Post news RSS Defenders of the Red Sky

Updating in which new achievement of the Soviet science and technics is shown.

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The cross-border security of Soviet Union keeps not only on bravery and skill of frontier guards, but also on the last achievements of a military-industrial complex. The best way of protection - to provide reciprocal destruction of the opponent, to compel the enemy simply to be afraid to attack the mighty Soviet Union.

For this purpose has been created the space multi-purpose plane "Gagarin" capable equally effectively to work both in space, and in atmosphere. The fighting link of these matchless flying machines is capable to strike blow or to intercept enemy bombers in any part of the Earth during record-breaking small time. Their batch production is begun not so long ago, therefore still it is not enough of them in a system of the Soviet Air Forces. But workers of Soviet Union can be assured - the Red sky under reliable protection, the enemy won't disturb peace proletarian cities and factories of the great Motherland.

The given model literally has finished day texturing process. The author of this model - our artist TheXHS, texturer- the companion who has wanted temporarily to remain to unknown persons. Anyway, many thanks to them from other our command!

SliderFF - - 896 comments

и тишиа)

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Chinka - - 837 comments

Gagarin has epic model - your mod is releasing a new quality to Tiberium Wars modding! :D

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hunter-seeker - - 103 comments

очень хорошая моделька,и описание к ней=) так же постер порадовал. продолжайте в том же духе и не слушайте злые языки на сусе ;)

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