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We're looking for some people who are able to fill some needed roles on the team.

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We're looking for some people who are able to fill some needed roles on the team;

We really need someone able to model & rig infantry units and someone able to make some new FX's for some stuff eg Desolater Beam and Rad cloud.

Someone who can do some 2d art for some new UI would be helpful to.

Thanks for your time.

CrowV - - 224 comments

dude i wish i had the skills to help ya.

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tjarek129 - - 203 comments

A lot of us do. :(

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Glarg - - 112 comments

You might consider doing a thorough tutorial on how to completely rig an infantry model for SAGE2.

I can flat out say that I have no intention/time of actually helping, but when I attempted to mess around with infantry into the past (when I actually had free time), I always ran into trouble from conflicting reports on how to actually do it correctly and ended up just moving onto something else.

Basically I'm suggesting that if you make rigging infantry straightforward, you will increase the likelyhood of someone actually being able to pick this up. Finding decent modellers is hard enough, but you are also searching for someone who has what amounts to arcane knowledge.

I do hope that you are successful, you've done a fantastic job with what you have.

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Tsumetai - - 222 comments

Rigging infantry is no different than rigging any other RA3 model, the challenge comes from making natural looking animations by hand.

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ZeroMD - - 76 comments

Isn't it possible to re-use RA3 and TW animations? Those animations should work for most of the units.

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R-Man - - 8 comments

I could try helping with the 2d art. Also, is there any SDK for this?

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Slye_Fox Author
Slye_Fox - - 951 comments

Yes, there is an RA3 SDK, plus user made tools too.

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Guest - - 705,512 comments

I'd like to help too. But I'll have to learn to use the tools first. Never modded before.

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Guest - - 705,512 comments

Hey guys, I'm interested in joining the team. I've never been so interested in a mod before this one, I'm so hyped. I can do the 2D and UI art for you guys, and more too, we can discuss it. Send me a skype message R3Dpill33

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Slye_Fox Author
Slye_Fox - - 951 comments

I sent you a contact request, but have yet to receive a response.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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