Post news Report RSS PRMM .25 is compatible with 1.21

To all PR fans: As the title indicates, if and when users choose to upgrade to the latest version of BF2 (1.21, released 03/09/06) they will still be able to play PRMM .25 without any noticeable side-effects. This is good news for everyone as it will not slow down our progress towards getting the next

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To all PR fans:

As the title indicates, if and when users choose to upgrade to the latest version of BF2 (1.21, released 03/09/06) they will still be able to play PRMM .25 without any noticeable side-effects. This is good news for everyone as it will not slow down our progress towards getting the next release of PRMM completed and will allow Project Reality Tournament activities to stay on course as well. If anyone does encounter issues while playing PRMM .25 with Dice's 1.21 patch installed please drop by the PRMM bug section of our forums to report any irregularities. Thank you!

-The Project Reality Team

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