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Introducing the Rise of Angmar: Remastered submod, porting the original campaign to Edain with all-new missions, improvements and full use of Edain's units and heroes.

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The Rise of Angmar: Remastered

Greetings, companions of Edain!

While we're still hard at work on Edain 4.5, the community has been busy as well! Today we'd like to introduce to you a new submod by SilverElf and The_Necromancer0, The Rise of Angmar: Remastered. For the first time, it allows you to play the Angmar campaign within Edain. We asked Necro to present the submod to you in his own words:

SilverElf's mind: "But what if the Angmar campaign was... in Edain". And a new submod was born.

The Rise of Angmar: Remastered

This submod has two very specific goals: to make the Angmar campaign and the Epilogue campaign compatible with Edain 4.4.1 and to enhance the campaign with a better balance, units and heroes from Edain, additional missions, ect... A lot more could be done but we judged these two tasks enough for a first submod project. The Rise of Angmar: Remastered has the following features:

  • Edain 4.4 Compatible
    More of a base requirement for making this submod but nonetheless a feature, this submod makes full use of the fixed build plot system. In addition, it also makes use of Edain's units and heroes! All vanilla units have been replaced by Edain's versions or by other Edain units. Same goes for heroes, although for some it might not be obvious.
  • Harder Campaign
    The Hard difficulty has really been upped in terms of challenge. Playing on this difficulty will require constant micro and macro along with making full use of things like order chaining and control groups. Not recommended for the faint of heart! Remember, that no matter how hard the campaign may be, it is beatable.
  • A "Butterfly" Effect
    Though sheer abuse of the carryover system of the campaign a system has been implemented to allow certain accomplishments or failures to have lasting effects on the campaign. I'm not sure how to explain so I think it's best to just give you an example. Given that a mission has an optional mission tasking you with the destruction of a wildmen camp of Arnor-sympathisers but you refuse, in a future missions you might come to regret that decision as you see hordes of wildmen running down the hill to aid the Arnor outpost you are currently besieging. On the other hand, if you destroy the camp when asked to do so, the wildmen hordes will scatter and no reinforcements will come to Arnor's aid. This system should bring an extra level of challenge and always keep you wondering whether an optional quest is truly worth ignoring.
  • New Missions
    Two new missions have been added, one is an old unfinished mission from the base campaign that the Edain Team polished but never released and one is a new mission meant to expand the epilogue campaign a bit. This should also allow players to spend more time with some heroes.

A little preview of some of the missions

Installation Instructions
The submod is simply to install and uninstall but if you run into any troubles you can always contact either Elf or I on Modding-Union, ModDB or Discord and we'll be glad to help you. It is important to note that this submod has not been tested with other submods and therefore may not be compatible and/or may cause the game to crash. This submod is meant to function exclusively with vanilla Edain, in addition the minimum Edain version for this submod is 4.4 as many Imladris troops participate in this great struggle. We have recently released the latest patch for the submod. It's a standalone version and we therefore recommend to remove all previously downloaded versions of the submod before installing this one.

  1. Make sure that you have Edain 4.4 or a higher version and that all other submods have been removed
  2. Download the submod either in English or German below:
    English: Link
    German: Link
  3. Open the downloaded archive
  4. Drag and drop the file found in the archive into your game folder (Default: "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Lord of the Rings, The Rise of the Witch-king"

It is important to note that this submod is not multiplayer compatible and will cause mismatches if you attempt to play with users that do not have it. In addition, the submod modifies the base game Angmar in terms of stats and spellbook powers, so it also affects the faction in skirmish mode. It is recommended to only have the submod enabled when you intend to play it.To disable the submod simply move the file outside of your game folder or delete it.

The submod is now installed and upon launching the game you will notice that the singleplayer tab now contains two new options called "The War of the Dwarves" and "The Hobbit", as much as this may seem like an error, it is perfectly normal. Just changing those two texts to something else would have required the addition of a second file to the installation process. The main Angmar campaign is the one titled "The War of the Dwarves" and the Epilogue Campaign is titled "The Hobbit".

Bugs and Feedback
If you find any bugs or have any feedback feel free to report them on this thread, alternatively you can also contact either Elf or I on Discord or ModDB.

