Post news RSS Production Announcement!

As of a few days ago we have officially started production! we have finally come out of our pre-production phase and will soon be sharing gameplay ideas when we feel they are presentable enough for you lot to get a good look at. Not everything will be on show as we need to keep some things back for future releases as well as things that will change over the production.

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As of a few days ago we have officially started production! we have finally come out of our pre-production phase and will soon be sharing gameplay ideas when we feel they are presentable enough for you lot to get a good look at. Not everything will be on show as we need to keep some things back for future releases as well as things that will change over the production.

I'm very happy to say that we already have some content to share with you. We have just started production in the UDK and have been designing a red zone areas while our coders get to grip with the coding language and base. All the meshes textures and maps are simply test runs and will most likely be changed drastically over the production of the mod.

We are moving swiftly now into 2011 with our small team of only 5 people, 3 of which are writing our story and game design! we have 1 modeller and 1 coder of whom are working hard to produce what they can. Below are some screenshots of the red zone which has been entirely made over the past day and a half ready for this news post.

Red Zones

Red Zones

Red Zones

Red Zones

Red Zones

If anyone is interested in helping us achieve our goal then we are looking to expand our
team as we have only 5 dedicated members 3 of which are story writing 1 modeller/texture artist and 1 coder/designer. Below are the current positions we would like to fill by the end of the year to get development to an optimum level.

If you feel you meet the criteria below and wish to join up please take a few minutes to PM me and I'll get back to you.

We have a few conventions for communication and mod work, you will need a few programs;

- Skype, this is our primary form of conferencing and giving ideas and showing current work in progress without using forums etc
- Dropbox, dropbox is where we store all our current mod files to share and backup the work we have, this is a vital component to sharing our work easily and is a must if joining the team

Environment artist: position currently OPEN
- good knowledge of a modelling package such as 3DS max or Maya, either is fine,
if using blender then be aware of the exporting and all support with the program
will have to be found by yourself.
- Photoshop texturing skills and workflow, this includes being able to get normal and specular maps, although at the present time I can teach a few easy ways to get poor/average maps as long as your textures are good.
- the UDK knowledge is a plus although not necessary at this stage.

Coder/ programmer: position currently OPEN
- good knowledge of C++ or Java or a "real" programming language so that you can learn UnrealScript, XML etc is not on the same level.
- UDK knowledge is a plus but as with all positions not vital at this stage.

Character Artist: position currently OPEN
- good modelling skills (see environment artist position)
- texturing skills are required as the environment artist
- good understanding of anatomy and how the body moves

Animator: position currently OPEN
- good understanding of animating in 3DS max a must and rigging characters a big plus.
- anatomy and organic animations are a must for this position.

If there are any questions to do with the mod at all feel free to post and if anyone feels they want to contact me directly then simply PM me on these boards.

Acilius - - 241 comments

Oh ****. This will be good when it's released.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Cjslayer16 - - 987 comments

I wish I could help you guys. Still not really able to do anything...

Cant wait to see what you guys are going to deliver though :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
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