Post news Report RSS Second Imperial Civil War—Shifting Focus

Change is coming, and change is good. Just don't get too upset if you don't like it.

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Disclaimer: this article isn’t as exciting as originally planned due to the problems that Moddb has been encountering lately with images not showing up… so prepare to do a lot of reading (it’s good for your brain, kids). This will be mostly all talk and no show unfortunately.

Change is coming to Second Imperial Civil War. Up until this point most of the focus has been on adding new units and content—and this is okay in moderation. This is going to change though. Recently, there has been greater focus on the aesthetics, which is a good thing. So far I have made a mod that looks nice and has a good amount of new content, but I want something more than that. Gameplay has not changed much, there has not been much innovation in the way battles occur, and most of the rock-paper-scissors tactics still apply. There has been too much focus on new units, new content, and such that I sacrificed creating a better, more immersive gaming experience. From here on out the focus is shifting: I will not add new units for the sake of new units, but only if they actually fit well and make for better gameplay. Adding new units is not the point, this isn't a mod that tries to add as many ships as possible.

Don’t get me wrong, there will still be new content and much of it will be revealed soon, but this new content will be closely tied to a more immersive environment. Many units that are currently in the mod are not necessary and don’t even belong in it. At the same time that I am adding new content, I will be removing a comparable amount of old content as well. Well actually, I don’t want to sugarcoat it, because lot of old content is being removed, specifically units from the Galactic Civil War era, because most of them don’t belong here anymore. Don’t feel bad if some of your favorite, iconic units like the Imperial-II Star Destroyer, MC80 Star Cruiser, or Nebulon-B Frigate don’t make the cut, and get cut. There are better things that have already taken their place, for they are century-old relics left over from a vastly different galaxy. They are outdated and largely destroyed. Not all GCW-era units will be completely removed, but many will. This is for best of the mod, as it will not be jam-packed with so many units you can only see half on the build bar and not be bloated with largely irrelevant content. Anyway, time to move on to the next topic.

So right now I’ll talk about more exciting things that concern the new direction the mod will be taking. Version 1.0 was focused on skirmish mode, and I think it was pretty good at that. However, there is only so much that can be changed in terms of tactics and strategy when skirmish battles are the focus. That is why version 2.0 will be fully focused on Galactic Conquest. I now realize that by completing GC mode I will be accomplishing multiple tasks at the same time: new skirmish maps; more strategic and tactical choices; heroes (yes finally); intertwined population, economic and military systems; and overall improvement in gameplay. I believe that a well-polished Galactic makes a ‘good’ a ‘great’, and I hope to elevate Second Imperial Civil War to that level. Details on how these things will be achieved will be shown in the coming weeks and months of development, but I can’t end this article without showing you something new.

This is the basis for Galactic Conquest. Nothing exciting, but I can't show much with the way the site is right now.

This next idea isn't anything ground-breaking, but it is a simple change that will drastically affect gameplay. In the original EaW/FoC and most, if not all mods, things like asteroid mines and defense satellites are captured by any unit that is close enough. This is going to change in version 2.0 of Legacy. With what is basically the removal of land combat, shuttles have had little to no purpose and appearance so far. Now, shuttles are extremely important. The only units that are capable of capturing asteroids mines, skirmish merchant docks and other related structures are shuttles. This decision will cause you to rethink your strategy almost entirely: shuttles are to be defended if you plan on getting an asteroid mine or satellite pad. Shuttles are usually slow and highly susceptible to corvettes and fighters. The thought behind this is that shuttles are made to carry troops, and so they should the vessels that go and board orbital structures, not fighters and all those other ships. This is my attempt to squeeze some realism out of this game, and I believe it works well.

Shuttles will also have another new role as well. They will be carried by their respective vessels per-canon, coming in groups of two similar to fighters and bombers. Since shuttles are generally more heavily armed, they can be considered as slow, more durable bombers that can take and deal more damage than most bombers and fighters. They also serve as escorts and support craft.

So to summarize: old content is being cut, new content is replacing it, and the focus is now on Galactic Conquest for a more strategic and tactical gameplay experience. And you can now only capture skirmish space structures with shuttles (have fun defending them).