SilverElf: Concept & Strings
Necro: Mapping & Coding

Thanks to Julio229 and Haman for testing and finding those pesky bugs. Thanks to Samsara (SP19XX) for solving the bug that prevented Zaphragor's reinforcements.

Thanks to Rekudo and Martin for the german translation of the campaign.

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 60)
Emperors_Fist - - 1,098 comments

Now this is a pleasant surprise!

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Ma_theos33 - - 414 comments

NICE! This will be very interesting to play

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7ty7 - - 786 comments

Wow thanks!

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romanmakarov779 - - 10 comments

Cardolan's graveyard mission is impossible to win. Too many Arnor forces, too little Angmar's. Tried it six times, all failed. Please, do something about it.

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elf-in-silver-armor - - 116 comments

It is not impossible to win. try lower diffeclty or get a better stragety

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romanmakarov779 - - 10 comments

Already playing at the "easy", doesn't help. How did you win?

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elf-in-silver-armor - - 116 comments

I honestly dont know, I did it. and im realy bad at the game. use powers and your heroes to the max. if you still cant win maybe use cheat engine to give yourself some money. I dont fully recommand the last thing and i dont know how it works, But if you realy need it and wanna go on use it. not sure if it will break the mission though

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romanmakarov779 - - 10 comments

I was speaking about first Cardolan mission, when Angmar lures Cardolan's prince into the trap. There is no need for resources, just for more troops, there is no building in this mission.

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elf-in-silver-armor - - 116 comments

ohh that one, It is hard indeed. Im not sure if we will add more troops though, got to use your powers though. also dont rush to the spot you need to keep. kill all the rangers on the map first, so your reinforcments doesnt get sniped

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romanmakarov779 - - 10 comments

Always do it, but it doesn't help. Angmar was still slaughtered by Cardolan. Maybe don't add troops to Angmar, just reduce Cardolan's army.

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elf-in-silver-armor - - 116 comments

Sorry to say, we probley wont cause we nerfed the stuff out of the mission. And if we do it wont be any time soon cause the next patch will when the next edain update comes out, so i cant offer you anything els, Try to do some skirmish agianst brutal to imrpove mircro

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officialNecro - - 1,390 comments

Micro your heroes, use their abilities. Use sorcerers to the maximum. Use the summoning spells to distract the enemy troops.

EDIT: Also use control groups, for that missions I had all 10 control groups liked to troops.

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FG15 - - 3,561 comments

Use the 2 building summoning spells to block the route where the cavalry will usually come frome, as they will focus the buildings first and this will give you time to shoot them with your archers and position your troops.
Also, if you managed to get a lot of enemy troups at one place use corpse rain from the Necromancers because that deals tons of damage. The same with Pleague spell from the spellbook.

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MichiLord - - 41 comments

I got stuck in the second mission. I killed every single enemy on the map and it says I have slain only 271 goblins. None are spawning and I am not allowed to go to right corner in the map. Dunno what to do, help?

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officialNecro - - 1,390 comments

Try destroying the bone piles.

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saitouakira - - 245 comments

i attempted carn dum mission and it was by far the hardest mission so far i cannot seem to do anything my units even fully upgraded die like flies even killing all thier siege engines doesn't work at all since the last wave is just maddness overload then due to many units

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elf-in-silver-armor - - 116 comments

Try something els if you cant win. there is a easter egg that give reiforecments on the map if you realy need it. Aslo holding on the the actal reinforcments is key cause they will save you. If it is still to hard try a lower diffeculty

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saitouakira - - 245 comments

what easter egg? i've send units all over the map and looked all over the map just to try and find it

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elf-in-silver-armor - - 116 comments

I wont spoiler it, you got to use the riddle in the artical

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saitouakira - - 245 comments

i found the easter egg but i assume it doesn't work since no extra reinforcements,and in the end it doesn't matter i tried lower diffulcty but i stil get swamped by thier army since the army doesn't auctally move out and its only siege engines that go until a gate is broken and then they all move at once

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elf-in-silver-armor - - 116 comments

It is not broken as far as i know, It comes with the other reinforcements, you should not push out. you need to hold chokepoints intill you the reinforcements arive, that is the point of the mission. the reinforcements are suppose to save you.

