Post news RSS Road to NND V5.5

5.5 will contain all the stuff the version before had(V5) maybe with some tweaks, aside from that it will add large array of features and improvements.

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V5.5 will contain all(most) of the stuff the version before had(V5) maybe with some tweaks, aside from that it will add large array of features and improvements.

Features of V5.5:

-Merc Companies patrols dialog.
-Refund Efforts perk issue.
-Advanced Formations work smoothly with the Ratio Bar(no need to press 'z').
-Rebels town visit(cant enter Rebels town as it, well.. angry and rebelling).
-Blacksmith menu show also helmets, boots and gloves(also fixed to show more armors).
-Village new faction owner having previous faction recruits.
-Looter upgrade path.
-Starting as a vassal refer the player as merc company in the trigger.
-"Promises" perk.
-Disembarking the ship.
-Duel in Battles always trigger if toggled.
-Lightly tweaked the Limestone and Sawmill enterprises.
-Adjust the "Claiming Factions" for some fiefs.
-Changde "Companions fatality" option to "Heroes fatality", effect also Heroes(dead lords using the recycle feature), chance reduced to 30%.
-Troops stats.
-Added option to leave and not interfere when going into a town that have rebels battle.

*And many more.

-Added back the option to use voice commands in battle(expanded).
-Buying besieged fief price multiplier based on campaign ai difficulty option(easy 200, medium 225, hard 250).
-Added to Leech Attack option a dropbox.
-Added militia troops to villages making them more resilient to player raids.
-Added titles to kingdoms lords and ladies according their personality traits.
-Added back the extra fiefs from V4 and some new ones.
-Added Criminal Reputation for the player.
-Added New Status- Outlaw, effect is to gain renown from hostile actions.
-Added option to start as Outlaw(start with -1 to -20 relation randomly for each fief and npc).
-Added Wandering Traders.
-Added Languages.
-Added few new buildings to Villages(2).
-Added few new quests(2).
-Added new options for ruler freedom when capture.
-Added Food Consumption selection page.
-Added Campsite visit option.
-Added second map based on color with no borders.
-Added option to own a house in towns, can store items and heal faster when resting there.
-Added renown limit to buy enterprise/caravan/house (and need at least 10 relation for enterprise).
-Added Bodyslide feature(back).
-Added that "Heroes fatality" give Heroes 30% chance to die in battle simulations.
-Added new factions descriptions in the factions information page.
-Added that fiefs have few of their improvements already built in the start of the game.
-Added Disorganized Army like in Bannerlord.
-Added parties events map icons.
-Added new reading book menu.
-Added Land Managment.
-Added 5 extra lords for each faction

*And many more.

If you find any issue or have any feedback or suggestion feel free to mention it and we will attend it, also if you want join our discord server where we talk about the mod and plan the next versions! also be first to be informed about new stuff and be up-to-date with the mod latest news and be part of the ideas makers, the feedback givers, the play testers or just hang around with us(butter is provided) -

V5.5 Images Gallery:


Untitled4 1
Untitled3 1




Guest - - 706,995 comments

10/10 whoever wrote the dialogues must be a really swell guy

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TheSwan44 Author
TheSwan44 - - 434 comments

No doubts, ilnurmeft did a great work :>

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ilnurmeft - - 2 comments


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Argeomer - - 5,588 comments

wooo executing lords? well damn. I have played 2.0 versions ago and liked it very much. Can't wait to play this again when i get the chance

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Guest - - 706,995 comments

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Guest - - 706,995 comments

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virgoajh - - 12 comments

kapan akan di rilis

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TheSwan44 Author
TheSwan44 - - 434 comments

For the 2 comments up, as it say in the first line of the description:
"Version 5.5 of the mod is delayed a little to be around February to March+"
But probably in the end of February it will be published in the mod discord sever for play testing and somewhen until the end of March it will be released here

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Wifebeater - - 13 comments

this looks very promising.

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virgoajh - - 12 comments

saya sangat menunggu untuk di rilis

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TheSwan44 Author
TheSwan44 - - 434 comments

Hi virgoajh! we already starting the testing for V5.5 in our discord sever, if you want to try it join our discord -
I think we will end the testing and implementation of the new features in 2 months max

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Guest - - 706,995 comments

Saya sudah masuk ke discod tapi tidak tau filenya di mana.

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TheSwan44 Author
TheSwan44 - - 434 comments

Send a messege there, we will answer and point out where it is

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virgoajh - - 12 comments

Baik terimakasih akan saya coba bertanya di discord

saya sangat menantikan mod ini, karena tertarik dengan land management

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virgoajh - - 12 comments

apakah belum di posting juga untuk mod ini.

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Rassim999 - - 2 comments

this mod is excellent but please in this version don't add a graphics mod or enhancement mod because i have old laptop and it's lag

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Guest - - 706,995 comments

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