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What happened in the last 2 weeks, engine switch, new video with many much lot red.

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Hey there, i've got news for what happens next to the Qore mod.

Engine switching from Darkplaces to FTE:

It doesn't matter how much i tweak it, i am never satisfied with how the gore looks and the possibilities i have with Darkplaces. it feels a little limited to compose the effects out of single effects, who all spawn at the same time. Darkplaces is the most commonly used Quake Engine next to Quakespasm but it is a little outdated and lacks stuff i want to have the possibility to play around with.

So i will use the FTEQW engine instead of Darkplaces in the future.

Why? Because it's the better one, when it comes to uhm... nearly everything. The whole shader-section of the qore.cfg would fall away because all those shader-options are present in the form of the ingame options menu in FTEQW. That means you wouldn't have to reconfigure the qore.cfg with every update. Also i could write my own option menu entries, which means there wouldn't be a qore.cfg at all. You could make all those configurations in the ingame option menu. After Spike told me the very basics of menu coding and gave me a link with his menu source code it was decided. Oh and FTE also has a much more developed particle system, which i will utilize for, guess it... right, gore, gore, gore and overall particle effects. The particle system can even play soundfiles, which is pure heavy metal!

I won't change the engine with v08 but with v09 or v1.0 . The particles and some code must be translated to FTE definitions and i think i will also update the whole particle effects of Qore with new, nicer ones.


Mod progress:

Meanwhile all new enemies have heir appropriate gibskins and and bloodskins. Also, i reassigned some bloody-death animations to weapons. The Nailcannon (previous Nailcloud(stupid name)) for example can trigger the gib-stages and pushes monsters back in a fraction of the speed of the nails. It works good and looks very brutal. I too added a new weapon, the first that shoots only particles. Looks great and feels very, very badass. You can see a first working version in the video below. Kinda proud of it. Also i'm still trying to make it possible to nail enemies on walls, which is giving me a hard time. But i think in that matter i'm running on a good path. Technically it works, though aligning a nailed monster to a wall behind it is a pain, that i think i will feel for yet a few more days.

I also worked a lot on the gib physic behaviour, which resulted into more vivid frags than before. The gibs up to v07a1 moved very evenly, in a pattern that never changed. From 08 onward factors like distance to the influencing physical (or magical) force and the selected weapon will change the flightpath and direction of gibs, limbs and enemies. An example: Blowing a monster to pieces with a shotgun will send the gibs into the shot direction instead of any direction. Then, some of the gibs will stick to the wall - if there is any - and slide it down until they hit the ground. Neat! If you don't gib the monster it may also fly into the direction of your shot. This is already working very good and the frags and limbs make a much more chunky impression when they fly around. You can have a look at this not yet final version of the new gib physics in the video:

See you around.
Greetings from the cold and wet germany :-)


Grimpast - - 477 comments

I can't believe I am writing this, but is there a maximum number of gibs? The gore looks great. I mean one can say it is done. Nothing more to upgrade. But if there is a slight need for 'more' 'blood', I can imagine (and this is the part I can't believe I am writing) pinkish brain matter, great ammount of intestines, vertebras,exctrement, teeth, more bone fragments blowing out from them...

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DaisyFlower Author
DaisyFlower - - 104 comments

Thanks :-)

I don't know if there is a maximum number of gibs/entities in Darkplaces or FTE or the GYRO physics engine i use (a true masterpiece of code!). But it's an interesting thought. I will try to set the gib number to 900 for the soldiers and see what happens. It will probably crash Gyro. I'll report when i scienced it out. *raises fist* FOR SCIENCE!

It looks good alread but i think it will look even better with FTE in a few moths, if i get it right. And even now there's always a thing to upgrade about the gore: Right now i'm working on different explosion effects for different monster sizes, which already works and looks good.

I once had a brain model but that didn't work out so well. I'm working on an animated wall splat meat piece right now, i hope it will look good. About different organs: It's hard to come by models an i am absolute bad when it comes to modeling. There is an old Blood TC for Quake with gorgeous models and i already asked for permission to use them. The author didn't answear, so i treat it like a no and won't use anything of it. I already found a gpl skeleton (fully rigged to animate) that i will use at some point of time. You know, melting the flesh from some monsters bones and such jokes.

