Post news RSS Pre-Alpha 11 Unstable Hotfix Released!

Hello everyone, Pre-Alpha 11 Unstable has received a lot of great feedback from you in these past two weeks. We were very pleased to read your impressions of the game and we're also glad to hear that you are having fun playing this version of ISG! However, there were several concerns raised about this build, namely on performance as for quite a few nasty bugs and issues reported. This hotfix addresses those issues.

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Hello everyone,

Pre-Alpha 11 Unstable has received a lot of great feedback from you in these past two weeks. We were very pleased to read your impressions of the game and we're also glad to hear that you are having fun playing this version of ISG!

However, there were several concerns raised about this build, namely on performance as for quite a few nasty bugs and issues reported. This hotfix addresses those issues and w're happy to report that the game requires much less memory to run now (1.5GB less!) and the experience is also much faster and fluid now as we did a lot of run-time performance optimizations.

We're very much looking forward to have your thoughts on this new build.

Note: Save games from Pre-Alpha 11 Unstable may work on this hotfix but we strongly advise that you create new games to benefit from all the changes and fixes of this Pre-Alpha 11 Unstable Hotfix.

You can find the release note for this hotfix below.


Adam Solo & MalRey
Praxis Games

Interstellar Space: Genesis is a new turn-based space 4X strategy game currently under development by Praxis Games. The game is currently at Pre-Alpha and pre-orders with instant access are open! Feel welcome to open threads and discuss any topic you’d like in the game forums.

We’re making the most complete and comprehensive Turn Based Space 4X ever developed, and we count with your support to make it happen! So, please tell your friends about ISG, people who loved Master of Orion but also space 4X games or strategy games in general. Pre-order and play ISG today, and soon you will Discover the Unknown. Thanks!

ISG starmap Pre Alpha 11 Uns Hotfix

ISG desert pre alpha 11 uns hotfix

Moltar isg pre alpha 11 uns hotfix


Pre-Alpha 11 Unstable Hotfix (Release Note)


  • Starmap pan feature now also works with arrow keys and WASD keys.
  • Starmap zoom now also works with pageup/pagedown keys.
  • New star names added.
  • Miniaturization level now shown in the ship design screen next to the component (shields, weapons and special systems).


  • Space Culture Points now covert from 4BC to 1SCP instead of previous 10BC to 1SCP. This means that allocating income to space culture is now much more impactful in SCP generation.
  • Marine Garrison morale bonus for Dictatorship changed from previous +25% to +15%.
  • Feudal government now provides -20% morale penalty without a Garrison, instead of previous -25%.


  • Diplomatic modifier "We are at peace for a very long time." now builds up more quickly.
  • Leader requests for "Shore Leave" now happen less often and more if the leader has had more defeats.
  • Envious leaders do not ask other leaders to be dismissed as often now.
  • Cyrus leader saboteur skill level changed from Expert to Basic (it was Expert by mistake, was used for testing)


  • Game now requires 1.5GB less RAM to run! Optimizations were made to which audio files are loaded and when are played which allowed for a reduction of 1.5GB of RAM required to play the game. This is especially critical for lower-end graphics cards that don't have dedicated RAM.
  • Optimizations to run-time performance were made across the board. Turn processing is faster now, especially on late game. The starmap experience has also improved, it's now much more fluid. These run-time performance improvements are especially noticeable for users running the game with lower-end graphics cards (when running the game in Low graphics quality).
  • When the game launches for the first time it now adapts to the best graphics quality possible according to the user's graphics card performance (only the first time - does not update in new versions).


  • N/A


  • Text heavy areas like the race description and events description now have a larger font.
  • End Turn panel and layers panel buttons at the bottom do not show in the system view now.
  • Fleet icons in starmap now slightly bigger.
  • Command skill tooltip text revised to clarify which skill level corresponds to which ship class the leader can command (be assigned to).


  • N/A


  • Fixed an issue that was causing the invasion panel to now show up. A message would say the colony was conquered (would show a wrong name "Orion IV") and then the colony would not change ownership because the "Occupy" and "Raze" buttons would not show sometimes and the invasion process would not finish correctly.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the starfield to not show when invading during the assault ships cutscene.
  • Fixed an issue with the races animations that was causing them to be a bit choppy. They're smooth now.
  • Fixed an issue where the diplomatic relations tooltip was opening beneath the character portrait in the diplomacy screen.
  • Fixed a bug that was not allowing a planet to be terraformed with ecological level 3 (Uplifted class) when having the Master Geologists space culture perk.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes we could see bombs exploding in space (not in the planet) during planetary bombardment.
  • Fixed an issue where leaders were requesting Shore Leave too often, especially when winning battles.
  • Fixed an issue where the Repulsive race trait was not working in the game.
  • Fixed an issue where the strategic resource icons of a previous loaded game were being shown in a new loaded game during the same session.
  • Fixed a memory issue where memory was not being released when starting a new game, getting back to the main menu and starting a new game.
  • Fixed an issue where we could see a duplicate research screen advisor.
  • Fixed a blocking issue where the game could not proceed when a leader would level up when unavailable (in shore leave).
  • Fixed a bug where the Galactic Council would tell the wrong empire would win.
  • Fixed an issue on the Galactic Council election where the total number of votes and votes to win were not being updated from election to election.
  • Fixed a crash when destroying the last enemy outpost.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes we could see flying tooltips during invasions (fingers crossed it will be resolved this time!)
  • Fixed a bug that allowed an Unavailable leader (in Shore Leave) to be sent in a spy mission.
  • Fixed a typo where it read "my people and myself" now reads "my people and I" in several leader desires.
  • Fixed typo where it read "Rival fleet not in a system with a settlement. Fleet composition unknow" to "Rival fleet not in a system with a settlement. Fleet composition unknown".
  • Fixed an issue where selecting several gas giants, or asteroid belts in the overview panel would not open the second and subsequent systems properly.
  • Fixed a blocking bug when a leader gained a new spy skill but already had the maximum number of skills allowed. Game could not proceed.
  • Fixed the black hole graphics to show the correct one in the system view.
  • Fixed an issue where the 'show remote exploration' check box was being rendered on top of the zoom meter graphics.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes we could see the supply range layer (layer with magenta color) in the system view when creating an outpost or a colony.
  • Fixed a bug where loading a game with the remote exploration screen open corrupted the remote exploration state in the just loaded game.
  • Fixed an issue where it was a bit hard to click on smaller objects like rogue planets and white dwarfs.
  • Fixed a bug where the travel ETA would show a different value from the actual travel time with the Stellar Navigators space culture perk when travelling through nebulae.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the asteroid belts didn't move in the system view.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing all ships found in ruins to move at a slower speed than other ships. One case, the Demolisher, couldn't even move at all.
  • Fixed the typo "extremelly", should be "extremely" in several places in the game.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes Ship defense and attack values would show the number followed by 99999999%, now rounded.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed making diplomacy requests to remove fleets from the player's system when the systems did not belong to the player.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing some text to wrap in the colony view when using resolutions other than 1920x1080.
  • Fixed an issue where the Demolisher derelict ship texture had a strange blue texture.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the Black Hole would disappear after creating an outpost in that system.
  • Galactic Navigation Archive now shows the correct building instead of a placeholder one.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the Bomb fallout and Neutronium bomb icons could not be seen in the planetary assault screen.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause a freeze in game after winning when choosing the "just one more turn" option.
  • Fixed an issue that was not allowing the bomb fallout tooltip to show in the colony view.

Instructions on how to download the latest build can be found here.

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