New interaction system replacing the vanilla ArmA scroll wheel. Based on a key press method you can do all the vanilla actions such as picking up items and weapons as well as building doors and vehicles.
The goal is to make a slick clean system to interact with the game world at ease.
Will these have combability with ace
Hi, This will not be compatible with ACE as No cure is going to overhaul nearly all aspects of ArmA 3 and will have it's own ACE like feature. There is no intention to make ACE a requirements or use it at all in No Cure.
Thanks DL++
How does resolve the bit with having several context actions at the same time, say trying to grab something off the ground when next to a vehicle, or interact with something?
Good question.
It basically detects what the players eyes are directed at , what the players courser target is directed at - then there is a invisible line between the player and the ground that detects the object or interaction point if you like.
From here it checks nearest items to the player cross references it with the above checks and determines the correct "thing" to interact with.
I have tested multiple interaction points in close proximity such as ground weapons next to an ammo box and Ground items next to vehicle doors and building doors, the results are successful in 100% detecting the correct item/object/animations point to interact with every time.
In short if you look or aim or face the interaction point you'll interact with it as intended. :) Hope that answers the question.