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Progress of the project, frequent questions, ask you for help again, say sorry for the missing christmas present, make all our lifes easier...oh and our website will be down for a few days. StargateEaW news time!

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Dear community,

It's time for a more or less text driven news! We want to talk about the progress of the project, pin down some frequent questions, ask you for help again, say sorry for the missing christmas present, make all our lifes easier...oh and our website will be down for a few days. (Hopefully only days...)

So first of all...some words from Locutus about the general progress of our project.

About the progress of the galactic conquest

Since this is a question that's bothering most of you and due to the lack of news lately I figured to give you a little more insight on where we stand. As you all know the regular GCs cannot function without the ground part of the game so in order to release any GC we need the ground part to be done completely.

We are making constant progress for the ground part but the progress is not as fast as we hoped for. What's taking the most time are all the models that need to be made. Building-wise we have achieved notable progress but a lot of units are still missing. We don't have many modelers in the team that know how to create complex yet poly-saving humanoid character meshes with proper textures and animations. We try to finish the main units first (especially the Wraith still need a ton of models but also Goa'uld and Tau'ri are missing a lot) and then we'll try to focus on the heroes.

Luckily the space part is mostly done. Most of the non-playable races got their complement of ships which are fully coded, too. Just "some" balancing and a bunch of minor issues left.

The GCs itself, well... As some of you might know we plan to release two types of GCs: Those in which the player will follow a story-line through several events and those that rather focus on playing freely and don't limit the players actions through events.

The story-less GCs are comparatively fast to make but still lack essentials in tech-progressing, some galactic buildings/"things" and the possibility to actually play them (kinda hard with the ground part being heavily WIP;)). Not every planet will get a custom map as there are simply too many that require a lot of custom models but we try to finish the most important ones.

The progress on the GCs that do have a story-line is mixed. Some short event chains can already be played considerably well but it is still a big work-in-progress and getting everything done will still take a fair amount of time.

About the next release date

Now you may ask "Hey, you still didn't say a single word about an estimate release!". Well, the reason we don't tell you anything is because we don't know it ourselves. Sometimes there are weeks in which we can make more progress than we did in the whole month before and then there are times where everyone is busy with that odd thing called 'real life' which tends to mess up mod things.

If you feel like you can contribute to this mod (and help things speed up) feel free to send us a short application: We are still looking for translators, sound guys (getting unit speech sounds other than German and English), mappers, modelers (for either complex things such as character models as well as simplistic map props), event scripters, etc, etc.

Have a look at the open jobs here:

But even if you can't mod and wish to support us simply do so by staying active on this page or our forums. We really appreciate all the feedback you guys give us and sometimes even your craziest ideas can lead to cool, implementable features. All this gives us the motivation to continue the work on this project.

See you around.

- Locutus

We hope that this wall of text had some of your questions covered! :)

While talking about helping...since a few days you can help us by watching Stargate episodes! Help us to identify old speech files from the EaW versions so we can localize them for other languages:

To make the search easier we uploaded the speech files to soundcloud. ;)

The "Christmas" present

You might want to know when the Sleipnir and its map will be released. Unfortunately we ran into a problem regarding some shaders we were unable to fix yet shortly before we wanted to release it... We're very sorry that you have to wait longer than expected and will try hard to release the Sleipnir as soon as possible.

Installation videos

You read that headline correctly...after many years there are finally official installation videos! So far there is only some text to explain but maybe we will do a voice over in the future. ;) If you have any feedback regarding the videos please give us a hint!

We have a video for the Retail version, Steam version and version. We will prepare a video for the retail gold pack as soon as Klon get's his hands on that version.

One last important point:

Our website will be down soon as we will migrate to a new host. Don't be surprised if you see this image for a few days:

Website migration

Follow us on our social channels for updates!


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Post comment Comments
xlucidx - - 275 comments

Wish I could help but I don't have the technical know how to do anything and I'm not much of a voice actor at all, hah.

All I can do is to hang in there and keep up the great work, no need to rush anything.

Just know you have fans.

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BestPilot - - 238 comments

You could use some model from the old mod. It had great ideas, and the unit roster was fine enough.

Btw i think you should follow the path, what that mod started, because the new mod -at least for me- looks very "skirmishy" It is a great mod still, but i thik the old one was more realistic.

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thore95 - - 38 comments

I have to agree with you about how to mod looks less realistic. I just hope they give us a standard ship with the beam weapons like in the first mod.It is just nice to have some ships that can destroy anything (if you want to use them, which I would want to).

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thore95 - - 38 comments

I have a couple of ideas if you need another story line. The first one would follow the Stargate Atlantis movie that never got started. The basic story line is the self destruct on Atlantis starts and the only way to disarm it is to return to Pegasus. However the hyper drive still is not working, so they attempt to use the wormhole drive but get stranded in another galaxy. There is a full story online to fill in all the details. My other idea is a war between Atlantis or SGC and the "drone-like" aliens from the alternate reality in the episode "Daedalus Variations". I don't know what kind of permissions you would need for a movie that has not even been made, it was just an idea of another story line. I apologize if someone else has come up with an idea like this, I just thought both would make a cool story line.

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Guest - - 700,077 comments

Well you are wrong about Atlantis "that never started"
Google: Stargate: Homecoming
These awesome books cover stories after season finale, i liked it so much

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thore95 - - 38 comments

I was not talking about the books, in my first post I said the Stargate Atlantis MOVIE. The script got written but the movie never got going.

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Lantean_Rule - - 43 comments

Hey Guys,
Has anyone figured out a workaround for the s t r e t c h i n g issue for ultra wide monitors (2560x1080)?

I know there is information that needs to be edited in TACTICALCAMERAS.XML as well as HKCU\Software\Petroglyph\StarWars \Profiles\Profile0\Player\
HKCU\Software\Petroglyph\StarWars FOC\Profiles\Profile0\Player\
depending on which version of SGEAW one is playing.

I made changes to the DWORD screen width and height with no success. I assume it might be because I need to change information in the TACTICALCAMERAS.XML file but I have no idea what to change in the values or if I need to change other information in the above registry.

Anyone have any ideas?


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MapperLocutus - - 985 comments

I don't think anyone from the team got experience with that, I'm sorry.
I took a short look at the TacticalCamera.xml file but I don't think there is something in there that needs to be changed.

Take a look at this topic, maybe it can prove useful to you:
(I mean the parameter to launching the game in windowed mode. When running the retail game create a shortcut of the exe and add the specified parameter to the target path)

If you find out anything useful please let us know so we can support people with a similar problem next time:)

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Lantean_Rule - - 43 comments

Thanks for looking at it! I'll check out the link, launching the game windowed may help resolving the issue. A step back might lead two steps forward. On a side note, at 1920x1080 the sides are blank and the game plays with no stretching, however it feels like I am playing on a 22in monitor not a 34in Ultrawide :o). I will keep you posted, hopefully I can get it working.

I found the link below helpful. You have more experience then I do, so what do you make of it?

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MapperLocutus - - 985 comments

The highest resolution I can display is 1920x1080 so unfortunately I can't conduct any experiments with ultra wide screen mode.
I took a look at the registry - when you changed your resolution did you adjust the WidescreenAspectRatio as well?
If you launch TPC you can open the launcher settings and tick the windowed mode checkbox - I still think that's the easiest way to achieve what you want.

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Lantean_Rule - - 43 comments

Its been...4 m o n t h s, any new updates?

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Leie_Sistal - - 159 comments

Soon ^^, we are working hard, but this take a lot of time ;)

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