But who knows, maybe i will one day find some nice things to use, the net is full with free to use models.

And don't be afraid, we are probably very sane persons, even if one could think otherwise, regarding the topic :-D

have a nice time!

I tried it with increasing gib numbers. I always fragged only 1 enemy:

100 gibs per enemy: runs fine

500 gibs per enemy: serious framerate drop, doesn't crash

900 gibs per enemy: something like 1 frame per 5 seconds was able to get coffee before the first gib touched the ground. Unplayable on my machine. But i have a relative old one with 2009 equipment, so a low old granny of a computer.

1900 gibs per enemy: processor screams and melts. But Quake didn't crash.

So i assume it fully depends on your rig how many gibs can be spawned from an enemy until it gets unplayable.

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Grimpast - - 477 comments

Fantastic DaisyFlower, and thank you very much for the thorough investigation!
I know my position is so easy: writing ideas is not a work.
The flesh melting is a great idea!

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ETDamien - - 34 comments


I was unaware FTE surpassed Darkplaces in such a way. Now there's no excuses not to check it out. :)

Are you planning on going further and reworking the maps to fit the gameplay?

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DaisyFlower Author
DaisyFlower - - 104 comments

I wish i could, but the next big thing after using fte will be to add support for both mission packs, both code and models. That will take its time. I am also not a good mapper but the idea you have already rolled through my mind too. I would love to see the old ID campaign updated with a bit more detail, props, better lightning, new traps and a few script-happenings, maybe even an npc here and there.
But improving Qore and remaking the maps at the same time would slow down the developement process very strong.

It would be a tremendous task, so no, at the moment i won't do that. I concentrate on v08, fte, then the mission packs (Dissolution of eternity & Scourge of Armagon) for now. After that i will see. But it's really a thing i would like to see done too! Would be s cool! And the Arcane Dimensions mod proved that Quake can look very, very sexy. Even nowadays.

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ETDamien - - 34 comments

Maybe you could use some help. ;)

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DaisyFlower Author
DaisyFlower - - 104 comments

Hello ETDamien,
what exactly do you mean by a little help ? :-)

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ETDamien - - 34 comments

A PM has been sent :)

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ZerTerO - - 134 comments

Quakespasm, qbism Super8?

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DaisyFlower Author
DaisyFlower - - 104 comments

Hello ZerTerO,
Du kannst versuchen Qore mit anderen engines als DP zu starten, ich glaube aber nicht das es funktionieren wird, da ich einige DP extensionen benutze, die zum Beispiel quakespasm nicht versteht - das particle system zum Beispiel. Einige der Skins haben auch ein zu großes Format für manche der engines. Also nein, es läuft nicht mit quakespasm. Über Qbism kann ich nichts sagen, da ich die engine nicht ausprobiert habe. Also im Moment ist Darkplaces eine vorraussetzung, später dann FTE.


You may try this mod with other engines, however, if it works it maybe won't display the particles correct, because the blood effects use the DP extensions and some skinsizes are bigger than some of the more oldschool engines can handle. So at the moment it's Darkplaces, in the near future fte.

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ZerTerO - - 134 comments

Danke. Werde ich beobachten und freue mich schon. Wie sieht es mit einer "Kick" Funktion aus? Ist es möglich in Wasser die gibs langsamer sinken zu lassen?

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ZerTerO - - 134 comments

Hallo DaisyFlower,

qbism Super8 musst du unbedingt mal testen. Ist auf retro Look fixiert und wie ich merke, willst du da ja auch hin. :)

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DaisyFlower Author
DaisyFlower - - 104 comments

Ja, den Wasserwiederstand werde ich eventuell noch erhöhen. Als sie noch auf der Wasseroberfläche schwommen haben sie in flachem wasser endlos den platch-sound abgespielt. Das wurde sehr nervig, weshalb ich ihnen die fähigkeit zu schwimmen wegnahm. Das langsame sinken ist hoffentlich kein problem. Die physikengine mon Mattew Lawrence ist einfach spitzenklasse, damit kann man fast alles machen.

