The PR:Z Open Beta Week will start on the 1st of February and end on the 8th of February. The server will be available 24/7 but you will only be able to play the minimod from 18h30 to 02h30 GMT/PR-Time as it requires an admin to be present and activate the loot spawns.
PR:Z Open Beta Week is Over. Keep and eye on this page for news on the next one.
You should take your time to read the Survival "Game-mode" Set of Rules as well as the Frequently Asked Questions. Keep in mind that this is a Open Beta Test which means that it is still a WIP version of the minimod!
You can also check our main thread on the PR Forum Modding Section, it has plenty of information and feedback related to past events. Including a few videos of both Survival Games and PR:Z.
The download link will be posted here this Saturday, with clear instructions on how to install the minimod using our Control Panel and also how to install it manually (for the ones with screwed-up OS permissions).
Download the PR:Z Control Panel and place it inside your battlefield2/mods/pr folder. Unzip it and run the PRZControlPanel as ADMIN to be able to download and install the minimod.
(You might get a request to update your .NetFramework if your version is older than 4.0. The CP won't work without it. If the CP shows an "Uninstall" option it means you have a old version of the minimod. Click Uninstall, it should remove it for you.)
IF you have a older version of the minimod, please update it to v0.0.6.3.
IF the above installation process does not work, you have two other options:
- Downloading the minimod content (Link provided upon request), changing the name of the zip file to and dragging it into the CP. It should ask you if you want to install the minimod.
- The other option is unzipping it inside the PR folder, all files/folders should go into their correct place automatically. If you can't unzip it inside, do it outside and drag everything into the PR folder. Careful not to drag it into other folders inside the PR folder! In either case, you will always need the CP inside the PR folder to run it and enable/disable the minimod
Download the PR:Z Minimod >>>, Enable it & come give it a try! Keep in mind that this is a BETA, meaning that it is still WIP and might contain bugs. Server Loot will only be spawned at 18h30 PR Time when the Open Beta starts. So if you join the server sooner, there wont be any weapons!
This minimod does not alter your original PR so you can continue to play it as long as you disable the minimod in the CP (Similar to how the Anders Sound Mod worked).
The PR:Z server has been kindly provided by the [3dAC] clan which has supported this project from the start. You can find the server by clicking Co-operative and searching within the short list of servers. The server password is PRZ . The server only has 32 slots because it is a 2km map and we believe its better for game-play. We might increase the slot number in the future depending on how the open beta goes.
If you have any questions, feel free to post them here. Same applies to feedback on the minimod and it's features.
Hope to see plenty of you as Survivors or Zombies during the Open Beta. ;)
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Awesome! cannot wait!
Ahhh, which timezone is PR in?
Currently, it is equal to GMT.
You can find the PR Time on the PR's forum clock.
Heh, ok thanks. never actually noticed the clock =)
Great news !
Where is the download link? :v
It was working before, guess it bugged with my update. It's working again now.
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