Post news RSS Oraw is dead. Bitch please, Hell NO

I'm going to finish this, for everyone who's been waiting.

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As most of you might have noticed we recently went public on the Yuuzhan Vong at War Project, a massive mod, largest ever for Empire at War, watch that, it's going to be massive, just how massive I'm not allowed to say but I can say I'm working on no less than 3 super star destroyers atm for Burntstrobe, the project lead. And I'm working on that most of my time, however:

I was modelling when I felt that feeling, the feeling of having something in your life which you just didn't do, that was finishing Old republic at war. I WILL NOT have this slowly die like so many mods out there already did. This is my project and I'm going for one last release.
This will only include space, ground is cut out, gc is cut out, even with all progress on that, I will cut out anything I see fit along the way, I'm seeing this as dragging to the finishing line and I'm dumping anything that I can't do or can't complete on a reasonable term. This does not mean that I wont give you the best goddamn space skirmish that I can possibly give you.

For my defence: The ORaW development team once again is only me, myself and I and 9gag isn't helping me either. Also talking about I's does anyone else think this: i looks like a zombie when you zoom in?

Been doing some serious coding last days, also made some new sound effects, particles ect. and the usual visual enhancements and I hope to have a nice video for you all soon.

Also the eternal question has finally been asked on the YVaW mod, what the hell is my profile picture? It are 2 crossing Katana blades. This point of the post I'm just stating random crap because I don't have anything else to talk about, so back to the Sith cruisers hardpoint codes.

LucianoStarKiller - - 2,399 comments

good to know about both the mod and you profile pic
and as a 9gager myself i already knew about the i zombie thing =D

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~Avenger~ - - 805 comments


(this is not spam :P)

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Sanguinius - - 5,719 comments

Even tho i'm happy you are going to finish skirmish i'm truly sad you are giving up on this mod without making land units and GC. Skirmish is good for a while but i gets really really boring after a week or so. I suggest you give permission to someone else to finish the mod, it would be a total waste to leave it at Space only. I just hope YVaW won't end up same as this mod...

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~DarthRevan~ - - 120 comments

!!>><<++++READ THIS MR.MODDER PLEASE++++>><<!!

First off I am completely greatful for your hard work on this mod, you are talented and we can NOT ask anything more of you.

That being said, I would like to say a couple other things.
1. Honestly I am greatful, but if you cut out GC I will instantly stop caring about this mod. I am not at all ungreatful or immature, that simply is the only thing I really care about on this game.

2. I am a MAJOR fan of Revan (which should be obvious from my name) and one of the biggest reasons I started rooting for this mod was the dream of controlling him on the land and then having him command fleets of awesome ships in GC to conquer the galaxy. Without land I am already hugely disappointed (BUT WILL ALWAYS BE GREATFUL FOR YOUR WORK). But no land + no GC. I just can't go on at that point.

Nevertheless, your decision is your own and I will respect that. I just wanted it known that, with all due respect, I will stop caring about this mod if all there will be is skirmish. Best wishes, -Revan.

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Tyrranus - - 243 comments

Sanguinius fairly sums up my sentiment on this...Im glad to see its not gonna totally die incomplete but really bummed its gonna be 1/4 the mod it should have been

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MrPerson - - 1,802 comments

no land battles??? why????? I wish GC would have been inplemented that would have made it so much better, that all I do in EAW mostly

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Jeroenimo Author
Jeroenimo - - 6,764 comments

There are no land unit models at all, like 3 for vehicles and a few infantry here and there, nothing else to work with.

creating those would take ages and as this is a last-man standing atm I am not going to model, rig, texture and code 30 ground units.

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EclipseStardestroyer - - 1,716 comments

If this news was made into a speech, I would applaud!

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xdlmao - - 435 comments

Really, your working alone, i thought you had a large team backing you up. amazing job, if i can help get ground and gc working and, just help over all PM me.