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saitouakira - - 245 comments

is it also supposed to happen that only the siege engines assault the fortress at all until a gate is down and then all the units on the map at point flood into it? and its only 5 untis that come in the reinforcements excluding the hero's

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saitouakira - - 245 comments

so far i've done about 60 or so attempts on medium diffulcty carn dum and none have been succesful you just get swamped by to many units at the last 5mins or so that your outnumbered 20 to 1

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elf-in-silver-armor - - 116 comments

Well, People have done it on hard without any reinfocments so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, We wont be changing it any time soon anyways, the next patch will be when the next edain update is. So you just have to find a way to beat it as it is, sorry

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saitouakira - - 245 comments

on easy its doable then it becomes like medium diffulcty if you did it without the mod

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saitouakira - - 245 comments

i found out that you cannot get the last power in the angmar campaign due to missing 1 power point i dont know if thats from edain themselves or if you can guys can auctally fix it.

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elf-in-silver-armor - - 116 comments

Thanks for letting us know, I will look into it

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Guest - - 700,080 comments

So I can't download the submod. It keeps taking me to dropbox and won't let me download. Pls HELP?!

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elf-in-silver-armor - - 116 comments

It is a bug with dropbox, Copy the link, Open incognito mode and past the link in there

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daniel4jello - - 10 comments

Having the same problem as well. Did what you did and still showing as".big files can't be previewed"

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officialNecro - - 1,390 comments

The file doesn’t need to be previewed in order to be downloaded, just look for a download button somewhere on that page. From memory it should be in the top right corner.

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Guest - - 700,080 comments

I have question about custom hero. Why custon elven archer or ranger can't be pick for imladris?

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Julio229 - - 104 comments

To pick a custom hero for Imladris or Rohan, you must open the hero selection, click on that hero and then type their starting letter. If there's more than one with that letter, you'll need to do it more than once. It is better explained on the pop-up that appears on the mod itself :P

Also, this isn't the best place to ask, as this is the news for the Angmar Submod (though still the page for the Edain Mod)

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Guest - - 700,080 comments

Sory for this but i don't how to do this :/

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Guest - - 700,080 comments

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Julio229 - - 104 comments

As an example, imagine you want to take a custom hero called Earnur for Imladris. You would click on Earnur, and then press E, and Earnur would be selected as the hero. I hope it works!

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marvincito - - 10 comments

no puedo pasar de la primera misión ya que al construir las fortalezas termina el conteo de llegada de los numenóreanos y automáticamente pierdo la misión... ayuda por favor!

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Julio229 - - 104 comments

¿Cuántas veces has intentado la misión? Puede que haya sido un error aleatorio.

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ersch43 - - 107 comments

Hey I'm stuck in mission one, after the enemy forces try to destroy my fortresses, I kill them all and nothing happens.

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Nefki - - 64 comments

How come when you play The Hobbit you dont get any powers? Also how do you get the extra reinforcements in the Carn Dum mission?

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Darth_Malgus501 - - 41 comments

how can i do the hobbit i got only angmar mission?

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Nefki - - 64 comments

Asking again, why doesent the player get powers when playing as Arnor in the campaing?

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SchuldundSchmerzlos - - 37 comments

heh funny but the german version has a bug where the campaign is called Krieg der zwerge in the main menu making it the war of the Dwarfs not the angmar campaign

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Guest - - 700,080 comments

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Militiaops - - 5 comments

Why do I lose the first mission every time the counterattack is about to start? Like it doesnt even matter how many soldiers I have etc, as soon as the timer ends, the mission ends.

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JOELPACO2106 - - 89 comments

lo mismo me pasa

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Guest - - 700,080 comments

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JOELPACO2106 - - 89 comments

no puedo pasar de la primera misión ya que al construir las fortalezas termina el conteo de llegada de los numenóreanos y automáticamente pierdo la misión... ayuda por favor!

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JOELPACO2106 - - 89 comments

ya intenté de todo, pero no puedo avanzar, juego en dificultad fácil ¿tiene que ver eso?

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