There will be an article soon that lists what content is being cut and it might also show some new content. A separate article providing details about Galactic Conquest will be put up as well. That concludes this info-dump.

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malanthor - - 855 comments

Very interesting reading. I like what you are saying.

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#k - - 886 comments

Noooooo I really on Imperial 2's from the merchant docks for my early game capitals, nothing like deploying an imperial star destroyer before they reach level 2.

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Alpha473 - - 380 comments

I agree with the philosophy behind and the design decisions made.

Hope the cuts will be those things that make sense and logical, such as spaceship_2012 said.

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Galen512 - - 413 comments

Yay, shuttles!

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SlayerOfSith - - 332 comments

Nooooo!!!! anything but the Imperial II! It's such an iconic ship that it cannot be removed!

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Afro-yoda-ninja - - 1,204 comments

That picture of the GC map is my desktop background... :P

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EclipseStardestroyer - - 1,716 comments

So are the asteroid mines and satellite turrets more durable? I mean, if I'm gonna defend shuttles all the way to these assets, I don't want them all to get one shotted after working my way there. Just a thought...

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cheesecake645 Author
cheesecake645 - - 1,559 comments

Yes they will be made more durable because of their importance, but not so durable that you don't have to worry about defending them.

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I.M.D. - - 426 comments

Talking about satellites: I really really hope you can find some new models for them. I allways thought of the original ones to be totaly overscalled, they´re op against fighters and totally useless against everything bigger than a corvette.
I´m sure you have allready something in your mind about that, but I wanted to say it anyway;)

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cheesecake645 Author
cheesecake645 - - 1,559 comments

Speaking of new models and usefulness... you'll be pleasantly surprised.

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KolSkywalker - - 38 comments

The Galaxy sure is going to be huge. I hope the Galactic Conquest Mode would not have crashes nor bugs, but this mod is truly respectable.

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cheesecake645 Author
cheesecake645 - - 1,559 comments

Huge indeed ;)

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Flurn - - 124 comments

I think you've understood what most modders miss. It's not about new units, pop caps and game breaking amounts of fighters: Focus on the gameplay. Well played sir, well played indeed.

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pincuishin - - 572 comments

Wouldn't the ISD2 be a beginning capital filler? for something like tech 2/3 >? Also I know its pretty rude of me to ask but can certain changes be made to the Pellaeon and Imperious? they both have far to many medium turbos I think they need a few more normal or heavy turbos in place of mediums it just seems like they got a drastic reduction in firepower is this due to balance or accuracy? They do fine and all but I just think there would be a bit more big turbos... as always cheese no matter what I think on minor things like this I have always loved and enjoyed your work Keep it up mate!!! Also I do agree with your gameplay over content while content is good if you avoid the actual gameplay you get a mod like Alliance which has alot of greatly detailed units but also some poor ones.. but it misses the gameplay and becomes a giant spam mod...

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cheesecake645 Author
cheesecake645 - - 1,559 comments

The ISD is over 100 years old and outdated. Production stopped decades ago so there would be no sense in letting players build new ones when they have been replaced by several different models already.

Medium turbolasers are the same as normal turbolasers, hence the term 'medium'. The Imperious and Pellaeon are very dangerous, but sometimes the Scythe may seem more potent than the Pellaeon because nearly all its weapons are on the front blade and more concentrated. Canonically speaking, this is supposed to be how a Scythe can defeat a Pellaeon.

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pincuishin - - 572 comments

Hmm true... would there possibly be another ship to fill that vacancy? something in between Pellaeon and smaller vessels? for around the 2/3 area? also oh yea I know it just makes the Pellaeon feel puny with these little pew pews going on lol.

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pincuishin - - 572 comments

Besides the Ardent class I like to be able to pick threw a variety of strategies

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pincuishin - - 572 comments

Just wondering also how will the Ai be revamped? just wondering for GC it's not as aggresive as it should be I think even on hard... I say this in wondering if there will be a gc where the Ai is hitting you quite frequently.

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Commander_Cody - - 256 comments

How about the Heros at each faction and the Confederation?Will u add all of them back in the next version/update?

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cheesecake645 Author
cheesecake645 - - 1,559 comments

Yes. I'm considering re-working the Confederation though.

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