Eine kickfunktion für die gibs sollte kein Problem sein und ist eine gute idee. Habe früher schonmal eines der alten tutorials von inside3d ausprobiert, bei der Menge an gibs fand ich es grenzwertig albern dauernd gibs herumzuscheuchen. Damals habe ich Gyro aber noch nicht benutzt. Eine ein zu bauen sollte nicht das Problem sein. Setze ich auf die Liste :-)

Was den retrolook angeht, den möchte ich optional halten, weil es auch viele spieler gibts, die gerne mit hd texturen spielen.

Quakespasm mag und kenne ich als engine, ich werde sie installieren sobald ich mich an Arcane Dimension heranmache, worauf ich mich schon sehr freue. Und Qbism habe ich noch nirgends gesehen aber mal kurz nachgesschlagen. Scheint eine gute Mischung aus einigen anderen engines zu sein.

About slow sinking gibs: I have to test if they also repeatedly play the splash sound if they sink in shallow water of < 8 unites, which was annoying and the reason i took away their ability to swim. A little more water resistance will work, i hope. That's the nice thing about Matthew Lawrences Gyro physic engine, you can do nearly everything with it.

I already tried the gibkick function from the inside3d tutorial pool, but i found it slightly awkward to see the relative high amount of gibs kicked around. But back then i didn't use the physic engine i use now. I will reimplement it, it's on the todo list.

About the retro-look: I want to keep that absolute optional, because a lot of people like the hd textures and everybody should be as free to use their own graphic and playstyle setting as possible.

I like Quakespasm as an engine and will use it to play arcane Dimensions in the near future (something i really look forward to). I looked up Qbism and must say that it seems to be a nice amalgamation of other engines.

Have a nice weekend!

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Grimpast - - 477 comments

Thanks for the english translation, very thoughtful of you.

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DaisyFlower Author
DaisyFlower - - 104 comments

Ich hatte grade Zeit und habe mit der kickgibs funktion herumgespielt. deine Idee das wieder einzuführen war klasse, jetzt können sowohl Monster als auch Spieler die brocken hin und her bewegen. Sieht schon cool aus, wenn ein Oger durch diese dicken Stücke mit seiner Kettensäge auf einen zugerannt kommt! Ein dickes Dankeschön dafür!

I had a little time to play around with the kickgibs code and now Monsters and players can both move gibs when touching them. It's quite impresssive to see an ogre storm at you through a layer of gibs who are shoved aside by his feet, reaaly cool! Thanks a lot for your suggestion!

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ZerTerO - - 134 comments

Wie findest du die Möglichkeit auch Gegner zu treten? Wie in Brutal Doom / Duke Nukem 3D (und höher)?

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DaisyFlower Author
DaisyFlower - - 104 comments

Ist schon drin, ebenso die Möglichkeit Slidekicks zu machen und sich zu teleportieren :-)

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BLAZING_DUST - - 22 comments

Well, if it really is superior to DarkPlaces, there's no excuse to not move to it. Also, for the next Qore release, you might want to make Shamblers unable to create lightning if one of their arms are shot off.

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DaisyFlower Author
DaisyFlower - - 104 comments

I thought about that and still do it. I don't want to rob their ranged attack until i have an idea for an alternative for it. Probably he will instead be able to vomit tons of gibs and acid.

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BLAZING_DUST - - 22 comments

Hmm... Maybe you could keep his lightning attack but make it weaker instead? The Shambler seems to merge the two lightning bolts into one, so with an arm off, maybe just make it throw the lightning directly at the player.

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DaisyFlower Author
DaisyFlower - - 104 comments

Weaker but faster attack and projectile instead of hitscan. That's the alternative. I think the blood/acid vomit will get to be his midrange attack, dodgable but dangerous. His ranged lightning will get a higher range andyour proposal his one armed attack :-)

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mushis - - 2 comments

hey Daisy, looking forward for the new version using FTE.
You can find FTE developer Spoike at

keep us informed with the current status of this project.


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chiliquake - - 1 comments

Good ole exploding bloody Quake chunks... ohhh that would be nice (evil laugh). When will you finish Qore for the FTE engine?

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