The Code is Finished and Working!
Yes, you did read that right. The base battle royale code is working. The Zandronum scoreboard isn't modified... but the BR winner is announced!
Mapping is coming along well too, So far E1M1 has been all but finished, and the surrounding areas are starting to flesh out, including some larger outside areas to link everything together.
At the moment the playzone shrinks to E1M1, leaving only that map for the final battle. That may be subject to change depending on how I end up seeing play unfold on the test server.
With regards to the test server, again, thank you to everyone who has been playing, its been great fun playing with you! I also see you over in America hosting your own server! Hope it has been as populous!
I'll work some more on the latest version before I upload the files, as I don't want to flood with various versions and everyone unsure which provides the best experience. Our test server will remain live, as it has been running for about 5 days now and the game hasn't stuck yet! Fingers crossed this continues to be the case!
As always folks, if you fancy helping us out, the button is there! See you all online in the Battle for the Royale with Cheese!
Awesome! I might have to give this a try :)