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Oden1234 - - 556 comments

You disappoint me. False promises, false hopes...where's the drive you had when you started this? You took up another mod instead of finishing your own first? humph, shows the amount of respect you have for your dedicated followers. And here we I thinking that i'd finally found the mod that would seems that i have overestimated your worth. Your work this far has been exceptional, why not see it through to the fullest, even if it takes you years, instead of stopping here, at the cold, bitter end?

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Guardian14 - - 1,019 comments

Hey it's rlly hard to put together something like this especially when you're working alone. Give the guy a break, most people would have just ended it and not even given you a release.

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~DarthRevan~ - - 120 comments

I see and agree with what you are saying, but Oden is right. This mod started with great enthusiasm and promises. It is a major disappointment to see it just end here incomplete. I mean on one hand I can see that he was left all alone in this, and on the other it just seems like he is giving up on the mod to an extent. Ultimately it is his choice and I applaud the modder's work thus far, I do believe though that if such enthusiasm on a mod can turn into this end for this mod then it is possible the same will happen to any other mod he embarks on.

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Jeroenimo Author
Jeroenimo - - 6,764 comments

Lol sounds like I'm a virus, but I see what you mean.

I've lost interest in ORAW after losing my team twice, I have other things in my life to think about too, I can't create an entire mod by myself. Well I could, but it'd take years, while there are much more interesting projects like the Vong to work on, which honestly when you see what I've been doing there you'd see why I want to continue that.

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OrangeNero - - 6,591 comments

since i only ever do play space skirmish that doesn't bother me at all.

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Jeroenimo Author
Jeroenimo - - 6,764 comments

I'm dragging this towards the finals FOR the DEDICATED FOLLOWERS, for else I'd be working on YVaW I'm finishing ORAW because of the following I got. This is the reason I'm finishing it where of else I could let this die silently.

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Illusion/Radiance - - 41 comments

I had assumed that you had a huge team for this awesome mod. Now that I know that this is a one man project, I'd also be glad to help you with this mod. Just don't let it go without GC and land! PM me if I can be any assistance at all.

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MrPerson - - 1,802 comments

I appreciate all the effort you put into this, so maybe you could release the files so that other modders could do the ground part as long as they give you total credit for the space part, there are very few mods that have old republic or sith in them, and if they do they are space, I would like to see some shiny sith battledroids and soldiers.

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Wolf186 - - 273 comments

Wait, isn't it possible to have just space GC? I've seen it down in some EAW mods.

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MrPerson - - 1,802 comments

yea, but it still makes you take over ground too, which if you take some infantry and land them, when the map loads, there are no points under your control, so you must auto resolve

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GodofDarkness - - 548 comments

even though im saddened that there will be no ground or GC parts, ill be honest with myself, i only bought star wars FOC is to play space skirmish, so you will be filling all my needs

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Jeroenimo Author
Jeroenimo - - 6,764 comments

Exactly what I always do.

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u-raptor - - 542 comments

hey how about someone pick t up for you? reply to my comment if you want to pick up this mod!

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Jeroenimo Author
Jeroenimo - - 6,764 comments

Do you expect me to put up a vote for who can continue my mod?

This is my project and unless someone shows some real tallent I'm absolutly not going to just donate my entire work to them.

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u-raptor - - 542 comments

yeah guess you have a point, but there must be some kind of way to continue the mod...just hate to see such a good mod go. :/

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Sakada_Dahl - - 15 comments

Perseverance,I see.
May the Force be with you. Geroenimo!

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lugema1 - - 340 comments

I really admire you for making a final version. I mean, It's really hard to keep something going if oneself's loosing interest. Working on your own is hard as well... I really understand that you won't make a ground version. After all you have put all effort into space and this will make a real good mod - without ground combat. Thats my opinion.
And I seriously thought on the right side of your avatar there's a bed, lol. Looks kinda like it :D So I thought it might be some modern bedroom or something, but turned out to be catanas. Odd...

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Raiikoe - - 84 comments

You can still pick it back up and finish it, For me?

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07_Republic_commando - - 250 comments

In my opinion this is a really good mod probably one of the best but it is very sad that you are leaving it to slowly die :(

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