Post news RSS Red Harvest

I've been very busy, but I'm proud to say the first version of the mod is 99.9% completed and is awaiting its final playtest. In the mean time, I've added a short review of Joe Schrieber's Red Harvest.

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I recently read Red Harvest, Joe Schrieber's prequel to his novel, Death Troopers, upon which this mod is loosely based. I must say I was a little disappointed. Despite its cheesy premise, the first book was very well written. Red Harvest wasn't quite the same, but I did enjoy it and I'd say anyone who read the first book should go ahead and read this one.

Unlike the first book, Red Harvest takes places in the same time period as Bioware's awesome Knights of the Old Republic franchise. The majority of the book takes place on the frozen planet Odacer Faustin, which hosts a massive Sith academy. (New planet in the next version, perhaps?) There was some embarrassingly ridiculous tree-hugging, but the book did bring in a lot of fan service through an appearance by everyone’s favorite model of droid from KotoR and a certain sequence that was very reminiscent of the first Alien movie. One thing I didn’t like as much about this book was the way the zombies were portrayed. You might think that someone who makes a mod adding zombies to a star wars strategy game is a classic-zombie fanatic, but actually I almost always prefer science fiction plots with creatures “like zombies”. That was the way the original book was. There was a horrible outbreak of infection that could turn your own dead against you, but there was something more to it, some mystery. They weren’t JUST zombies. The zombies in Red Harvest don’t show the same signs of being different until much later in the book, and even then it wasn’t particularly important to the story.

Overall it was worth a read, but it did have many moment that left me either facepalming or scratching my head. In case you missed it, I am almost finished with version one of Galaxy of the Dead, but work is still slow. I hope to give more news in the near future.

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Wow! Thats good news to listen too. Keep up the good work. (This mod is good considering that there is something different in it than the rest)

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