Post news RSS Sensitivity is Back!

After our latest new about the cancellation of the game i did a change of plans and the team is not willing to give up about the game So prepare becouse sensitivity is coming back!

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Thats right We did a change of plans and the team is coming back with sensitivity!
i admit that i was a bad team leader and motivation was lacking on the team But now everything has change we are going to do the things on the proper way

So prepare people we are coming back and this time better than ever!

-Dusk- - - 124 comments

Disappoint, it looked very promising.

Also pl0x l3arn haw 2 grammar. >_<

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RagnarokSky Author
RagnarokSky - - 53 comments

spanish is my native lenguage stop bothering me with that

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SPY-maps - - 2,912 comments

unbelievable, this is again a mod that stops.
seems that the last few weeks a lot of people have stopped with a mod of some kind or another.
and now this one stops to, what a HUGE shame because i did track it with great interest.
but i do understand it, and it is true, a lot of people do join a group, just to never let hear of them again, and that they didn't even answer you're mails, (when you gave them a WEEK !!!!! to answer, that is simply rude!). but, it happens again and again, loads of people want to make a game or a mod, but ones they have looked in to it they realise how much work and effort it actually takes to get something done they quit. it's the same old story over and over again.
and then you can't do anything else as pull the plug on it, so i do understand why you had to quit, but it is a real shame that you had to do so.
thanks for what was shown here over time,


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Cheeseiron - - 5 comments

LOL Ironic considering the name of the team... XD

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