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„You think I’m exaggerating? Now you listen to me, pal – A simple execution will be the kindest thing Crocco will do to us, if these damned Kilé somehow get their hands on the shipment!"

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„You think I'm exaggerating? Now you listen to me, pal - A simple execution will be the kindest thing Crocco will do to us, if these damned Kilé somehow get their hands on the shipment. There are two reasons that the fence pays us that damn much for just a quarter ounce of Glimmercapdust - Number one: Once someone gets hooked on it he'll take it till he bites the dust and thus makes a bloody good customer, if you get what I mean. Number two: We ain't the only ones searching every fucking cave for those stupid mushrooms. So just to be clear: Conk out once while on watch or be sloppy about this job and I'll send you on your Last Journey a lot earlier that you'd like it. Got it?"

- A smuggler

Count_Crapula - - 469 comments

Love the rough language :) fits great to bandits and smugglers alike

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SureAI-Latiro - - 43 comments

Glad you like it! We also wanted to say goodbye to the polished, classy fantasy language we used in Nehrim, at least for uneducated Endraleans. Gives us way more possibilities to give NPCs personality! :-)

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thatwilldo - - 178 comments

Foul language NEVER augments any game, or for that matter any conversation.
I understand the need for bandits to sound tough, but the use of foul language is offensive to many.
But that said, you have the right to make the game any way you want.
And form what I see your team does the "BEST" job out there.
My wish to you is for a huge success !!!

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Synthoras - - 185 comments

Wel I personally think that it adds immersion to the game.
I mean people in reality DO use insults and foul language.

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SureAI-Latiro - - 43 comments

Thats correct. I think it comes down to a matter of taste, thatwilldo. I personally would feel a bigot writing that sort of "polished dialogue" where even beggars have their tongue wrapped in gold. I, and this is my strictly personal viewpoint as Enderal's writer, like my dialogue to - in a way - reflect parts of the real society. I want parts of the world to be racist, brutal and violent, as well as I want parts of the world to be funny, beautiful and kind. I personally never understood why "foul" language upsets so many people, but I have to accept that it does. I somehow get the impression that people judging foul language seem to be afraid on its impact on society (children), but honestly, I think the roots of hatred and egomanic behaviour can be found someplace else. Uph, now I derailed - Sorry! Once again, this is just my personal viewpoint. I personally would never say the f-word in public, but I want some of my characters to, because what I really don't want are characters that are all just a reflection of myself.

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hazzmat305 - - 198 comments

Latiro I think rough language is fine as long as it's not used too much. Maybe some lower class people like beggars, laborers and bandits. So you should restrict it only to them. I am a bit saddened by your statement of saying goodbye to the polished classy fantasy language. It just fits the world so well you know? When all characters start saying F... (and other modern idiom) all the time it'd be a bit immersive breaking. Imagine Frodo saying to Sam: ''damn Sam, we gotta get to the Mountain or else we're ******!''

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Dønny - - 156 comments

please no swear words, I suggest a beep.

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