, I feel like I am starting to lose steam and feel very unmotivated to keep working on the mod in general. The mod is gonna be 3 years old in like 6 months and the mod has been in early access for 5 months now and honestly I am kind of slowly losing interest in updating this page with constant updates. When I released the new demo, the overall reception of it was...lackluster, to be generous. It was very demotivating to see very low interest in the mod and I have several times thought about weather or not to even continue working on it, because what would be the point if people don't really care. Now is the mod cancelled? No, I want to finish this one day, but I won't be very active that much and progress will be slow. So, this is going to be the last article for now, maybe even for this year, maybe the last ever before release, I don't know. If I decide to showcase some progress, It will probably be on my youtube or twitter, or maybe I won't post anything at all. I might even put the mod on a year long hiatus, just to get a clear head on what to do, because honestly I don't really know what to do.

Nothing is probably going happen after this, so I don't expect anything to actually change, but i'm putting this out there as something that needs to happen, just in case someone is actually reading this.

Guest - - 705,916 comments

Hey, I liked the part of the mod I've played so far. The new maps seem interesting and unique and I'm excited to see what a new character would add to the story and gameplay.
Sorry to hear that you feel this way about this project. It might be a bit niche right now, but it's never too late for a mod to receive what feedback and attention it deserves. And your mod, imo, is among those that deserve.

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Guest - - 705,916 comments

I'm looking forward to more progress being done on the mod, but if you feel like it's taking a toll on you to post these updates, don't worry about it.

I wish you the best!

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Aynekko - - 699 comments

I'm not sure how did I skip this article (perhaps it wasn't in my updates for some reason...) but those maps look really good. It's nice to see how your mapping skills became that good. Take your time with the mod and please don't abandon it.

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