Post news RSS Programming Progress 02

The next installment in the series of videos where I show you what I accomplish when I stay up to extreme hours of the night.

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I was hoping to put a one month gap in between each video. Man, that worked out really well...

The video

I actually voiced this one so you wont have to read any subtitles this time. If you want a video without me blabbering on then let me know in the comments.

Behind the video

I'm making this section right now just to better clarify what you saw in the video that I didn't have the time to explain in depth. The first thing mentioned was the hud swapping. I actually had this feature implemented when the first programming video was made. It wasn't finished at the time, and I still wanted to get the 0.52 alpha hud in, but I seriously think the game is at a limit with how many sprites are being preached, and drawn on the client side. Now with the inventory in place, I think it's just not going to happen, but I'll still take a stab at it in the future just to make sure (if you all really want that hud to be featured in the mod).

The next thing was the overbrighting effect. I explained what was going on with that pretty well, so I'm not going to do that here. But instead I want to say that the effect was put in Xash's engine code, and I want to explain why we are using Xash over Steam in the first place. The main reason we are on Xash is that I can edit the engine to get features to work for the mod, and I can't do that on Steam Half-Life as of now. I have a plan on how it can be achieved, but It's going to be a big task, so for now we are sticking with Xash. On the bright side, I plan on releasing this version of Xash to the public as a custom build since it will include some new features, and a bunch of cosmetic fixes like the DSP effects which will be fixed to not sound terrible.

The rest of the video was covering the new inventory that was implemented. I think I explained that well enough so I won't go on about that here, but if you have any questions on it then ask in the comments. Now, onto the inventory. Boy, what an exciting challenge that was! When I first saw the [image] I just didn't think I had the skills to get that working. I spent a bunch of time just examining comments left the code to see if I could find a way to set this up. I barely found anything at all, so I had to figure it out on my own. I decided to take a look on how the ammo and health get transferred over to the hud, and once I figured out how it worked I set up all the sprites for the hud. Implementing the actual items were much easier since the air tank, antidote, and rad suit were for the most part still around. After that I just had to iron out bugs which took about a week or more cause I kept running the game in a bunch or different scenarios to see if I could find any, and they kept popping up. The good thing is I'm confident all the bugs, are gone so you all shouldn't run into any problems when playing.


Well that's all I have for now. I'd like to thank the rest of the team for doing the work I just don't feel like doing. The next video should be on npc's, so you should be able to see what they've done with the models, and textures. As stated earlier if you have any questions or just want to leave some feedback, then drop a line in the comments below.

Thanks for reading!

Olku_ - - 2,080 comments

Video was really good!

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CyborgParrot - - 1,732 comments

Looking good.

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MilkeyWilkey - - 43 comments

this is pretty awesome work done, I salute you!

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David_Jackson - - 1,066 comments

This is going to be so fun!! ^^

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Jonex. - - 568 comments

Thanks for the update. Really excited for this!

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something_odd - - 121 comments

Looks good.

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Metaltooth - - 2,749 comments


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ilmutus - - 258 comments

Yes please.

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Foxtrop - - 1,007 comments

thats awesome, you should check if you can rebuild the FULLBRIGHT flag for the models, there are parts on the skd2.3, and the guys from xash rebuild it, it would be nice to have that feature

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Korem - - 282 comments

Wow this is really amazing and it looks more like a big update, good job for the team!

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DerickFabro - - 194 comments


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Ogdred - - 463 comments

I am really impressed!

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ShaunNoWay - - 12 comments

When can we expect a release of your fork of the Xash3D engine? It looks really nice. Will it be before the full release of Shaft?

Also, didn't Xash3D Already have over-bright lighting? I might be mistaken.

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Magic_Nipples Author
Magic_Nipples - - 1,325 comments

You can expect the Xash3D build before Shaft releases since I have no reason to keep it private when it will be done before the mod is done. And XashXT has overbrights but its on the custom client and not the engine, so the engine itself doesn't have it.

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TheRenegadist - - 2,089 comments

So far all of the Half-Life mods that try to remake the alpha fail to add the ladder climb bobbing effect from Alpha, will the Shaft have this?

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✟Doon✟ - - 190 comments

Pretty sure we already have it.

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Magic_Nipples Author
Magic_Nipples - - 1,325 comments

We've had it since 2014

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TheRenegadist - - 2,089 comments

We're talking about the screen completely shaking to both sides while the breathing sound plays each time?

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Magic_Nipples Author
Magic_Nipples - - 1,325 comments

yes. It's been in the game since 2014. I've never forgotten it.

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TheRenegadist - - 2,089 comments

I know this may seem like a random request but in the next progress video can you show it, I don't know why but I really liked the ladder climb and would love to see it in action with the Shaft. Thanks in advance and good luck with the mod!

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RedSlug - - 580 comments

Looking good, due to these serious coding attempts, this appears to be the most promising approach recreating the alpha/beta content from HL right now!

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Magic_Nipples Author
Magic_Nipples - - 1,325 comments

Thanks! It really means a lot!

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David_Finger - - 35 comments

Very gooood1

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Hasl_Incurious - - 6 comments

About those teleportation and mirror things. Did you implemented worldportals from Portal 2? Or it's just looks like them, and those just portal and mirrors?

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Magic_Nipples Author
Magic_Nipples - - 1,325 comments

The teleporting seen is the seamless teleport entity from Spirit of Half-Life which is the base code used for the mod. all the teleporting was done using that. The mirror is built into Xash3D so I didn't have to do anything on that part.

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PropperNem - - 75 comments


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GoreTech5 - - 242 comments

You should prevent the regular jumping from spamming too, because otherwise it's too easy to bhop the whole game in an hour

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